but there is an overall disconnect when taking the stream from an evolutionary perspective even. there was no use of PUA back then. At the primal level, men are attracted to women, and vice versa. I know it isn't fun to hear, but this is honestly what my experiences have been. Most women for most of the time decide whether or not they like a guy within the first 60-120 seconds. Nothing you do after that point can alter that in a material fashion. Rather it would be preferable to use that good intention to a more productive endeavor. Doing this over the duration of your lifetime while pining for attraction from the opposite isn't the ideal way to operate. Women are really no different than men when the sex element is taken out of the scope (again, I'm drawing from Fred here

) They are easy to talk to, have great perspectives, and just give you another circle of friends. I find the entire PUA a bit shortchanging, and you are missing out on building some meaningful relationships. Instead of treating others as means to an end, why not treat them as ends in and of themselves?
You can always get sex if you want it bad enough. This is what tinder, dating sites, craigslist, and high end prostitution is for. No, the value here is not deteriorated despite public consensus. If your modus operandi is sex, and purely the end game of sex, why waste your time, effort, and energy on PUA? just pay 20 Euros and get the deed done.