The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I sent an idea to the moderators but I'm open to being amused by new suggestions.

That said, why would I pick Liam Neeson when I can permanently troll @Dante92 by going with Qui-Gon Jin?

"Troll" me? How? I don't get it. ("Jinn, by the way :p)

Why would you even want to troll me in the first place? I thought we were friends. :(

A living example of how getting loads of sex with attractive women can cure depression.

And that you're not that ugly after all. Before "finding out" he was attractive, fred wrote so many messages about being legit ugly and hopeless. Some of them were truly hilarious in hindsight. :D


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Jedi aren't allowed to have sex, it's not a waste in Qui-Gon's case as he was a widow's peak, and thus game over anyway:


He must have joined the jedi as a cope.


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You wish. I'd say that they're just smart.

Smart enough not to share far-right content on Facebook.

Or to get involved with that kind of people in any way.

Somehow you want these tricky situations to happen.

It was like this younger girl I made out with on the first date a few months before meeting my ex.

The girl tells me that her best male friend sells weapons and that one time, she asked him to follow her boyfriend at the time. He threatened to beat him up if he treated her badly again.

Needless to say it was my first and last date with her. She tried to contact me afterwards acting all innocent and wondering why I would not talk to her.

This was an easy one, but I can spot difficult people (yeah let's use euphemisms!) from a mile away.

Even if they were my colleagues, I'd still be able to avoid them. But like I said, some people are drawn to drama, to chaos for some reason.

Oh and inb4 @blackg tells me my story's BS.

That's quite unfair to Pas IMHO, and your recent posts on the topic come across as judgmental and condescending. This is the only situation I know of where Pas landed in trouble. Her fault as far as I can tell, is that she used facebook for expressing political views. You're drawing analogies to having best friends who sell weapons.

I thought you and Pas got along. Why the hate?

PS: Does anyone know blackg's home address? A clean-up crew needs to be sent (his head will explode when he reads this post of mine defending a woman).


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My point was that some people seem to find themselves in those situations all time (being harassed, threatened, etc.) and other people have none of these crazy stories to tell.

It makes me wonder, that's all. And all I know is that I avoid these people like the plague.

Which makes my life a little boring yes.

In my experience it does happen more to women in more nerdy-environments. For example this women I know who went into computer science have had stalkers, it's not her fault it just happens to be what she was good at. She might be the first woman the guys in her class have ever spoken to, so they fall in love with her if she remembers her name and then stalk her.

I think most women acquire defensive mechanisms to avoid this sh*t as they age, but they might not acquire it in time. They might also only learn it from experience. A lot of women start off very shy and vulnerable and trusting, and that peels away over time.


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That's admittedly a most annoying trait some users here (fred and h.l. among them. No offence, fred) possess.

i love how you didn't put "no offence, h.l"



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Why did she have a guy who could do such a thing as a friend on Facebook?

Hell I don't even have my closest colleagues on Facebook, even the ones I would trust.

So why that guy? I guess she'll say she could have never seen it coming.

"He seemed like a good guy, and then it turned into a psychopath out of the blue! No tell-tale sign!"

I'm always having a hard time to believe that.

This post makes no sense. Are you advocating one should only friend people on facebook that they don't know IRL?
If you're on facebook (which I guess means you use your real name), and you express anything sensitive, you're a target if you have friended anyone. This person could be from a different part of the world you've never met, they could still come after you electronically.


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Oh, I thought it was on your wall, my bad.

But still, I wouldn't post anything I have in my head with my real name next to it anywhere on the internet.

I usually crush it in the Facebook comments and groups, but of course I have an alternate account.

I post really controversial stuff about religion and politics on my Facebook wall all the time. Have been doing so since 2005, the year I created my Facebook account. Never had any issues. Many of my friends do the same. Never thought it's a big deal. Is Europe getting overly sensitive about Facebook posts? In Oklahoma, it's not a big deal at all.


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I usually crush it in the Facebook comments and groups, but of course I have an alternate account.

How did you manage to create an alternate account? I thought one could only use facebook with their real name?


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Careful Captain, you might get some bikers after you talking like that!

So @Pasbrillantebrunette , what actually did the bikers do to this fellow?

Also, how do you know bikers?

And I hope to god these bikers (or other acquaintances of yours) don't sell weapons.


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If my employer or anyone EVER dares to question my Facebook posts, I will see it as an attack on my freedom of expression, drag them to the court and make them pay for it. US constitution protects my free speech.

You are free to speak freely. Your employer is free to fire you based on said speech. There is no legal protection from being fired (unless you work for the federal govt in which case it might be different).


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If my employer or anyone EVER dares to question my Facebook posts, I will see it as an attack on my freedom of expression, drag them to the court and make them pay for it. US constitution protects my free speech.

You have a right to say anything you want, I should have the right to deny employing you based on anything you've said.