The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Greeks considered the Persians to be similar to them in characteristics and Alexander the Great even encouraged breeding with Iranian women.

Greeks vs Persians:


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The refugee crisis in Libya is quite massive. Ghadaffi was both policing the border and providing jobs for Black Africans in Libya, there was a nice economy and social safety net there, @ahmed wolf who lives in Libya can confirm to you that the country went to sh*t after the western intervention, which was led by France, Britain, and Hillary Clinton. There was opposition from Germany and Robert Gates, but they lost the internal debate among the NATO leadership.

The Syrian civil war would be over if the west had sided with Assad/Russia who are the only side capable of restoring order. Instead they keep intervening on the side of the rebels (ISIS). Note that some of these rebels are Libya veterans.

Western policy in the middle east is damaging the west, no doubt about it. But at least a few people (defense contractors, oil companies, london financial sector, etc) are getting rich, so who cares about the human cost? Certainly nobody in power.

"Needing help" is irrelevant. Right now, Western ally Saudi Arabia is committing far worse war crimes in Yemen, and it's drawing near-zero criticism.

Western policy aims to improve the lives of people in the middle east, which in the long run should help everyone. (Very debatable whether it's done more harm than good, hard to know imo). I think it's woefully incorrect to say that people in power don't care about the human cost.

I'm far from knowledgeable here and am basically regurgitating what Sam Harris says about this, whom I respect intellectually more than anyone.


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Western policy aims to improve the lives of people in the middle east, which in the long run should help everyone. (Very debatable whether it's done more harm than good, hard to know imo). I think it's woefully incorrect to say that people in power don't care about the human cost.

I'm far from knowledgeable here and am basically regurgitating what Sam Harris says about this, whom I respect intellectually more than anyone.
True, but unfortunately "the west is evil and they don't care about humanity" is an easier narrative.


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Western policy aims to improve the lives of people in the middle east,
No, it's done to better western interests, such as in international finance, weapons sales, and oil production. Almost all foreign policy worldwide, by all countries, in all of human history, is due to the pursuit of self-interest, or rather perceived national self-interest.

Compassion is just a supporting argument to sway people.


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How are we classifying "Arabs"?

I know quite a few Iranians in science and engineering, and they are very bright. But only Iranians. I haven't met people from other countries in the region. One Iranian girl (very smart) is dating a Belgian.

I went to a very fancy pants prep school..(briefly)..and we had a lot of wealthy Mid Eastern kids...most of them had white European I think the extremely wealthy ones look for white women to have kids with..and the kids were hot to be honest like exotic looking but good facial features. Not typical stereotype of mid east looking.
That was at least my brief Maserati driving, Cristal drinking, Regine going days.


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I like to believe that the Australian intervention into East Timor was mostly for humanitarian reasons.


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I like to believe that the Australian intervention into East Timor was mostly for humanitarian reasons.

they had WMDs and you know it


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The refugee crisis in Libya is quite massive. Ghadaffi was both policing the border and providing jobs for Black Africans in Libya, there was a nice economy and social safety net there, @ahmed wolf who lives in Libya can confirm to you that the country went to sh*t after the western intervention, which was led by France, Britain, and Hillary Clinton. There was opposition from Germany and Robert Gates, but they lost the internal debate among the NATO leadership.

The Syrian civil war would be over if the west had sided with Assad/Russia who are the only side capable of restoring order. Instead they keep intervening on the side of the rebels (ISIS). Note that some of these rebels are Libya veterans.

Western policy in the middle east is damaging the west, no doubt about it. But at least a few people (defense contractors, oil companies, london financial sector, etc) are getting rich, so who cares about the human cost? Certainly nobody in power.

"Needing help" is irrelevant. Right now, Western ally Saudi Arabia is committing far worse war crimes in Yemen, and it's drawing near-zero criticism.
I'm baffled by your perspective and inner drive to reach the ultimate truth, and to spread the same, no matter the cost. I very much respect you for this, David! You seem to have extremely high levels of morale and ethics.


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Didn't know you come from a wealthy background (on top of being pretty).

I'll admit, I'm jealous.

True story: when I was school age, I used to get one present a year (for my birthday) from my parents. There was this comic book I was a fan of (almost disney), that I wanted to get. So I went to the bookstore with my mom, browsed, and asked her to get it. My mom said we could not afford it. I was crushed. I picked some other book which cost less.

That "expensive" book is still in print today. It's list price? $12 (back then it was like $4).

There is little worse than growing up poor. I had similar experiences in terms of money, and not getting presents. That's mildly bad, far worse was always hearing my parents and older sister argue about money, the fact I'm still held back to this day in spite of having an above average income, and that I'll always have money anxiety and fear. I can't interact normally with money.

I got my credit score recently and I expected it to be sh*t, like 500 or something, it was much higher. But I always worry about money and it colours how I view the world.

On my date last week, she told me that I should visit Florida this weekend and I responded as myself, that the ticket costs $600 if I buy it the day of, and $300 if bought in advance. That looks really bad, it's a huge social faux pas, it doesn't even matter that much at this point, but the point is it reflects how I view the world.


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No, it's done to better western interests, such as in international finance, weapons sales, and oil production. Almost all foreign policy worldwide, by all countries, in all of human history, is due to the pursuit of self-interest, or rather perceived national self-interest.

Compassion is just a supporting argument to sway people.

I take what you're saying on board, but as blackg says I believe there is a lot of unfair demonization of the west going on swaying people views on this.

Can you agree that people in power in the west do care about the human cost? This much I fully believe.

There are likely a lot of factors that influence foreign policy, but there are definitely times it's largely done out of compassion. A lame example is Irish peace keeping in Palestine. But there are many other examples of this.


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I'm baffled by your perspective and inner drive to reach the ultimate truth, and to spread the same, no matter the cost. I very much respect you for this, David! You seem to have extremely high levels of morale and ethics.

Thanks man that's the nicest thing I've read today.

I like to think that I'm very concerned with truth and am willing to deal with the hard truth. I think that's true :) Though I'm still human :)

I've recently made a point of not posting about politics on FB. Sometimes, I do post about politics, and then I delete it twenty seconds after, as it's dangerous.


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No, it's done to better western interests, such as in international finance, weapons sales, and oil production. Almost all foreign policy worldwide, by all countries, in all of human history, is due to the pursuit of self-interest, or rather perceived national self-interest.

Compassion is just a supporting argument to sway people.

Also I believe part of "western interests" is spreading western values such as freedom, rights for women minorities religions, democracy etc.


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Also I believe part of "western interests" is spreading western values such as freedom, rights for women minorities religions, democracy etc.

That's how it's marketed, but the western alliance with people like Pinochet, Haftar, and the Saudi monarchi demonstrates otherwise.

Whether humanitarian intervention, depends on whether or not it's beneficial to western elites.


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That's how it's marketed, but the western alliance with people like Pinochet, Hifter, and the Saudi monarchi demonstrates otherwise.

Whether humanitarian intervention, depends on whether or not it's beneficial to western elites.

I'd love for you to listen to Sam Harris on this, he has plenty of stuff on YouTube. He has fully convinced me of my position that the west are unfairly demonized in these regards.


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Didn't know you come from a wealthy background (on top of being pretty).

I'll admit, I'm jealous.

True story: when I was school age, I used to get one present a year (for my birthday) from my parents. There was this comic book I was a fan of (almost disney), that I wanted to get. So I went to the bookstore with my mom, browsed, and asked her to get it. My mom said we could not afford it. I was crushed. I picked some other book which cost less.

That "expensive" book is still in print today. It's list price? $12 (back then it was like $4).

My upbringing was unique.
My father was very comfortable not wealthy (by todays standards) but lived in a wealthy community/resort and when I lived with him and went to school with extremely wealthy people from around the world when I would be with him on and off...when I would be with my mother in NY I was living middle class and struggling but normal struggleing nothing too extreme.
It was great because I learned early to blend in no matter where I was, as a result I can talk to almost anyone in real life. I am rarely ever intimidated by anyone by 'class' (i.e. social standing), wealth or even fame.

My parents were divorced and my Father was out of state so I went back and forth for a while and it was a weird contrast but I am so grateful for it. Me and my sibling talk about this often the uniqueness of that contrast and what it gave us as people. My Mother struggled because in 70s and 80s you could not 'force' men to pay child support..she had a deal but he often would 'forget'...My Father was and is generous BUT he is no saint and he selfishly wanted my Mother to move to where he lived (he really wanted my Mother back) he was putting financial pressure on her..she did not want to go so she worked and we struggled and got by.
I feel like as a child I got the best of both worlds.


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I'd love for you to listen to Sam Harris on this, he has plenty of stuff on YouTube. He has fully convinced me of my position that the west are unfairly demonized in these regards.

Feel free to link a specific video.

I don't think the west is unfairly demonized -- all human societies are motivated by perceived national self-interest. It's not a western invention. Have you read the bible?