The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I've seen how your neurons are thinning under lights. The lights of your basement, to be exact. Get the f*** outta there and try to live in the real world, you'd live positive experiences.
Im trying man I've started going out. But I have limited social circle and can't approach strangers even if they do give me IOIs. I also don't know whats an approach me IOI


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Then lay down and rot. Who the hell cares, we've been giving you advice for months now, we even told you your appearance is the least of your problems, but you only enjoy to complain and play the victim. you haven't even tried for f***'s sake.

Natural beauty


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Just imagine you can't possibly look worse than that girl without makeup.

It truly is f*****g over.

They already are in a super position of power but they have the tools to ascend for f*****g free in looks all while having the validation of society behind them.
Time to join Scientology.


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By the way, I am just back from Milan. I don't know about the girls there, but it is a very beautiful City. People were very polite... And everybody seemed well integrated to the Italian culture (everybody speak Italian for instance), the difference with Paris is very clear on that matter!
Chiesa Maria de la grazie (sorry if I mispel it) and St Vitore are Splendid!

see @Dante92 Italian people are very polite to 'le petit' maybe just it's ur attitude! be positive


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says the guy with no hairloss who so desperately wants to believe that he has hairloss so that he can blame his failures in life to an authentic genetic fault. It's possible, and entirely probable, that the reason you are a loser in life is because your just an a**h**.
It's pretty amazing that people can delude themselves into believing they have an issue just so they can blame society for their shortcomings. It's like one day you woke up, spent 30min in the sun and after having your pasty *** mildly sunburnt you started to blame your problems on racism, because all of a sudden you are black - and the injustices being perpetrated against 'your people' have held you back for all your life since you got sunburnt 30min ago. fuckin epic
Social success in life is genetically predisposed by your experiences. Bad social experiences = bad looking


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no it's not you f'n retard. It's all contained to your social circle, the best looking person in it sets the bar - the reason people like you wallow in unnecessary negativity is that you look at everyone as if they belonged to your social circle. It's like you are so greedy and delusional that you honestly believe that its unfair for someone to be better looking than you. You think that society should evolve to be some type of aesthetic communism where everyone is a 10/10 because that's "fair". Guess what, Brad Pitt is better than you, and he always will be. Even if he lost his hair, got syphilis from routinely raping pandas in public, and went broke from buying and eating too many klondike bars - he is still infinitely better than you. You don't get to compare yourself to everyone and blame your "shitty" life on the fact you are not an NW1 billionaire playboy that all women want to insta-f*** when you walk into a room. And you don't get to blame the women for wanting to insta-f*** a handsome NW1 billionaire playboy either. Yeh they're so "vain". Society is so "unfair". Your life is so "shitty".
But you're right - it's a cope bro.

This is what happens when people hold in their frustrations until they can't help themselves and need to unleash.