The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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They used to be diverse when I was in high school (10 years ago).

Not anymore.

Now it's like 95% Arab, one or two white kids per classroom.

What are you going to do? White people barely procreate while the Muslims easily have 3, 4, 5 kids.

Some people say it's not a problem and we should be happy about this.

My own cousin converted to Islam because of peer pressure.

I might put my kids in a private school, I don't want them to come home speaking Arab.

Apparently, this makes me a racist.
It puzzles me that people cannot comprehend the problem letting in these high birthing minorities. In the future when Muslims outnumber us, our western democracies will turn into Islamic states. Its even more absurd that the left who are typically atheists and prescribe to ideals that generally support secularism (which I am all about) are the first ones to demonise you for expressing these opinions.

Absolutely absurd times we are living in.


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Haven't heard any of you talk about the reason why so many arabs are extremist. In the UK 3% of the population is Arab, but they're 30% of the retards (lower than 70 IQ). This is because of inbreeding. According to prophet Muhammed marrying your cousin is allowed.

And of course, no one knows this. Because the media won't tell you. I could find studies backing me up on this, but I'm on my phone right now.

Inbreeding impacts intelligence, mental and physical diseases. Which is why they can join extremist groups in the first place. Islam is a stupid religion (yes it f*****g is), but in order to join such a religion you need to be stupid aswell. This wouldn't happen as much if not for the fact that half of the muslim population is inbred.

For some time I couldn't figure out why Muslims join Islam or why they don't leave, then I learned that ALOT of them are borderline retarded (less than 70 IQ), you can see statistics showing how many percent of the people failing the IQ test to join the Danish army are Muslim. (Don't have the studies at hand atm.) Now the pieces have fallen into place, and it makes perfect sense why people from a sh*t country tend to be sh*t people aswell.

I encourage any Muslim sympathiser to look at studies showing the occurence of inbreeding in Muslim countries, you'll change your mind.


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How are we classifying "Arabs"?

I know quite a few Iranians in science and engineering, and they are very bright. But only Iranians. I haven't met people from other countries in the region. One Iranian girl (very smart) is dating a Belgian.


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People think the UK deserves to have their culture eroded because their government fucked up in Iraq, or even because of their colonial days. People are stupid.

If we start looking at the past, almost every country, every race and ever culture around the world can be found to have done pretty fucked up things. So does every culture around the world deserve to be eroded? Human civilization was a different stage in the past. People were result of their time. If we all were born even a 100 years ago, there is no telling what kind of belief we would have held.

Oh and here is modern day Saudi Arabia for you. This is how many of them treat their foreign workers.

Show the above video to morons who think UK, US or Europe deserve to be Eroded


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Iranians are actually Persian and mainly speak Farsi (I may be wrong on the spelling).
I guess the animosity with Arabs stems from this.


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Learnt something new today.

Why do Iranians hate Arabs?

Iranians call themselves Persians. They don't identify with Arabs. They are the smartest and most liberal minded middle easterners you will ever meet. There are several reason why Iranians despise Saudi Arabia. First of all they are a predominantly Shia country while Arabs are Sunnis and they have always been at odds. Second, there is massive power struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia for influence in the middle east and oil market. Both are pretty big and powerful countries with vast oil resources. Iranians also despise Saudi Arabia for exporting it's wahhabist ideology around the world and spreading Islamic radicalism.


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Learnt something new today.

Why do Iranians hate Arabs?

Persians and Arabs have had a lot of wars in the past millenia, such as the Iran-Iraq war. There's a sunni-shiite split in Islam. Iran and Saudi Arabia are now hostile to one another, with Saudi Arabia supporting insurrections in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, etc.

An Iranian guy told me that Persians used to be better looking until their gene pool was polluted by Arabs. Very typical. Also stated is that Persian culture has both Persian culture and Islam, whereas Arab culture only has Islam. That's the level of hate there is.

Persian civilization actually goes back 2500 years at least, they had Darius and Xerxes who built great empires, and Persia had constant wars with Rome. There's a lot of rich history to that culture. In contrast, Wahhabist elements such as ISIS and the Taliban love to blow up ancient archeological sites.


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For some time I couldn't figure out why Muslims join Islam or why they don't leave, then I learned that ALOT of them are borderline retarded (less than 70 IQ), you can see statistics showing how many percent of the people failing the IQ test to join the Danish army are Muslim. (Don't have the studies at hand atm.) Now the pieces have fallen into place, and it makes perfect sense why people from a sh*t country tend to be sh*t people aswell.

I encourage any Muslim sympathiser to look at studies showing the occurence of inbreeding in Muslim countries, you'll change your mind.

There have been plenty of smart Muslim doctors, engineers and people with other advanced degrees who have joined terrorist groups like Al Qaida. You can be very smart and yet hold stupid religious views. Don't underestimate the power of upbringing and religions.


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I seriously don't think any western government actively created a "refugee crises" in Syria or elsewhere.
And I struggle to believe a man of your intelligence would blindly think this without something nagging away in the back of your mind seeking further information.

It may suit your politics to think this way but, come on.

The anti government forces (in Syria) needed help with arms otherwise a mass slaughter was on the cards.
Surely you can acknowledge this fact, David.
Hence western assistance.

The refugee crisis in Libya is quite massive. Ghadaffi was both policing the border and providing jobs for Black Africans in Libya, there was a nice economy and social safety net there, @ahmed wolf who lives in Libya can confirm to you that the country went to sh*t after the western intervention, which was led by France, Britain, and Hillary Clinton. There was opposition from Germany and Robert Gates, but they lost the internal debate among the NATO leadership.

The Syrian civil war would be over if the west had sided with Assad/Russia who are the only side capable of restoring order. Instead they keep intervening on the side of the rebels (ISIS). Note that some of these rebels are Libya veterans.

Western policy in the middle east is damaging the west, no doubt about it. But at least a few people (defense contractors, oil companies, london financial sector, etc) are getting rich, so who cares about the human cost? Certainly nobody in power.

"Needing help" is irrelevant. Right now, Western ally Saudi Arabia is committing far worse war crimes in Yemen, and it's drawing near-zero criticism.


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Persian civilization actually goes back 2500 years at least, they had Darius and Xerxes who built great empires, and Persia had constant wars with Rome. There's a lot of rich history to that culture. In contrast, Wahhabist elements such as ISIS and the Taliban love to blow up ancient archeological sites.

It's a shame many in west think Iranians are the same as Arabs. Iranian people (not the government) are very different. I always find them very intelligent and open minded.


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Persians and Arabs have had a lot of wars in the past millenia, such as the Iran-Iraq war. There's a sunni-shiite split in Islam. Iran and Saudi Arabia are now hostile to one another, with Saudi Arabia supporting insurrections in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, etc.

An Iranian guy told me that Persians used to be better looking until their gene pool was polluted by Arabs. Very typical. Also stated is that Persian culture has both Persian culture and Islam, whereas Arab culture only has Islam. That's the level of hate there is.

Persian civilization actually goes back 2500 years at least, they had Darius and Xerxes who built great empires, and Persia had constant wars with Rome. There's a lot of rich history to that culture. In contrast, Wahhabist elements such as ISIS and the Taliban love to blow up ancient archeological sites.
Greeks considered the Persians to be similar to them in characteristics and Alexander the Great even encouraged breeding with Iranian women.


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It's a shame many in west think Iranians are the same as Arabs. Iranian people (not the government) are very different. I always find them very intelligent and open minded.

I agree, it's a huge shame.

It's partly due to the western alliance system. The allies right now are Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Dubai, and Saudi Arabia. The enemies are Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iran. As such that leads to both the respective positivity and negativity that people hear about those places.