The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Cool share. My gf looks similar in rating to the one second from right but a little more sexier. There are different types of 9s and 10s. Some have a more "common look," others more beautiful or sexy. I always had a dilemma which one I preferred in their friend circle. One was a classical beauty 9 or 10 and the other is just as highly rated but looks more sexy/playful. Both I got along with but the problem was with the classical one. I got a feeling it would develop into love and obsession far quicker and I'd feel guilty.

It's something I can't afford right now nor do I desire, a new emotional mess is a big no no. I am currently at a cross road mentally. I can have a family with a few girls but I know what I truly want. I don't want someone to take my heart for a start, it will always remain with my childhood sweetheart and vice versa. "I'm all out of love" so to speak.

My recent ex once joked, saying what if they all have one child with me. My current gf said maybe we'll all be neighbours in the future.


parallel universe


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Possibly. I know you're thinking that probably ruins the fun and journey and I suppose it does to an extent. But it's based on my own experience that all these girls will want long term or have feelings, it's natural. If someone is also looking for this, it's ideal but my mind isn't currently. I don't want to be one of those guys that finds something special in every girl he dates, they fall in love, whereas I have more care and respect which is different. I've never been outright dumped and only recently got back into dating after a small self imposed hiatus.


You are a young man still, you were never burnt by a relationship--so why would you not be more open to having a relationship that is potentially long term?
Why are you having a child with your ex? This seems to me unusual for people to do unless they are in unusual circumstances or extenuating circumstances (LBGT, problems conceiving with current mates etc).

Do you want a child but don't want long term relationships?


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I have not yet bought a TV for my new apartment, but when I do I want to go through my N64 antiques, including mario 64, star fox 64, and ocarina of time.

My favourite game ever might be Final Fantasy VI, I hope it gets a true sequel at some point.


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I hated Final Fantasy VI but I suspect it was because I tried to play it on the PS3 (PS1 version with crazy loading times for each battle).

I had to stop after a like 8 hours of playing, it was unbearable. Plus the music was not that great and the graphics were not colorful enough.

After that I watched a playthrough that I didn't find very memorable. Maybe I should try it again on another platform someday.

Right after FFVI I tried Chrono Trigger which became one of my favorite games of all time.

I played it on super nintendo and also on the emulator ZSNES, that worked. It has a great story and good character work and world-building.


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I beat the Water Temple without a guide.

The internet taught me years later that it was supposed to be insanely hard.

That was Ocarina of Time. That game was seriously easy, as was the first Zelda. Zelda II was actually difficult.


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I do some lift from time to time but I don't enjoy it. Although I am sure you can regulate hormone weight by lifting I really doubt it would do any difference at all with hormonal weight induced by meds.
One thing worked to stop the weight gain and it was eating only two bananas/day... Not feasible in the long run.

High-intensity cardio and weight lifting have similar metabolic benefits. If you're doing one of the two you're doing better than 95% of the population.


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You should try to lift challenging weights to build muscles if you ever decide to go on it again.
Muscles is the way to beat any kind of hormone weight gain not calories and cardio.

I do some lift from time to time but I don't enjoy it. Although I am sure you can regulate hormone weight by lifting I really doubt it would do any difference at all with hormonal weight induced by meds.
One thing worked to stop the weight gain and it was eating only two bananas/day... Not feasible in the long run.[/QUOTE]

I honestly don't know aobut the meds but it helps women who have natural hormone changes or imbalances.
They are often told to lift weights, enough to build up muscles and not do cardio. Hypo thyroid, diabetes, menopause, pcos, insulin sensitive. And to eat a leaner version of Paleo.
With medication induced, I honestly have no clue.


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He didn't take any language class but he has been learning Dutch as it will open various job opportunities for him. Also, there will be a language test for citizenship. People at his work understand English so he hasn't had much trouble so far.

He loves it over there. I had originally advised him to come to the US for MBA. But he ended up going to Netherlands. In hindsight, it was a great decision. I went to Amsterdam last year and it's a great city. Also, he and his wife are very attached to India and travel there frequently. There is a direct 8 hours flight to New Delhi. So they love the location. Traveling to India from the US is a big pain.

The people at my work who studied there (they're not from the EU), they love Netherlands too. One is going back. As someone said, Europe is where the culture is. The US has a lot of opportunities, but it does not have a soul and it's easy to get lost there.

How has your brother been learning Dutch? What's his level?
They test only for a very basic level in the test (A2).


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I honestly don't know aobut the meds but it helps women who have natural hormone changes or imbalances.
They are often told to lift weights, enough to build up muscles and not do cardio. Hypo thyroid, diabetes, menopause, pcos, insulin sensitive. And to eat a leaner version of Paleo.
With medication induced, I honestly have no clue.

I eat paleo.
Actually, for PCOS I saw that you had to alternate between high intensity cardio like hiit, tabata, muay thaï training and lift weight. I will try though. Thank you for your advice @hairblues[/QUOTE]

yeah they do some HIIT...if you go out is a great site for PCOS.


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LOL @Pasbrillantebrunette don't f*** around.

Sorry, I usually make fun about this stuff but I have been really depressed about that...[/QUOTE]

No to be honest they are like body-slamming you since you are back...i think they mean no harm but it's been a lot. If it were in opposite direction you would be attacked for it.


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@Joan knows better over PM. And thanks for your support again Joan, i'll reply soon!

There are some details I am withholding since it's a public forum HB. But I've always seen her as the mother of my kids since we were teens. This isn't something I've conjured up in a moment of thought. Every little cute girl I've seen in my life, I always visualised it was ours and same for her. My desire has been consistent and crystal clear. I have many options but that's not why I am confused and options are nothing out of the ordinary. I'm quite stable. Ideally I would like everything with her but currently it's complicated. I'd settle for kids and continuing love between us as always and who knows about the future. While I can freely date others without emotion in the mean time. Problem is, there is emotion on their part and I'm mentally unavailable especially now. My gf and recent ex did not want to break up over this at all though, they said they understand me and found it sweet, yet painful. I guess I don't want to hurt them or girls like that. At the same time I want to date devoid of emotion. Hopefully this sheds some light on the issue. A child born out of true love, I think it would be amazing.

I think you're around my age. Do you get jealous when you see your friends posting non-stop pics of their cute babies on FB? I know I sometimes do, leaving aside the fact that it's also problematic behaviour.

Given that you are in a position to do so with a good woman, I recommend having kids soon. Though you're clearly a good guy, you're likely to have less energy at 40 than you do now, so it will be harder to raise a kids. A wise man I know once said, on the question of when one is ready to have children, that "nobody is ever ready to go a year without sleep", and that's true and you'll have to do it anyway. Also, the longer you wait the more you'll be culturally distant from your kids, as the world is changing fast. You and I remember a world without internet, where we had to prepare our elementary school projects using The Encyclopaedia Brittanica from the local library, the next generation of kids might never read a novel using a printed book as they'll have kindles.

There's also the issue of siblings, as good a father as you might be, and as good a mother as your partner might be, there's no substitute for siblings, who raise each other as much as parents raise their kids. You need time not just for that one but for his/her brothers and sisters, whatever combination they come in.


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A child born out of true love

If you were a bald ugly manlet framecel would that true love exist? I don't think so. In orthodox Christianity true love means love without passions without expecting something from others in return (in your case sex validation etc), the love for God translates into the love for others (image of God).

Just to clarify some things if true love really exists it's not what you're experiencing. I'm not judging just want to state the truth.

Me on the other hand Im thinking about death daily and even go and shadow box in the cemetery close to my home lately lul (its more like a park)


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The Old thing does not bother me as it is a joke. But regarding hairloss and meds I am expecting minimal respect here.
I might be overeacting though...

You're not overreacting.

This website is dedicated to an insecurity. It should be safe space, in my opinion there should be zero tolerance for antagonism on that subject. This isn't the right place.


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The Old thing does not bother me as it is a joke. But regarding hairloss and meds I am expecting minimal respect here.
I might be overeacting though...

yeah I am seeing way too many hair loss jokes directed towards you--which is weird since its a hair loss support forum..I know we tell truth but we don't mock each others hair loss..I mean they post videos of women doing this and want to mutilate the women who do it but then are turning around and eating one of their own.
Don't get it.