The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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If you are able to hide it with wig I don't really see where the problem is.

Is this for real?

We can say the same thing about us males. Except we have the option of a decent "hair system" which I've never really seen for women, and its applied every 5-7 days.

Or you can wear a dodgy looking wig, just like the wigs women wear (including that woman who rejected the guy on that show)

While we're on that show again, I know I've talked about it a lot but really, I think she sensed he was disingenuous and hamming it up for the cameras. And once they turned off she'd never hear from him.

I get the feeling she was right. His reaction when she took it off was false.


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Is this for real?

We can say the same thing about us males. Except we have the option of a decent "hair system" which I've never really seen for women, and its applied every 5-7 days.

Or you can wear a dodgy looking wig, just like the wigs women wear (including that woman who rejected the guy on that show)

While we're on that show again, I know I've talked about it a lot but really, I think she sensed he was disingenuous and hamming it up for the cameras. And once they turned off she'd never hear from him.

I get the feeling she was right. His reaction when she took it off was false.

There we go again white knight at his finest let's find an excuse for her brutally rejecting that guy.


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Lol we already discussed that here.
Wig is not the magical solution to everything guys, if you don't believe me, just wear it!!!!! If I like you i won't care if you wear a wig (if it is not noticeable) :)))
One have to take it of at some point!
Regarding this girl you talking about :
1. She is hot ! Not every balding girl Can compensate
2. Obviously the guy was not going to reject her on national TV, but if you pay attention, when she hors to the bathroom the guy is not very comfortable !! Part of him liking her might be pity or admiration about her courage.

What I will give you is that women and fullheads forget how hard it is for balding people and the courage it takes. I don't. I can be moved by a man trying to do is best to keep his hair , fighting, the same way a guy could be moved by that with me. But let's bé Real, most guys don't want à half bald girl by their side. You all here say you would not care, but you all here are balding.

At least you had your fun when you're younger and now complain because you have to settle for sub-chad.

What do you even want from us empathy ? We give you that.

Acknowledgement of your problems ? We also give you that.

I realize it's tough but lets be real here.

this is the problems ranking

its Healthpill > moneypill (living in africa) >= incel > balding (hairpill) > ??? >>>>>> Women problems


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If you are able to hide it with wig I don't really see where the problem is.

Havent you seen that bald girl literally rejecting that cute guy


wig is terrible for any1, it's like implying this


as a solution for neckcels (mirin neck thickness with prothesis)


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You are right.
My biggest fear is not to be able to find a wig looking decent on my head. And I am well aware I will have to at some point.
I am willing to take risks with meds, even though some are not indicate for me because of breast cancer History on my family :( but I figured if monitored closely and not talking Big dosages I can manage and be a normal girl. Turns out, I can't: it is either bald or fat!
Transplant ? Not an option
I am left with minoxidil giving me... Guess what... Facial vellus I have to take care of every month!!
Even if all that is really bad, and tough stuff hapening un my personnal life too, I am not giving up! Part if this being two of really close friend are currently fighting cancer and giving me perspective.
I will try everything un my power, other dosage, new diets, topical, borough money, Travel to get treatments... Everything un my power to delay the wig.
I put sort of a stop to my love life because of hair loss. I survive thanks to Toppik. But I don't want to get to the point I am ashamed to go to work... Cause we can't go out there with our scalp shinning on the street. It is very much unacceptable for a girl.

I know you guys have it Bad on the dating front. I am a girl, it should be easy, and I find it difficult. But cut the crap with the wig!!
Holy sh*t you do have real problems. ignore my last posts and anger


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You are right.
My biggest fear is not to be able to find a wig looking decent on my head. And I am well aware I will have to at some point.
I am willing to take risks with meds, even though some are not indicate for me because of breast cancer History in my family :( but I figured if monitored closely and not taking Big dosages I can manage and be a normal girl. Turns out, I can't: it is either bald or fat!
Transplant ? Not an option
I am left with minoxidil giving me... Guess what... Facial vellus I have to take care of every month!!
Even if all that is really bad, and tough stuff hapening in my personnal life too, I am not giving up! Part of this being two of really close friend are currently fighting cancer and giving me perspective.
I will try everything in my power, other dosage, new diets, topical, borough money, Travel to get treatments... Everything in my power to delay the wig.
I put sort of a stop to my love life because of hair loss. I survive thanks to Toppik. But I don't want to get to the point I am ashamed to go to work... Cause we can't go out there with our scalp shinning on the street. It is very much unacceptable for a girl.

I know you guys have it Bad on the dating front. I am a girl, it should be easy, and I find it difficult. But cut the crap with the wig!!
Is your hair like this:

Could you post a similar example so we know where you are at?


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No. I will never show you my hair. A few saw my face and hair with Toppik and that is all have been willing to share with some.
Not your hair.

Post a similar example from google images.

Do you have more hair then the picture I showed?


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Yes. Most of all because I don't well tolerate treatments, so there is not much I can do. But I will try topical AA and fina. We will see if it's fine or I put weight on again...
I am only 29 so... I know it will look awful at some point, even though I am not a bad looking girl to start with. I just hope I can keep my hair without drawning attention for now and as long as possible before wearing a wig (which I hope will look fine on me... Big fear here). I don't care about my love life, all I want is the certainty of a normal social life.
Your not fussed about marriage and kids?

(no judging - I'm on the fence myself)


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But I have to say, it is nice to have nice people here, especially when it is a f*****g nightmare IRL. I hope you feel that too.

But don't you have hordes of men after you IRL?
There was this guy you mentioned who went crazy after you ....