I think I made a mistake this morning in promoting specific strictness on bald shaming with respect to other shamings. I maintain that this forum should be a baldshame-free zone, but it should also be free of ageism and misogyny. My own laser-like focus was plausibly an issue of biases and as such I'm glad I was made aware of the error.
My view now is that we should just not shame others on biology-related issues here at all, including hair, age, sex, as mentioned and also other possible issues. There's literally 99% of the rest of the internet if you want to engage in that kind of talk, but I would hope that we can keep this forum a safe space. We all have insecurities on some of these issues, hair is the one we have in common but sometimes related issues come up too, and we should be free to discuss them without fear that they might be weaponized by others in an attempt to either be cruel or to stimulate controversy.