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Cutsinger is God

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Cassin said:
Hang tight guys. I am looking into everything.

I will reply here again tomorrow after I look into a few things. Until then I ask all of you to remain civil and respectful.

No linking any pics that will get someone in trouble. :)

...I got 12 pm's today on "trolls"........geez

Thank you Cassin. I am from Wisconsin Cassin and my IP should say that. As for Dave, again I don't know where on the east coast he lives. I also am on AOL if that makes any difference. We have been taking a beating from all these people today and it's all because of this moderator who had it in for us from the beginning because he doesn't agree with us on our theory of the shampoo debate.

David and I have been nothing but respectful but a man can only take so much especially when these clowns want to hang you and not even know the facts. I suspect this will all get resolved hopefully tomorrow morning and make sure to tell The Gardener to give us an apology. I am pissed at how he handled this today. My entire reputation is ruined because of him.


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Cutsinger is God said:
I suspect this will all get resolved hopefully tomorrow morning and make sure to tell The Gardener to give us an apology. I am pissed at how he handled this today. My entire reputation is ruined because of him.

I think you'll be ok....

Diamond Dave

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Cassin said:
...I got 12 pm's today on "trolls"........geez

I would like to thank the forum members for their quick responses to Cassin concerning this matter.
I now feel appreciated and part of the family.

Cutsinger is God

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Cassin said:
Cutsinger is God said:
I suspect this will all get resolved hopefully tomorrow morning and make sure to tell The Gardener to give us an apology. I am pissed at how he handled this today. My entire reputation is ruined because of him.

I think you'll be ok....

Thank you Cassin. I almost had a heart attack at what they were going to do to Dave and I in the spur of the moment. It was like the Salem Witch Hunts of years past.

Diamond Dave

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badasshairday said:
Soooo... How do you clean your body and hair if soap contains SLS?

I use SLS free body wash. I buy it at The Vitamin Shoppe.
It may be available elsewhere or you can get it on the web.
The brand name is Jason.

I actually use my topical as the cleansing agent. I apply it before I take a shower and have absolutely no problems.

If you have dandruff or fungal problems you can rinse your hair lightly with Apple Cider Vinegar before rinsing with water.

Actually Witch Hazel is a dynamite product for hair health. I actually apply it before bed with my Quercetin mix. Hair keeps growing... :D


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Humans do go through seasonal sheddings and I am wondering if that type of shedding can be artificially induced by excessive exposure to hot water, etc. and if it could become a type of chronic shedding that exacerbates the genetic balding condition.


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Re: re:

Cutsinger is God said:
No, no, no. It's not like that. My girlfriend has a pottery class and I asked her to look at Lawrence's July photos and to make a bust of him just for fun.

You don't wash your hair and yet you still manage to have a girlfriend?? :lol:

She did it and it turned out pretty good. I now keep it just for fun but everytime I see it, I am reminded not to use shampoo and that someday I'll get full regrowth.

No you won't. I absolutely, completely, totally guarantee it. Trust me on this one small point. I repeat, if Lawrence's theory is true, and shampoo is the cause of hair loss, then:
a. why did men go bald before the advent of shampoo use?
b. why don't all men who use shampoo eventually go bald?
c. why don't all women who use shampoo go bald?
d. why don't men who use shampoo lose all of their hair, including hair at the back and sides of the head which is not typically affected by male pattern baldness?
e. how do you explain the proven influence of androgens on scalp hair?
f. how do you explain the proven effectiveness of anti-androgen drugs in regrowing hair?

You can't answer me, can you. And you just keep on saying "I'm not a technical expert, read the website". I did trym but it's just a load of unscientific crap with zero reputable scientific data.


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he'd rather believe mumbo jumbo then proven scientific fact.

thats his problem then. let him lose his hair.

Diamond Dave

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Re: re:

Pondle said:
I repeat, if Lawrence's theory is true, and shampoo is the cause of hair loss, then:
a. why did men go bald before the advent of shampoo use?
b. why don't all men who use shampoo eventually go bald?
c. why don't all women who use shampoo go bald?
d. why don't men who use shampoo lose all of their hair, including hair at the back and sides of the head which is not typically affected by male pattern baldness?
e. how do you explain the proven influence of androgens on scalp hair?
f. how do you explain the proven effectiveness of anti-androgen drugs in regrowing hair?

You can't answer me, can you. And you just keep on saying "I'm not a technical expert, read the website". I did trym but it's just a load of unscientific crap with zero reputable scientific data.

I've answered these questions many times over Pondle, you know that, but you continue to hassle CIG.

You love to throw the same silly questions around as if you are proving a point. Let me give you an example:

You and some other members love to repeat this question as if it is your motto:
Why don't all men (women) who use shampoo go bald???

This is like arguing with your doctor because he tells you smoking is bad for you and can cause cancer and you tell him smoking can't possibly be bad.

Then you hit him with your motto: Hey Doctor...why don't all men and women who smoke get cancer?

I hope this analogy hasn't confused you. It makes total sense.

I make more sense than anybody else I know. :wink:


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Re: re:

Diamond Dave said:
Pondle said:
I repeat, if Lawrence's theory is true, and shampoo is the cause of hair loss, then:
a. why did men go bald before the advent of shampoo use?
b. why don't all men who use shampoo eventually go bald?
c. why don't all women who use shampoo go bald?
d. why don't men who use shampoo lose all of their hair, including hair at the back and sides of the head which is not typically affected by male pattern baldness?
e. how do you explain the proven influence of androgens on scalp hair?
f. how do you explain the proven effectiveness of anti-androgen drugs in regrowing hair?

You can't answer me, can you. And you just keep on saying "I'm not a technical expert, read the website". I did trym but it's just a load of unscientific crap with zero reputable scientific data.

I've answered these questions many times over Pondle, you know that, but you continue to hassle CIG.

You love to throw the same silly questions around as if you are proving a point. Let me give you an example:

You and some other members love to repeat this question as if it is your motto:
Why don't all men (women) who use shampoo go bald???

This is like arguing with your doctor because he tells you smoking is bad for you and can cause cancer and you tell him smoking can't possibly be bad.

Then you hit him with your motto: Hey Doctor...why don't all men and women who smoke get cancer?

I hope this analogy hasn't confused you. It makes total sense.

I make more sense than anybody else I know. :wink:

Dave, you haven't answered any of those "silly" questions AT ALL (you only call them "silly" because you haven't got a decent reply, LOL).

If you're trying to imply that some men are more susceptible to hair loss than others - presumably because of genetics - then you've unwittingly proved my point.

5AR Type II converts T to DHT inside the hair follicle. This binds to androgen receptors and causes progressive shortening of the growth phase and miniturisation of hair. This is what causes baldness. Balding scalp has more DHT and more androgen receptors than hirsute scalp.

So go get a Propecia prescription and wash your thinning greasy strands before you lose the rest. :doh:

Case closed. NEXT!

Cutsinger is God

Established Member
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Re: re:

Pondle said:
Cutsinger is God said:
No, no, no. It's not like that. My girlfriend has a pottery class and I asked her to look at Lawrence's July photos and to make a bust of him just for fun.

You don't wash your hair and yet you still manage to have a girlfriend?? :lol:

She did it and it turned out pretty good. I now keep it just for fun but everytime I see it, I am reminded not to use shampoo and that someday I'll get full regrowth.

No you won't. I absolutely, completely, totally guarantee it. Trust me on this one small point. I repeat, if Lawrence's theory is true, and shampoo is the cause of hair loss, then:
a. why did men go bald before the advent of shampoo use?
b. why don't all men who use shampoo eventually go bald?
c. why don't all women who use shampoo go bald?
d. why don't men who use shampoo lose all of their hair, including hair at the back and sides of the head which is not typically affected by male pattern baldness?
e. how do you explain the proven influence of androgens on scalp hair?
f. how do you explain the proven effectiveness of anti-androgen drugs in regrowing hair?

You can't answer me, can you. And you just keep on saying "I'm not a technical expert, read the website". I did trym but it's just a load of unscientific crap with zero reputable scientific data.

Poodle, do you think you are being funny when you say I don't have a girlfriend? Quit being so obtuse. First of all why do you assume because we are saying shampooo causes hairloss that we don't wash our hair. I'll say this again so you can get it thru your thick skull Poodle. I WASH MY HAIR EVERY DAY. Just like I always did when I shampooed except this time I JUST USE WATER!! Do you now understand.

My girlfriend doesn't even know the difference. I don't smell, I don't have greasy hair, nothing negative to report and for your information I just had sex last night like I do every night or most nights I should say. I am living proof that a balding non shampooer can get the ladies.

As far as you closing this case. That is laughable. The case will be closed when Lawrence shocks the entire hairloss community with his full regrowth photos in July followed by a guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show.

Diamond Dave

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Re: re:

Cutsinger is God said:
As far as you closing this case. That is laughable. The case will be closed when Lawrence shocks the entire hairloss community with his full regrowth photos in July followed by a guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show.

And you all will be watching even though you'll post here denying it to impress each other.

The Gardener

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Here is the straight scoop on the IP issue.

ALL of the IP activity I saw in the postings is absolutely and completely correct.

HOWEVER, due to the dynamic IP assignment of particular ISP's, the IP behavior that I saw and is logged in can in NO WAY be used as a reliable indicator of identifying unique posters.

I had a little discussion about this with one of the IT folks here at the office, and some ISPs can even assign different IP addresses to EACH INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION, and not just each individual log in to the ISP network. Thus, it is possible for two completely different contributors to post messages, and the ISP might very well "bucket" these messages into one IP address, or "family" of IP addresses, to manage electronic traffic.

That being said, the IP behavior I saw yesterday was completely true. But from the observations, one can't prove who is whom because of the dynamic IP assignments, and no judgements can be made from it about the uniqueness of usernames here on

Cutsinger is God

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I agree Diamond Dave. They'll all be secretly watching let's face it.

I also noticed all the blind mice that followed The Gardener's footsteps assuming because he was some authority figure that he was correct. Well just like we said, The Gardener errored big time and don't you think I didn't forget it either. Now I went over this entire subject and I want each and everyone of you to reply back here and apologize to Mr. Diamond Dave and I for accusing us of being the same person and immediately wanting us banned without even a trial. I would like a sincere apology from the following blind mice:

1. The Gardener
2. Pondle
3. UK1
4. DammitLetMeIn
5. JayMan
6. Roki
7. Global
8. Barcafan

Let's see how these blind mice feel when the shoe is on the other foot. You were all wrong for jumping to conclusions. The least you could do is apologize. Do you have the guts and integrity to admit your wrong doings? We shall see. You are all on the clock.

The Gardener

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That's not going to happen, Cutsinger.

A clarification has been made, and the record is clear and now documented.

In fact, I think you should keep in mind there has been more technical assistance and accountability applied to addressing this IP issue than you are demanding of your own "shampooing causes hairloss issue", so lets not push it.

Cutsinger is God

Established Member
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The Gardener said:
Here is the straight scoop on the IP issue.

ALL of the IP activity I saw in the postings is absolutely and completely correct.

HOWEVER, due to the dynamic IP assignment of particular ISP's, the IP behavior that I saw and is logged in can in NO WAY be used as a reliable indicator of identifying unique posters.

I had a little discussion about this with one of the IT folks here at the office, and some ISPs can even assign different IP addresses to EACH INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION, and not just each individual log in to the ISP network. Thus, it is possible for two completely different contributors to post messages, and the ISP might very well "bucket" these messages into one IP address, or "family" of IP addresses, to manage electronic traffic.

That being said, the IP behavior I saw yesterday was completely true. But from the observations, one can't prove who is whom because of the dynamic IP assignments, and no judgements can be made from it about the uniqueness of usernames here on

The Gardener, you know what. Just apologize. I don't want to hear your crap. You jumped the gun on this and now you are trying to save your face. As far as I am concerned your credibility is totally shot. Nothing you say can be relied upon as the truth. Cassin is the only guy that I trust so what you say means absolutely nothing. You screwed up and it's too late trying to justify what you were doing. Apologize to us two and we'll forget about it. That goes for the rest of you on that list.
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