The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Why dismayed? The more they exhibit their lunacy to the world, the better.

I think that lunacy in half the spectrum is probably bad for everybody. There's plenty of idiocy on the right as well. There's no refuge.

They're also not going to display their lunacy. That's not what's happening. Right wingers will largely point and laugh, whereas those on the left will largely agree even if the statement is at odds with everything they had ever said prior. Vice versa for when a right wing leader goes off the reservation.


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Isn't it amazing that people not from the west grasp that concept, but not the liberals?

Many liberals are blinded by their ideological biases and ignorance. But they can't accept that they are ignorant because that gets in the way of their own narcissism. You have to remember, they see themselves as "open minded" and "enlightened". They despise any suggestion to the contrary. They have never lived in other countries and yet they sit here and make these fallacious claims about other cultures while bragging to everyone how "accepting" they are. As if blind acceptance is a good thing. When you confront them and crush their arguments by facts and statistics, their defense mechanism will kick in and they will start calling you a bigot or racist. It's very predictable.


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A few updates here.

1) I'm currently chatting with three or four women via apps, but i feel so much dread/angst right now that I can't muster the will to spend 90 seconds asking them out and then finalizing plans. f*** this universe.

2) I went to a crepes class this morning and it was yummy. We made both sweet and savoury.
View attachment 57297

I wanted more food when I left. f*** having finite metabolism.

3) f*** the Republicans. Why is Ivanka sitting in for get father at the G20 meeting? Steve Bannon wants to raise taxes on rich people and is thus the only person out of that gang making any sense.

4) f*** the Democrats. Their reaction to Trump discussing Western Civilization in Warsaw is to argue that Western Civilization doesn't exist. Their philosophy is often so driven by personality cults, and so empty of genuine anchors to robust philosophy, that they often just spew garbage.

Yes kids, "Western Civilization" is a valid concept. If you're offended, tough luck.

5) I hear that Baby Driver is a nice movie. I hope that I get to see it soon. f*** not having enough time.
Food looks great. I think it's great you expose yourself to interesting things like this. Today, I made chicken fried rice with cauliflower rice( pre-made from TJ's) and it was great. I have been doing a semi-paleo diet and this really helped with my fried rice cravings. I went off my diet for a few days and my digestive system was still working better than it did before I started all this so I may be recovering from a mild leak gut or gastritis.


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I love this man.

What do you disagree with and why?

1) "Stealing" is indeed part of what made the west powerful. The USA for example was largely built off Aboriginal blood and African slavery. The Spanish before them expelled the Jews and Muslims in 1492, took their money, and then looted central anerica a few decades later.

It is a part of history let's not pretend otherwise. How big a part is hard to say, but certainly indispensable, probably to civilization in general and not just the west.

2) He emphasizes individuals over groups in a speech defending the idea of a group, Western Civilization.

Both individuals and groups matter, always.

We had a beautiful post recently from @Bklyn_23 discussing what New York was like a few decades back, and how enriching it was with the different ethnic neighbourhoods in contrast to the current homogeneity.

Capitalism has a tendency toward homogeneity as it's very efficient (e.g., but this erases the existence of subgroups within the larger mass and thus can lead to atomization of individuals who are not necessarily part of a community larger than themselves, meaningful, but small enough to form bonds.


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Yes, and I'd encourage you or anyone on this forum to do the same.

I've listened to "that guy" for about two weeks, I've already implemented some of his advice into my life and it's improving further before my eyes.

"That guy" knows his stuff. And you'll probably laugh and roll your eyes at some of his advice. People do, and his teachings become memes.

View attachment 57313

What advice are you implementating?


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Great article. There are several parts that I loved. This is one of those parts:

"So, for Jamelle Bouie, a Westerner asserting the value of Western civilization is barely-veiled racism? If that’s true, then the term “racism” is meaningless. In fact, it’s worse than meaningless: it’s dangerous. If you tell people that to love and to want to defend the culture of the West is a racist act, then they will cease to care about your judgment on the matter, because you are requiring them to hate themselves as an act of virtue."


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1) "Stealing" is indeed part of what made the west powerful. The USA for example was largely built off Aboriginal blood and African slavery. The Spanish before them expelled the Jews and Muslims in 1492, took their money, and then looted central anerica a few decades later.

It is a part of history let's not pretend otherwise. How big a part is hard to say, but certainly indispensable, probably to civilization in general and not just the west.

As the weedy grasses of natures first planting wither and die, they make way for the hardier plants.


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Great article. There are several parts that I loved. This is one of those parts:

"So, for Jamelle Bouie, a Westerner asserting the value of Western civilization is barely-veiled racism? If that’s true, then the term “racism” is meaningless. In fact, it’s worse than meaningless: it’s dangerous. If you tell people that to love and to want to defend the culture of the West is a racist act, then they will cease to care about your judgment on the matter, because you are requiring them to hate themselves as an act of virtue."

The American Conservative is a breath of fresh air.

Too much of the US right is a hodgepodge of young-Earth creationism, global warming denial, free market fundamentalism, etc etc etc all ideology and no thought. TAC actually thinks about what they write down, does research, and thus challenges the reader.


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I was already doing a lot of them, but recently, I've become (even) better at listening to people and speaking the truth, and noticing when I was not being completely honest with myself and others.

And this has had an effect not only on my relationships with my family, my close friends, my colleagues.

At my workplace, I stopped censoring myself and damn, it's actually working. My relationships with my colleagues have improved tremendously. Some of my colleagues' eyes light up whenever I say something that makes sense (like I would do on this forum, so you know what I'm talking about) but that isn't PC at all. They actually seem surprised that they agree with me: "You know what, I hadn't thought of that and I totally agree with you!"

The other day, I heard my father give the advice "clean up your room/apartment" to his sister on the phone. I was like "damn, he's actually listening to me and that resonated with him!" Unprecedented.

Of course you could say most of Peterson's advice is just bloody common sense, but if you look around you, it's not for the vast majority of people. You could well think "well I already knew that", and deep down you did, but maybe it's quite useful to see someone as intelligent and competent as Peterson articulate his advice so well.

Start bingeing ;).

Stopped at:

> What advice are you implementating?
> quora

What next? Buzzfeed?


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I browse reddit too.

Tell the truth.
Do not do things that you hate.
Act so that you can tell the truth about how you act.
Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things.
Pay attention.
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you need to know. Listen to them hard enough so that they will share it with you.
Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationships.
Be careful who you share good news with.
Be careful who you share bad news with.


strong quality advises there... Tell the truth... wow


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Drunk text alert.
Fred! I must truly admire your self development. Since the beginning of 2015 when I started visiting this forum I can see the difference and how far you got. No whining, just accepting the bad side of life. I can almost hear the calmness in your voice.
You are right in a lot of things you posted. And people should listen to you. I remember how my life fucked up a lot in half year. First I thought the world is extremely unfair only to me etc. Whining b**ch. I got to the complete bottom and then I heard best line in my life from my mother who was pissed at me for rotting in my room (luckily one week was enough for her). She just said: "Messy room, messy mind. Start with it. And start doing that small things you take as unimportant as best as you can so you prepare for the big ones, that will come. And they will come" Long story short. I cleaned my room as best as I could and started to work on myself. The next half year fully focused on becoming the person I really am was breathtaking.


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A bit of an indulgent post, but you guys have enjoyed discussing fashion before...

My belt collection. I dig having nice, fancy belts. I can match all of my shoes with that belt collection too but that's very elementary :)

Points to whoever can guess which is the least fancy, or most fancy, or both.


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View attachment 57341 A bit of an indulgent post, but you guys have enjoyed discussing fashion before...

My belt collection. I dig having nice, fancy belts. I can match all of my shoes with that belt collection too but that's very elementary :)

Points to whoever can guess which is the least fancy, or most fancy, or both.
The last three belts are up there. The first and second belts are just ordinary. David, you certainly are a very well rounded individual. I always enjoy your posts on food, dieting, dating, and fashion. Politics has never been an interest of mine so I tend to skip over those type of posts.

I live in a fantasy world where Trump is a New Yorker who has become president just to expose all the things he hated when he was a civilian like the rest of us. He knows exactly what he is doing and knows that he will create controversy no matter what he does but I think deep down inside due to his huge ego, he really wants to make a positive difference. His tweeting is his way of saying F.U. to the media and all those journalist who can never just report the facts. His transparency is his way of saying F.U. to the secretive politicians. I don't think Washington will ever take the "new yorker" out of Trump no matter how hard they try. I think hair blues might know what I mean when I say that.


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Was rewatching "The Change Up". Ryan Reynold's frame stood out when next to the other dude. He must look pretty big in real life.

His neck is insane:

Almost as wide as his skull!

Similarly, in Argo I noticed Ben Affleck's frame. Dude is huggge.

I would love to see them in some Madam Tussauds. Also Hugh Jackman.