The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I think our personality and social intelligence are pretty much established from high school.

I know it sounds depressing for the self-development crowd, but as @shookwun used to say, "lol at people who think they can reinvent themselves".

And yes, that can also mean accepting your inferiority when it comes to personality and social skills.

Like with looksmaxing, there's only so much you can do, and you'll never turn a shy introvert into an extrovert who's the life of the party.

Of course the two are linked, good-looking people are automatically seen as more interesting, positive and charismatic.
im a weird case cause i used to be pretty extroverted without any self awareness at all. Then depression started hitting me


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I think our personality and social intelligence are pretty much established from high school.

I know it sounds depressing for the self-development crowd, but as @shookwun used to say, "lol at people who think they can reinvent themselves".

And yes, that can also mean accepting your inferiority when it comes to personality and social skills.

Like with looksmaxing, there's only so much you can do, and you'll never turn a shy introvert into an extrovert who's the life of the party.

Of course the two are linked, good-looking people are automatically seen as more interesting, positive and charismatic.

When I was in high school I was fat and scared of girls until I was 19 and kept listening to the "just be yourself" bullshit, while kind of just accepting that I would never have sex. After I lost my verginerty at 20, started working out and realised that I could use my arrogance, acting skills and general narcissism to my advantage I was pulling a new lady on hookup apps every week or so and at least 50% of the times I went to town I'd end up with a root.

It's not necessarily a reinvention as I always had the features that enabled me to pull puss, but there was certainly an almost instantaneous change in my outlook and achievements in terms of rooting pussy due to a change of mindset. In a year I went from stuttering when a girl tried to flirt with me to screwing a new girl every week or so.

I feel like I'm a 5-6/10,but the key to looks maxing is to achieve acceptable looks and presentation that the vast majority of women will be prepared to have sex with you without feeling ashamed of themselves afterwards, and wouldn't be scared to let their friends know about. Even a 4-5/10 male can achieve this level if they have a decent amount of hair. Very, very few can't looks max enough to get to a point where an average looking woman would be embarrassed to f*** you on looks alone.


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My screen name change is finally approved :)

You changed your username, too?


P.S.: nostalgia aside, it's a pretty cool username.
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I thought I would ask you guys advice here;

A classmate of mine just asked me to get lunch with her on Friday. I kind of saw something like this coming as she has been flirting with me over the past semester. She is really attractive, but I don't want to create the mess of dating someone in my program. I was planning on just getting lunch with her on Friday and seeing where it goes from there. Thoughts?

I'd tap that.

And remember, be confident.


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I disagree with this post to pjhair. Who is rating her though? 4-5 ranged guys who lack experience and objectivity? Selection bias at play. There is no way in hell she is 6.5.

The average male is not a 10. In fact there are far fewer men who are attractive than women according to studies. When rating someone, you don't say, I'd date her so she's a 10, I wouldn't date her so she's a 1. I wouldn't date her, but she is cute in her picture. That puts her at a 6-7. 5 to me is someone who is not ugly, but not cute. Under 5 is varying degrees of ugliness. 8-9 is beautiful but not perfect, and 10 is perfucktion.


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I think our personality and social intelligence are pretty much established from high school.

I know it sounds depressing for the self-development crowd, but as @shookwun used to say, "lol at people who think they can reinvent themselves".

And yes, that can also mean accepting your inferiority when it comes to personality and social skills.

Like with looksmaxing, there's only so much you can do, and you'll never turn a shy introvert into an extrovert who's the life of the party.

Of course the two are linked, good-looking people are automatically seen as more interesting, positive and charismatic.

Personality maxing :p I like it. I do believe there are many guys who leave highschool without having maxed their personality potential. I'm one example but I think it's common enough, at least in Ireland anyway.


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That's not really an accurate rating then. If you're saying a supermodel is 2 because she has a mole on her cheek, and anyone less than a supermodel doesn't exist.
I put her 6-7, fool, which is cute. If you think she's ugly, fine, but it seems to me like anyone you wouldn't date is automatically a 1. If I rated like that then 99% of women would be a 1.

If 5 is the point of total plainness or average, nor unattractive or attractive she is definitely a 6.5 at least. 95% of the straight male population would bang her without mercy if the offer was on the table.


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Your quoted post said 6-7.5 initially, which shows that on a good day she was borderline 8. And you said 8 is beautiful but not perfect. I found it a bizarre surge in the rating, rather than a normal gradual increase. Anyway I agreed to disagree. Probably not the best idea to call a mod a fool when I was merely replying to you, which forum tolerates that? I'm not getting angry anyway over a random girl like you. And please, the bold bit I've already clarified. You said yourself most guys are not attractive and you're happy with a girl like that, good for you.

Go back and read again, maybe a post I quoted said that, but my post said she's a 7 in the pic, probably a 6 irl. And no, I'm not happy with that. Don't presume to know me, I actually have never dated a girl under an 8.