The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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You are free to speak freely. Your employer is free to fire you based on said speech. There is no legal protection from being fired (unless you work for the federal govt in which case it might be different).

Yes, employers can fire you for any reason, but they can't openly fire you for Facebook posts. They can get sued for it. But no one here really cares what you post on Facebook.


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You have a right to say anything you want, I should have the right to deny employing you based on anything you've said.

Employers are deathly afraid of getting sued. If they fire you, your Facebook posts will have nothing to do with it. They will find another valid reason.


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Yes, employers can fire you for any reason, but they can't openly fire you for Facebook posts.

Again, this post makes no sense. "You can get fired for any reason". "You cannot get fired for facebook".

What the hell is going on today.


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Again, this post makes no sense. "You can fired for any reason". "You cannot get fired for facebook".

What the hell is going on today.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant to say that they can fire you for any valid reason, for example your job performance, poor financial situation for the company, etc. But they can't (overtly) because they didn't like your Facebook post, unless you revealed some trade secrets or made a public comment on behalf of the company.


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Employers are deathly afraid of getting sued. If they fire you, your Facebook posts will have nothing to do with it. They will find another valid reason.

Just outlining how I see it as ethically OK for them to fire people based on what they say or their views. The law likely does not follow my ethics here.


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I know about "At Will employment". However things are not so simple and straightforward. Employers still regularly get sued for harassment and discrimination. I worked for a company in Oregon and it used to take them years to get rid of an employee. They even paid them six months of salary in advance when they finally managed to get rid of them. There may be regional variations though.


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Just outlining how I see it as ethically OK for them to fire people based on what they say or their views. The law likely does not follow my ethics here.

I don't think it's ethically OK to fire people for their Facebook views barring some extreme circumstances, unless those views have potential to translate in some objectionable actions and harassment of others at work place.

I am so glad that companies follow my ethics in Oklahoma. Harassing people for their views is an attack on freedom of expression. It's tyrannical. I would hate to live in a society where I am not allowed to express my views.
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I don't think it's ethically OK to fire people for their Facebook views barring some extreme circumstances, unless those views have potential to translate in some objectionable actions and harassment of others at work place.
What are we even discussing about ? Is this what you normies think of all day? I don't think I have posted anything on facebook in the last 7 years.


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Woah. I'm in shock at some of the petty nasty bullshit being thrown my way. Was reading some of it to friends earlier and, like me, they found it unbelievable and the retorts from certain formers , shockingly childish!

I would agree after reading the vitriolic petty crap that has been aimed at me on this particular thread that moderators do remove me from the forum and delete post history . This is definitely not the forum for me, not because I'm not experiencing hair loss, I certainly am , but the due to the mentality of SOME of the posters on here . Lots of forumers have been extremely helpful and informative though and for that I thank you . However , the petty crap unfortunately outweighs the positives !

Don't dish it out if you can't take it, that's true on most forums.


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LOL of course it's not but it's common practice. A friend of mine who works in the H.R. department in a big firm in Rome told me one of the very first things they do once they read a curriculum is checking the FB profile of the guy, to get an idea about them, their political views, kinds of friendships, etc. He said that his department once refused to hire a muslim guy who had an excellent curriculum because of some posts and comments on his FB profile about the U.S. and Assad(nothing about terrorism, mind you, far from it, just some political opinions). It was about image and the risk of hiring a "potential problem".

I have heard of employers asking for Facebook account before but have never actually seen it. If it happens at all here, it's probably very rare. Facebook posts really mean nothing.


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I don't think it's ethically OK to fire people for their Facebook views barring some extreme circumstances, unless those views have potential to translate in some objectionable actions and harassment of others at work place.

I am so glad that companies follow my ethics in Oklahoma. Harassing people for their views is an attack on freedom of expression. It's tyrannical. I would hate to live in a society where I am not allowed to express my views.

Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences.


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I don't think it's ethically OK to fire people for their Facebook views barring some extreme circumstances, unless those views have potential to translate in some objectionable actions and harassment of others at work place.

I am so glad that companies follow my ethics in Oklahoma. Harassing people for their views is an attack on freedom of expression. It's tyrannical. I would hate to live in a society where I am not allowed to express my views.

I would hate to live in a society that doesn't allow me choose who I employ in my business based on whatever criteria I like. I'm not stopping you expressing your views, I'm stopping you working for me.

Just like a baker who refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding, he should have the right to refuse business based on whatever criteria, I should have the right to disagree with him and deny him business or start my own bakery.

Freedom goes both ways. Freedom of speech is only guaranteed from the government, after that it's voluntary. For instance this forum doesn't have to respect your freedom of speech, they have that right. One should just support forums that do uphold that right.


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Captain made it before I suggested it.

My point stands, I'd never get involved with a girl who has white-knight bikers ready to bash my skull if I do something that displeases her.

@Pasbrillantebrunette tactfully avoiding answering whether she has friends who sell weapons.

Also, while I'm sorry she had to go through this harassment, I have to admit, I'm a bit envious. She got a guy to madly fall in love with her. She has a group of dentists/lawyers who would resort to violence on her behalf, without heed to their own careers.

Compare to @Dante92 and his "support group" when he suffers workplace harassment. Or any other man here for that matter.