There is a revolution going on and nobody here seems to care


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Flutamide must be systemically metabolised before it becomes the strong hydroxyflutamide which blocks androgen receptors. That topical is certainly no cure. Even if you remove all androgens from the scalp, you will not regrow your hair. A local estrogen would be needed. Topical flutamide has been sold for years. I don't hear anyone saying it cured them, unless you think they all just left the boards.

As for the minoxidil, spectral DNC has been using nanosomes and other such stuff for a while. Maybe this new stuff is better. But I just don't hear many people raving about a big difference between the spectral stuff and straight minoxidil. Furthermore, minoxidil does not stop balding.


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the endocrine parts and things which reverse fibrosis more directly.


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this product will be stronger then inernal dutasteride and topical minoxidil if it can do two things, absorb slowly in the skin and stay localized and not absorb into the system. sintov did it and regrew 150 hairs per square inch so obviously its capable of regrowing ccs. Im going to get a blood test a week before i apply it topically then after a month get another blood test, to see if it affected my test or dht in anyway. if no sudden drop I will continue to use it in hope it will mantain hair. Also the flutagel as stated will contain minoxidil so will work well. Lets all hope for the best and not be quick to knock every new thing that comes a long. You cant deny the fact that sintov in his study regrew a ton of hair with a lot smaller doses then prostrate cancer patients use, and say if it does absorb in system do you really think the sides are going to be close to as bad as dutasteride??

read up

if the gel works by slowing absorption of flut then it will give it enough time to attach to the hair receptors, with just plain alcohol of course flut is bad because it absorbs so quick that it doesn't have time to attach to the receptors. but if you say apply the gel overnight and leave it on for 8 hours and in that time it slowly penetrates through the layers of the skin we could have huge potential like sintov did.

Some say sintov didnt prove that the gel stoped system absorption, but i will believe sintov because he is a very knowledgeable and good guy in the hair world. If in fact after a month I get a blood test and its vastly differently then before i started then I will agree sintovs study was flawed and didn't prove the gel didn't stop system absorption.


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phish said:
You cant deny the fact that sintov in his study regrew a ton of hair with a lot smaller doses then prostrate cancer patients use...

First of all, I'm not so sure that Sintov "regrew a ton of hair" in those grafts.

Second of all, what makes you think that the doses used were "a lot smaller" than what prostate cancer patients use? The only logical way to look at that is to consider the amount of drug applied, compared to the mass of the animals. In that regard, the doses used by Sintov could very well have been LARGER than what prostate cancer patients use.

phish said:
Some say sintov didnt prove that the gel stoped system absorption, but i will believe sintov because he is a very knowledgeable and good guy in the hair world. If in fact after a month I get a blood test and its vastly differently then before i started then I will agree sintovs study was flawed and didn't prove the gel didn't stop system absorption.

That's not good enough, because it's only half the story. You have to do TWO things: you have to show that there are no changes in your blood levels of androgens (BTW, we would expect those androgen levels to be INCREASED by systemic flutamide, not decreased), and you have to show that there is actually a beneficial effect on your hair (if there's no effect on your hair and there's no effect on your androgen levels, it could be just that the flutamide wasn't absorbed at all).


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philly said:
"Flutamide must be systemically metabolised before it becomes the strong hydroxyflutamide which blocks androgen receptors."

Not true. ?-hydroxylation takes place in the skin.

How is it safe then? If the hydroxylation takes place there, then the formation of the hepatotoxic metabolites would also occur. Both CYP1A2 and CYP1B1 are present in human skin, which means you'll not only get the metabolite that we want, but also the metabolite that does the most damage. That combined with possible system side effects secondary to ANY absorption at all is a recipe for disaster.


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docj077 said:
philly said:
"Flutamide must be systemically metabolised before it becomes the strong hydroxyflutamide which blocks androgen receptors."

Not true. ?-hydroxylation takes place in the skin.

How is it safe then? If the hydroxylation takes place there, then the formation of the hepatotoxic metabolites would also occur. Both CYP1A2 and CYP1B1 are present in human skin, which means you'll not only get the metabolite that we want, but also the metabolite that does the most damage. That combined with possible system side effects secondary to ANY absorption at all is a recipe for disaster.

I don't get how even if it did absorb in the system through topical how can it be so bad, I know personally a few people that take it orally with no side affects at much higher rate then what would ever absorb topically. the side affects from the 16 percent that does absorb in the system will be no worse then the side affects some experience with dutasteride? So why is everyone so scared?


Philly - just a thanks from the Admins here for bringing topics like this to these boards. We need guys like yourself to ask the questions and get the discussions going. Even if not everyone agrees, its good to keep the new topics flowing. So thank you.


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I'll be trying the topical Flutamide gel, Sinere are releasing there’s on Thursday 24th so only a couple of days, saying that it's the worst company ever for delivery, Expect 3-4 weeks delivery from them to UK.

I can't see how it's so dangerous, with no absorption enhancers very little should get in your system, if I get sides I'll stop.

I look forward to trying this product but I don't have great expectations, I mean it has been out for years, and we have known about the Sintov study for about 7 years. Flutamide is meant to be very unstable as well.

It seems to go in loops these things, Like topical finasteride, people got excited about topical finasteride in a cream in 2000, now 8 years later it’s coming back, promox and sinere’s products and people crushing there finasteride tablets in there minoxidil.

I hope it does work because I could do with some more hair.


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i think it will be better then topical spironolactone. it will be for maintenance and id apply it once b4 bed with no minoxidil or any other products on a dry scalp, then wash off in the morning. i think if the gel works as well as sintovs we could see it being able to maintain hair counts as well as dutasteride without the side affects, im cautiously optimistic and will wait for people to take it for 3 months and report any change with hair and side affects.

so foam in the morning and flutagel at night can be a potent combo if this gel does two things works as good as sintovs study and produce hair counts like his, and does not absorb in the system or if it does doesnt absorb enuff to cause any side affects. we shall soon find out because as of 3 days ago people have been able to order it so should be getting it in a week. in 3 months I will check peoples results and if it proves to stable hairloss or some regrowth in 3 months i will give it a go.


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Yeah, thanks indeed...

I've been using minoxidil foam for going on 10 months now, I've not seen much (if any?) benefit and was actually just looking around for another type of minoxidil to add in its place... the nanominox FMS looks like the ideal thing to try! It was a toss up between that and the new spectral DNC-L.

So I've ordered a bottle, I intend to use it alongside the foam (probably FMS in the evening, foam in the morning) and if all goes well and I like it maybe consider dropping the foam out entirely once i've used up the (plentiful number of) cans I have left.

for those too lazy to look it up:


Nanominox©-FMS 100ml contains finasteride and minoxidil sulfate

Active ingredients :
finasteride 0.1%
minoxidil sulfate 4%
sophora flavescens extract
creatine ethyl ester
cyanocobalamine (Vitamin B12)

Vehicle :
coated PG-liposomes from high quality phosphatidylcholine
Propylene glycol (PG) 10%
bidistilled water"

you can find out more here

I find the information about minoxidil sulphate very interesting, especially the explanation as to a possible reason why some may not respond to minoxidil being the inability to convert it to the sulphate in the skin. I'm sure this isn't new info, but it's the first time I've come across it.

The authors of the article also mention the possibility that the difference between good responsers and poor responsers to minoxidil may be due to a difference in their sulfotransferases metabolism in the skin. Since minoxidil sulphate is already sulphated its action does no longer depend on the sulfotransferases, therefore poor minoxidil responsers may become good responders with minoxidil sulphate.

then note the keto and the finasteride and you have a sort of "big-3" in a pot - lol.

Anyway, I've just gone with the one bottle for now (since it'll only be used once per day and you never know if you'll get some crazy reaction....) but we'll see how I get on - Worth a go in my opinion anyway!


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No problem; I'll post back on here when I get the stuff as regards ease of use, smell etc... then in a few months i'll let you know just how little it has helped :lol:


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I am using the nanominox FM at the moment. the FMS was not out when I got it but I should have one on the way soon.

good ingredients, lets see if it works.