The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I went to this gym since this was an eating day. I'm slowly getting back into lifting. I did dumbbell bench press, bicep curl, military press, reverse bicep curl, seated row, tricep pushdown. I mostly lifted to exhaustion, three sets each.

I need to be more assertive asking people to get off their asses if they're sitting on the machine between sets and browsing on their cell phone. I didn't ask a guy if he was using the machine. Thirty minutes later I look back at it and I'm embarrassed.
so david u work out daily ? i suggest u to pick ur ideal plan from this site if u consist on ur program u will be amazed by results


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so david u work out daily ? i suggest u to pick ur ideal plan from this site if u consist on ur program u will be amazed by results

nice link...


he lost all his norwoods and degraded on /10 scale



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COME ON MAN u think he was better looking before lifting???????

left pic more attractive lol no bs

he just needed to lose some weight like David had and keep hair


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Mrs May outlined her four point plan:
  • Defeating the extreme Islamist ideology to make them understand 'pluralistic British values' are superior
  • Ending the 'safe space' online for the plotting of terror attacks
  • Continuing military action against ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria
  • Tougher prison sentences at home for terrorist offences

"Defeating the extreme Islamist ideology to make them understand 'pluralistic British values' are superior"

Is Ms May retarded?
Serious question to the Brits.


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left pic more attractive lol no bs

he just needed to lose some weight like David had and keep hair

I think he looks better on the right.

Women might prefer the fat guy with hair though, I'm not sure.

But men will treat him like disposable trash, he'll live life as either a pushover or a reject, as no man will tolerate leadership from him. However, with the fit body he will be allowed to assert his humanity.


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COME ON MAN u think he was better looking before lifting???????

not in my opinion BUT he does not look great without hair unfortunately. I don't know why.
And I think his body fat is too low in his workout pic.