Staring down strangers...


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s.a.f said:
Q you cant say that a hairline (or an outline of one) does'nt make a difference it clearly does.

You cant say this guy would'nt benefit from having a hairline like below.


I think these pictures illustrate better than anything else, the incomprensible unfortune of male pattern baldness. Both guys( if you take out their heads so you can only see their faces) are more or less similar looking. Its the hair alone that pretty much makes the bottom guy(sorry I forget his name) look good. In honesty, I would say that the top guy doesnt look so good bald, and like most other white bald guys, this is often the type of attractiveness they have. It amazes me how those tiny hairs that make up his head, are the world of difference when it comes to their attractiveness. Its sad that those tiny bits of hair mean everything when it comes to attractiveness.


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s.a.f said:
Yes but the fat guy made himself fat and he can change his situation with just a little bit of effort a bald guy however did nothing to end up bald but is stuck with his situation.
He is not stuck with his situation. He can get a hair system or a transplant. True, it may not look as good as real hair but it least he will give that illusion. Most obese guys find it a struggle to lose weight and tend to remain obese. Also, the obese guy will be viewed as lazy where as the bald guy will not.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
s.a.f said:
Q you cant say that a hairline (or an outline of one) does'nt make a difference it clearly does.

You cant say this guy would'nt benefit from having a hairline like below.


I think these pictures illustrate better than anything else, the incomprensible unfortune of male pattern baldness. Both guys( if you take out their heads so you can only see their faces) are more or less similar looking. Its the hair alone that pretty much makes the bottom guy(sorry I forget his name) look good. In honesty, I would say that the top guy doesnt look so good bald, and like most other white bald guys, this is often the type of attractiveness they have. It amazes me how those tiny hairs that make up his head, are the world of difference when it comes to their attractiveness. Its sad that those tiny bits of hair mean everything when it comes to attractiveness.'re kidding me. Wentworth Miller is an example of one of the most attractive men in hollywood. The top guy doesn't look bad IMO completely bald. Sure, he may look marginally better with a bit of a hairline...but even with Wentworth Miller's hair (which isnt close to "shaved"..its a buzzcut) he wouldn't be anywhere as close to good looking, don't kid yourself. Its not the HAIRLINE that makes somebody look good or bad bald...its the head shape and facial features....

these guys have no hairline, are white and shave their heads...they are the opposite of unattractive..



even if having no hairline creates a giant looking bald head, it doesn't kill your features...if anything it can accentuate the facial features because there is no hair to distract from them.


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DoctorHouse said:
s.a.f said:
Yes but the fat guy made himself fat and he can change his situation with just a little bit of effort a bald guy however did nothing to end up bald but is stuck with his situation.
He is not stuck with his situation. He can get a hair system or a transplant. True, it may not look as good as real hair but it least he will give that illusion. Most obese guys find it a struggle to lose weight and tend to remain obese. Also, the obese guy will be viewed as lazy where as the bald guy will not.

Not really a fat guy can easily lose weight simply with a bit of diet and excercise and people will really give him huge credit for it whilst the bald guy will be ridiculed for having a system or hair transplant and it will take continuos maintaiance and money.
And the fat guy struggling to lose weight because he's plain lazy deserves no sympathy
Ask yourself whats harder? - deciding to do abit of excercise (like most people do) or taking the plunge and handing over $1000's and all the consequences that go with a hair transplant or system.


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qball01 said:
Hope4hairRedux said:
I think these pictures illustrate better than anything else, the incomprensible unfortune of male pattern baldness. Both guys( if you take out their heads so you can only see their faces) are more or less similar looking. Its the hair alone that pretty much makes the bottom guy(sorry I forget his name) look good. In honesty, I would say that the top guy doesnt look so good bald, and like most other white bald guys, this is often the type of attractiveness they have. It amazes me how those tiny hairs that make up his head, are the world of difference when it comes to their attractiveness. Its sad that those tiny bits of hair mean everything when it comes to attractiveness.'re kidding me. Wentworth Miller is an example of one of the most attractive men in hollywood. The top guy doesn't look bad IMO completely bald. Sure, he may look marginally better with a bit of a hairline...but even with Wentworth Miller's hair (which isnt close to "shaved"..its a buzzcut) he wouldn't be anywhere as close to good looking, don't kid yourself. Its not the HAIRLINE that makes somebody look good or bad bald...its the head shape and facial features....

these guys have no hairline, are white and shave their heads...they are the opposite of unattractive..



even if having no hairline creates a giant looking bald head, it doesn't kill your features...if anything it can accentuate the facial features because there is no hair to distract from them.

I intentionally chose a guy in the first pic who was quite goodlooking despite having no hairline and the fact is if he was smooth (cueball) bald Wentworth Miller would'nt have the same hearthrob status.

Both of those guys you showed have their looks severly distorted by baldness the 2nd guy may have good facial features but he just looks plain weird IMO his head looks massive.
But we're not talking about models with good facial features we're talking about the average joe.


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Bah, I used to be bald, fat and ugly and have the photos to prove it :)

That said, the "staring" thing was something I had to get though a little while ago when I first started going out and about as Danielle (i.e. myself). I was terrified that people would notice me, or that I would be openly spotted as a "guy in a frock". There were points where I would be on the verge of panic attacks even, massive perspiration, shaking etc. There were even one or two uncomfortable situations in shops, which changing room to use etc.

You know what though, it passed and I'm back to being my confident old-self again. In my highest heels I'm 6'3, I tower over most people and even then no-one seems to bat an eyelid. Occasionally someone might notice me, and I've found the best way to get passed those times is to just give them a little smile and carry on with your day.

I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but it's all about being in control of yourself and who you are and what you're going to achieve. If you wake up, go through your day, and go to sleep behaving like a victim, the world is going to treat you like sh*t.

It's up to all of us as individuals to take life by the horns and make the best of what we can, plan ahead, set goals etc. Don't just sit back and watch life happen as if you're just a passenger.


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dudemon said:
[...] the NW6 will automatically be lumped into the "loser" category, and regarded as a dork, dweeb, etc...who has allowed his hairloss to ruin his life. [...]

Absolutely. And whenever Hollywood needs to depict losers/dorks, they immediately go for their bald actors. (Bruce Willis is an exception, of course)

Great post, Dudemon.

Nashville Hairline

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metropolis said:
dudemon said:
[...] the NW6 will automatically be lumped into the "loser" category, and regarded as a dork, dweeb, etc...who has allowed his hairloss to ruin his life. [...]

Absolutely. And whenever Hollywood needs to depict losers/dorks, they immediately go for their bald actors. (Bruce Willis is an exception, of course)

Great post, Dudemon.
No they don't.




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dudemon said:
Funny how people always ridicule me on this forum, and start arguments with me, and always seem to disagree with just about everything I say, and yet someone else says the same thing, Dr. House in this case, and nobody even makes one remark about it. :whistle:
I guess your right about your analogy about the stereotyping of the "bald" man. Since most people on here know I have pretty much have a full head of hair, I think they are much nicer to me than you, dudemon............................. :innocent: :whistle:
I think maybe they feel sorry for me because I am "different". :freak:


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Nashville Hairline said:
No they don't.



Yes but these guys were playing teenage losers in their films - not many teenage baldies about. :whistle:


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ComeOnPropy said:
God you people can be so depressing sometimes.

I think some people *like* to be negative, mainly because they are used to it. I know a number of people in my own life who can only see the downside in anything. If they won a £million pounds, they would be depressed that they didn't win two £million.

One guy in particular is very hard to hang out with. He *always* looks for ways to blame anything and everything for his percieved misfortune yet he simply refuses do do anything about it and has a "what's the point" attitude when you challenge him.

I know we should try to see things from the perspective of other people, but the reality is that some people simple don't want to do anything to make themselves feel better.


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GeminiX said:
I think some people *like* to be negative, mainly because they are used to it. I know a number of people in my own life who can only see the downside in anything.
I know we should try to see things from the perspective of other people, but the reality is that some people simple don't want to do anything to make themselves feel better.

Probably suffering from depression.
For some people its better to live this way (never allowing their hopes to be raised) if they expect nothing then they'll never be dissapointed.


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dudemon said:
DoctorHouse said:
...I honestly think obese people have it the worst. If you are at a bar and see a bald guy in good shape socializing with a fat obese guy with a full head of hair, who do you think most girls will clammer towards. I bet you the bald guy will be the favorite. No matter what, people will judge you on physical perception. Its up to you, to show them your different from the typical stereotype of who you represent.

Well, I know for certain that some women, particularly young and beautiful ones, are extremely repulsed even at the sight of bald men - muscles and confidence or not. However, not many of them will openly admit this. They are just plain grossed out, and would absolutely never even consider being with a bald guy - unless he was a movie star, or rich, a black guy (for some reason women like head-shaver black guys more than head-shaver white guys), drug dealers, movie producers,...etc

But, even then her motivations for being with them is something other than him (with the exception of the black guy).

In that situation in the bar you described, most women will probably not gravitate towards either of them - the bald guy with muscles, or the fat guy with hair.

I would say that most of the time, they will go to another bar, or go home with other girls. :tongue:

I have been in a few bars in my time and I have seen this happen over and over again like clockwork.

As far a "typical stereotypes" and bald guys having to show they are different:

This is basically the same thing I just said a few posts ago in this thread. Bald guys are always stuck with a "stigmatism" of being losers, and every time they encounter a new social situation, they have to prove that they are not the stereotypical, lonely bald loser. If they don't go the extra mile to prove themselves, they will be automatically lumped into the "loser" category - by a portion of society which can be quite a large portion, btw. On the other hand, guys with a full head of hair are not subjected to this - they are given the benefit of the doubt that they are not losers.

Funny how people always ridicule me on this forum, and start arguments with me, and always seem to disagree with just about everything I say, and yet someone else says the same thing, Dr. House in this case, and nobody even makes one remark about it. :whistle:

no offense...its that just that when you're spouting off about stuff like this..I wonder where the hell you get this stuff from? I mean are you really out there in the real you hang out with and talk to attractive women on a regular basis? Do you really know that they hate all bald guys just because you seem to get negative reactions for reasons that likely go much past JUST being've been to a few bars in your time?...funnily enough, you're probably being could probably count the number of bars you've been to in the past 15 years on one hand....

my point aren't actually out there interacting with these young people, instead you've built it up in your head that because you SEEM to repulse them (and I don't even know if this is close to true or not or just in your mind) and you're bald...that they react to all bald people this way no matter what they look...I mean you posting this stuff IMO is like Charles Barkley giving tips on golf and losing weight.

And may think those guys whose pics I posted look "severely" distorted by baldness but luckily that isn't the case in the real world...especially for the first guy, hes on Miami Ink and I know for a fact that many women love him and find him extremely attractive...both in part to how he looks and also how he point was that even being Norwood 6 bald you can still look attractive if you fit the right criteria. You're right though, for certain guys a bald head may not look "good on them" but even then it doesn't necessarily make them "ugly." The fact is, if you have to be reduced to being "average" looking, its not so bad....most people in the real world (not in Hollywood and on TV) ARE average looking...and the successful ones rely on personality to set them apart....There is way too much bias towards looks on this board, and while I do understand why certain people with low self esteem feel this way, the fact is its not true that all people with hair or good looking people in general are treated like kings and live amazing can have hair and be a twat and you can be bald and still be good looking, well respected and very successful.


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qball01 said:
dudemon said:
DoctorHouse said:
...I honestly think obese people have it the worst. If you are at a bar and see a bald guy in good shape socializing with a fat obese guy with a full head of hair, who do you think most girls will clammer towards. I bet you the bald guy will be the favorite. No matter what, people will judge you on physical perception. Its up to you, to show them your different from the typical stereotype of who you represent.

Well, I know for certain that some women, particularly young and beautiful ones, are extremely repulsed even at the sight of bald men - muscles and confidence or not. However, not many of them will openly admit this. They are just plain grossed out, and would absolutely never even consider being with a bald guy - unless he was a movie star, or rich, a black guy (for some reason women like head-shaver black guys more than head-shaver white guys), drug dealers, movie producers,...etc

But, even then her motivations for being with them is something other than him (with the exception of the black guy).

In that situation in the bar you described, most women will probably not gravitate towards either of them - the bald guy with muscles, or the fat guy with hair.

I would say that most of the time, they will go to another bar, or go home with other girls. :tongue:

I have been in a few bars in my time and I have seen this happen over and over again like clockwork.

As far a "typical stereotypes" and bald guys having to show they are different:

This is basically the same thing I just said a few posts ago in this thread. Bald guys are always stuck with a "stigmatism" of being losers, and every time they encounter a new social situation, they have to prove that they are not the stereotypical, lonely bald loser. If they don't go the extra mile to prove themselves, they will be automatically lumped into the "loser" category - by a portion of society which can be quite a large portion, btw. On the other hand, guys with a full head of hair are not subjected to this - they are given the benefit of the doubt that they are not losers.

Funny how people always ridicule me on this forum, and start arguments with me, and always seem to disagree with just about everything I say, and yet someone else says the same thing, Dr. House in this case, and nobody even makes one remark about it. :whistle:

no offense...its that just that when you're spouting off about stuff like this..I wonder where the hell you get this stuff from? I mean are you really out there in the real you hang out with and talk to attractive women on a regular basis? Do you really know that they hate all bald guys just because you seem to get negative reactions for reasons that likely go much past JUST being've been to a few bars in your time?...funnily enough, you're probably being could probably count the number of bars you've been to in the past 15 years on one hand....

my point aren't actually out there interacting with these young people, instead you've built it up in your head that because you SEEM to repulse them (and I don't even know if this is close to true or not or just in your mind) and you're bald...that they react to all bald people this way no matter what they look...I mean you posting this stuff IMO is like Charles Barkley giving tips on golf and losing weight.

And may think those guys whose pics I posted look "severely" distorted by baldness but luckily that isn't the case in the real world...especially for the first guy, hes on Miami Ink and I know for a fact that many women love him and find him extremely attractive...both in part to how he looks and also how he point was that even being Norwood 6 bald you can still look attractive if you fit the right criteria. You're right though, for certain guys a bald head may not look "good on them" but even then it doesn't necessarily make them "ugly." The fact is, if you have to be reduced to being "average" looking, its not so bad....most people in the real world (not in Hollywood and on TV) ARE average looking...and the successful ones rely on personality to set them apart....There is way too much bias towards looks on this board, and while I do understand why certain people with low self esteem feel this way, the fact is its not true that all people with hair or good looking people in general are treated like kings and live amazing can have hair and be a twat and you can be bald and still be good looking, well respected and very successful.



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qball01 said:
my point was that even being Norwood 6 bald you can still look attractive if you fit the right criteria. You're right though, for certain guys a bald head may not look "good on them" but even then it doesn't necessarily make them "ugly." The fact is, if you have to be reduced to being "average" looking, its not so bad....most people in the real world (not in Hollywood and on TV) ARE average looking...and the successful ones rely on personality to set them apart....There is way too much bias towards looks on this board, and while I do understand why certain people with low self esteem feel this way, the fact is its not true that all people with hair or good looking people in general are treated like kings and live amazing can have hair and be a twat and you can be bald and still be good looking, well respected and very successful.

Some fair comments there but thats my whole point losing your hair can knock you down a few points and those few points can make all the difference to some people. I know if I never had a hair problem I'd only be slightly better off but that slight difference would be enough to make a difference to my confidence and that with better looks would make a big difference overal.
Not all bald guys are equally effected by it some can pull off the look but the majority cant.
And I've known many people who have gotten pretty far on looks alone despite being morons.


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"What it sucks on baldness the process take years instead of being bald overnight" - a moron.