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The Gardener

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That's not going to happen, Cutsinger.

A clarification has been made, and the record is clear and now documented.

In fact, I think you should keep in mind there has been more technical rigor and accountability applied to addressing this IP issue than you are demanding of your own "shampooing causes hairloss issue", so lets not push it.


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Cutsinger is God said:
global said:
2. Even if Gardener isn't right about the IP adresses (and I think he is) Cutsinger & Diamond aren't contributing anything to this site anyway except for spreading disinformation. So they should both be banned anyway.

Ok Global, what if Gardener started making false accusations about you. What if Me, Joe Moron just comes on and says. "Ah, Global wasn't contributing much anyway. Even if Gardener is wrong let's ban Global anyway". How would you feel. Gee, I bet you would really feel good knowing some strange guy just accused you of something you didn't do and instead of reprimanding the guy who made the false accusation, they still go ahead and ban the wrong guy JUST BECAUSE?

Holy crap, I feel like I am in a cult here the way everyone acts towards some people with a slightly different point of view. Good Lord.

The difference is I'm not spreading nonsense about shampoo. That's why I wouldn't get banned if anyone made allegations about my IP address.


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Re: re:

Cutsinger is God said:
Poodle, do you think you are being funny when you say I don't have a girlfriend? Quit being so obtuse.

I just had sex last night like I do every night or most nights I should say. I am living proof that a balding non shampooer can get the ladies.

Pondle never said that you didn't have a girlfriend, he was just understandably suprised. If you do.. does it not worry you that she probably wants to f*ck this 'Cutsinger' guy as badly as you do?


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UK1 said:
Cutsinger is God said:
Poodle, do you think you are being funny when you say I don't have a girlfriend? Quit being so obtuse.

I just had sex last night like I do every night or most nights I should say. I am living proof that a balding non shampooer can get the ladies.

Pondle never said that you didn't have a girlfriend, he was just understandably suprised. If you do.. does it not worry you that she probably wants to f*ck this 'Cutsinger' guy as badly as you do?

hahahahah thats funny to me


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Cutsinger is God said:
I agree Diamond Dave. They'll all be secretly watching let's face it.

I also noticed all the blind mice that followed The Gardener's footsteps assuming because he was some authority figure that he was correct. Well just like we said, The Gardener errored big time and don't you think I didn't forget it either. Now I went over this entire subject and I want each and everyone of you to reply back here and apologize to Mr. Diamond Dave and I for accusing us of being the same person and immediately wanting us banned without even a trial. I would like a sincere apology from the following blind mice:

1. The Gardener
2. Pondle
3. UK1
4. DammitLetMeIn
5. JayMan
6. Roki
7. Global
8. Barcafan

Let's see how these blind mice feel when the shoe is on the other foot. You were all wrong for jumping to conclusions. The least you could do is apologize. Do you have the guts and integrity to admit your wrong doings? We shall see. You are all on the clock.

Sorry no apology to you two jokers.

Like I said before I didn't suggest you be banned for the IP address issue I suggested you be banned for filling the forum with disinformation.

You two are the blind mice for following your ridiculous shampoo cult. Why don't you have the guts & integrity to answer some of the questions put to you instead of just telling people to visit another forum

Cutsinger is God

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The Gardener said:
That's not going to happen, Cutsinger.

A clarification has been made, and the record is clear and now documented.

In fact, I think you should keep in mind there has been more technical rigor and accountability applied to addressing this IP issue than you are demanding of your own "shampooing causes hairloss issue", so lets not push it.

The Gardener, who told you to check out the IP's to begin with? Let me take a wild guess? Nobody. It was you yourself that did it all on your own because you had some ridiculous notion that two people were one and you kept on and on until you found something, anything to make your conspiracy theory work. The blind mice here and they know who they are because I listed them all jumped on your bandwagon and within an hour everyone is believing you that we are the same. Again, nice work Kojak.

If you would of just laid off playing Barney Fife this would of never happened. Cassin, now that guy is a professional. I spoke via email last night with DD and turns out he's on AOL like I am. He's also from Maryland and I am from Wisconsin. So unless Scotty is beaming me back and forth from MD to WI, you are 100% WRONG!! and damit, I want you to apologize because until you do, these morons will continue to believe or want to believe that we are the same.

You also should keep in mind that I have applied more common sense to addressing this IP issue than you have trying to prove that two people are one person.


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As far as you closing this case. That is laughable. The case will be closed when Lawrence shocks the entire hairloss community with his full regrowth photos in July followed by a guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show.

Surprised? Colour me AMAZED. :lol:

I repeat, if Lawrence's theory is true, and shampoo is the cause of hair loss, then:
a. why did men go bald before the advent of shampoo use?
b. why don't all men who use shampoo eventually go bald?
c. why don't all women who use shampoo go bald?
d. why don't men who use shampoo lose all of their hair, including hair at the back and sides of the head which is not typically affected by male pattern baldness?
e. how do you explain the proven influence of androgens on scalp hair?
f. how do you explain the proven effectiveness of anti-androgen drugs in regrowing hair?


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And by the way, what do you mean by "you are on the clock"?

What are you going to do?



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Cutsinger is God said:
I also noticed all the blind mice that followed The Gardener's footsteps assuming because he was some authority figure that he was correct

From the man who calls himself "Cutsinger is God"? Pot, kettle, black...?

Diamond Dave

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The Gardener said:
Here is the straight scoop on the IP issue.

ALL of the IP activity I saw in the postings is absolutely and completely correct.

HOWEVER, due to the dynamic IP assignment of particular ISP's, the IP behavior that I saw and is logged in can in NO WAY be used as a reliable indicator of identifying unique posters.

Thank you Gardener for acknowledging that IP assignments ARE NOT a reliable indicator of identifying unique posters.

Even though I feel like CIG and I were the victims of a witch hunt due to your diligent efforts to find something to discredit us due to our unique theory on hair loss I believe the following:

1. You would not have expended any energy to discredit us if we perpetuated the use of commercial topicals (Nogaine, dutasteride, Nizoral, etc)

After all Gardener...have you done an IP investigative background check on all members? Of course not

2. I believe your data about the IP address similarities is absolutely correct and I believe you are telling the truth about what you found.
I also believe you jumped the gun about announcing to the forum that CIG and I were possibly the same person.
I know hind-sight is 20-20 but maybe next time get Cassin involved. He does not consider us guilty until proven innocent.

Bottom line: I believe Gardener is telling the truth 100% but just jumped the gun on his reactions. Even I'm not perfect. :D
I consider it over.

Cutsinger is God

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The Gardener said:
Okay, now I am fairly convinced that we are dealing with ONE poster using two userids.

Dave, this is his little quote that did us in with the Blind Mice crowd. Notice how he uses "fairly". This word gives him the opportunity to escape in the event he was wrong and we all know now that Mr. Gardener was 100% wrong. Notice how I never used "fairly. I said 100%. Who seems more confident. It's a no brainer, Cutsinger is God is the choice.

Of course now that we know the truth, the blind mice will still want to believe in Mr. Gardener. The seed has been planted and the damage has been done. Sorry Dave, but my credibility is all I have so I am a little bit more upset over this than you are. I suppose in time I will forgive him but it would be nice if he could just admit and say 100% that you and I are two different people. He's a stubborn mule if you ask me.


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Cutsinger is God said:
Do I think it strange that we've all had no results. You had to have been there from the beginning to understand. The guy Lawrence claimed all these good things would happen if everyone just cut out shampoo. It actually makes alot of sense in theory and it appealed to many including me. The problem was Hairguy was such a dictator in the beginning that I belive he set a precedent by forcing people to say only positive things. Because of this I believe people just lied or made up things. Well many other desperate people jumped aboard as time went on. Also all the people did it WITHOUT A SINGLE PHOTO to go by and Hairguy was totally against showing his regrowth.

After about a year of doing it I got fed up and went on a crusade to get to the bottom of GIB. I found out thru months and months of interrogations that pretty much everyone was lying or couldn't provide a single photo to prove their claims of grunge. I even forced the leader to show his regrowth. You can check his July photos out for yourself and be the judge. Some claim major regrowth like Nizzy and other did not see a single thing.

As far as this Diamond Dave. He likes to pick fights with me on occasion. Diamond Dave is as bald as they come so don't listen to his claims of regrowth. It's all a ploy to get under my skin and I have to admit he's doing it again.

There is only one photo there from a guy named FirestormUK that gives an appearance of so called regrowth but my personal opinion of him and that photo is he was just playing a little game with us by adding a little toppik to his crown. Hairy you know **** well that nobody has shown any evidence of regrowth from grunge.

Would it make you feel any better if I reminded you that you had zero credibility anyway? :)

Diamond Dave

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UK1 said:
Would it make you feel any better if I reminded you that you had zero credibility anyway? :)

This is not true at all.
CIG has credibility with me and several members (7 now) that are PMing with me concerning hair loss due to shampoo but they wish to remain low key and I honor their wish.

You guys have no idea how quickly you brought attention to CIG and me with IP-Gate. I love you all.


Poor guys that are following you are so desperate to find a solution to hairloss because they think its in their control. Unfortunately its not.

Men have gone bald long before the advent of shampoo. Its genetics. Its like some woman telling other women to stop cleaning their coochie with soap that their periods will stop over time. Unfortunately its not going to happen. We can't control our biology.


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A few points:
No one has answered Pondles questions about shampoo because they have no answer. I have read this entire discussion and reviewed and none of these questions are answered. Not sure who Diamond is trying to fool or whether he just enjoys useless arguments, but those questions remain unanswered and IMO will remain unanswered because they destroy the theory that shampoo is bad for us. Not to mention the mountain of evidence that Mr. Barry has posted.
There is no accepted scientific studies that correlate shampoo use with evening increasing hairloss rates never mind it causing baldness. In fact, there are many studies that show how anti dandruff shampoos actually improve hair counts for men with male pattern baldness.
The bickering on this discussion has been a bit childish at times.
The internet population, like all of society, includes people who can be convinced of anything regardless of any real facts, science or evidence as in the case of diamond dave and Cutsinger. This is an open forum and they have a right to make any claims (as long as they are not selling anything), if people are so stupid that they believe these claims then let them waste their time, money and hair follicle....IMO of course.
In closing, I'd just like to point out that baby wash contains SLS. Pretty remarkable that Johnson's and Johnson's would take a such a gamble to include a harmful chemical in the product that they basically make all of their money on........ ... filterID=0

Diamond Dave

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Re: re:

Johnny24601 said:
I'd just like to point out that baby wash contains SLS. Pretty remarkable that Johnson's and Johnson's would take a such a gamble to include a harmful chemical in the product that they basically make all of their money on........ ... filterID=0

Your post just brought a brilliant thought to mind (actually I have them all the time):

First...not all baby wash contains SLS. You have to look hard but you can find it.
Second...most people in the general public (except those educated by me) do not know the damaging effects of SLS and the shampoo companies are gonna keep their mouths shut. WHY?
1. SLS is dirt cheap
2. It creates suds and we all know from shampoo 101 that suds sell shampoo.

Brilliant thought...if SLS is so harmless as most of you guys in this forum believe then why are there shampoos and body washes available that are marketed as SLS free as the selling point???

I make more sense than anybody else I know....


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Mmmmm....Davey Boy still avoid answering the questions.
Actually people have been aware of SLS and other additives like phthalates for some time.

Here we go..........
I repeat, if Lawrence's theory is true, and shampoo is the cause of hair loss, then:
a. why did men go bald before the advent of shampoo use?
b. why don't all men who use shampoo eventually go bald?
c. why don't all women who use shampoo go bald?
d. why don't men who use shampoo lose all of their hair, including hair at the back and sides of the head which is not typically affected by male pattern baldness?
e. how do you explain the proven influence of androgens on scalp hair?
f. how do you explain the proven effectiveness of anti-androgen drugs in regrowing hair?


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At this point I kn ow I am encouraging Diamond just like encouraging the obnoxious kid in grade school. I can't help myself and I apologize to those who are offended by my actions. in my defense I am trying to make sure that others don't buy into this crap until at least some sort of real evidence is presented.
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