There is a revolution going on and nobody here seems to care


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Can't speak for anyone else, but i went for FMS for the following reasons:

- minoxidil sulphate was worth a try since i hadn't responded to "normal" minoxidil in the form of foam
- I figured topical finasteride in addition to a low internal dose would probably reap additional benefits.
- there's a lot of other good stuff in there


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rusty_y2k2 said:
Can't speak for anyone else, but i went for FMS for the following reasons:

- minoxidil sulphate was worth a try since i hadn't responded to "normal" minoxidil in the form of foam
- I figured topical finasteride in addition to a low internal dose would probably reap additional benefits.
- there's a lot of other good stuff in there
so youve been using it for like 4 months is it working for you


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ginger-uk, your pic looks like me lol!!

I used nanominox-fms. I started off by lumping it on my crown and temples morning and night but after week i got a shock when i got nut ache and brain fog. I was starting to question whether their was any finasteride in the mixture till this happened. I kicked the dosage down to once at night at the temples and the side effects disappeared. Applying flutagel morning and evenin at the crown and temples in the morning.

Side effect free!


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rework - i also only use once at night. I do take an oral dose of finasteride too though...

As for how it's working, Its hard to say. I've had some thickening since beginning my new regime (see my thread in "tell your story") but I also started finasteride only a month before... I had been on minoxidil foam for 10 months without seeing any improvement though, so at the least i'd say it's working better than that. I'm not going to be someone who experiences explosive regrowth anyway though, since a) my hair isn't thaaaat bad and b) it was never super thick in the first place - I'm hardly going to end up with thicker hair than when i was 20...

Personally i don't expect much by way of thickening from finasteride (only 50% experience that) so i'd put most of wat i've had down to the minoxidil if i had to place a bet.

The above testimony about sides suggests the finasteride in fms does indeed get involved, so it's arguable that i may have seen similar results without the extra internal finasteride.


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I am never very optimistic about any treatments. TBH, the fact that I have never really made any gains from any product is begining to piss me off. It seems to be the case that there is always one product that works for someone. Yet I have blown thousands of pounds and not made any gains to talk of. The only time I saw a tiny bit of regrowth was when I used a laser studio once a week. I think If I had used that twice a week I might have seen more gains. However, my hair soon went back to, and worse than it was before. I used minoxidil the whole time. The only real saving grace was that my crown didn't thin as quick as my front.

I am still toying with the idea of making a laser device, but I am seriously loosing interest tbh. I crossed my fingers and started taking finasteride, that after 9 months or so hasn't done anything, switching to foam seems to have done very little. I'm not sure if I hadn't have done anything whether I would have had any less hair than I do now!?...

It just seems strange to me that the science behind hairloss is fairly straight forward, but the reality is treatments don't work for everyone. Surely this means, DHT isn't the only factor with hairloss?...


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ginger-uk said:
It just seems strange to me that the science behind hairloss is fairly straight forward, but the reality is treatments don't work for everyone. Surely this means, DHT isn't the only factor with hairloss?...

The science behind it isn't simple at all! It's incredibly complex and mediated through many pathways... anyone who claims to fully understand the mechanism of hairloss is lying or misinformed. You are quite correct, DHT is not the only factor by any means, it just happens to generally be a fairly big one and by targeting it you can often see good results.

In my pretty much worthless opinion, to be really successful for the majority of people any regime needs a combination of anti-inflammatory mechanisms (say EFA's internally and tea tree externally for example), some form of DHT inhibition (such as finasteride), an androgen receptor antagonist (eg ket, peppermint oil etc etc), and some form of growth stimulant. The latter being less important if you are just trying to maintain....

Unfortunately even with all that there are some people who still just won't respond. Science is a bit lacking in how to help these people....


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Thanks for that mate, What are EFA's?

I take

1.25mg finasteride daily
5% min twice daily
nizoral 2% once a week (I was twice)
I am starting to apply Aloe Vera Juice and wash with Tea Tree and lavender shampoo as of tomorrow.

I used to use a Serum from the AHS as well as their shampoo and own branded minoxidil.

Any more thoughts?


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EFAs are essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9), and are possily the best thing you can take for your overall health and wellbeing. Even if they end up doing nothing for your hair they are worth taking!

I personally rate Udo's Choice Ultimate oil blend (you can buy in cap form or just liquid - i don't recommend caps as you'd have to suck down millions of the buggers... i buy this ... pd_sim_d_1) look at udo's website here too where you can find out a lot about it.

I don't know if you work out or anything, but i just pop 3 desert spoons into my morning protein shake.... easy! It's something I have always meant to take regularly but it's been off and on, mostly crappy supermarket capsules which are pretty much worthless. I just started taking Udo's regularly a few weeks ago so we'll see how it helps. Already noticed better complexion though.

My personal feeling is that revita is much better than nizoral... but then it's much more expensive. I can use it everyday (actually leaves my hair feeling really good) and it has a lot of other goodies in it which may or may not help but can't hurt to try. Mostly I find the additional caffeine and emu oil very interesting... I use that in the morning, then tea tree and mint (soon to change to lavender like yourself) in the evening.

Finally you could try one of sinere's minoxidil solutions - the reason why i personally like them is that the have anti DHT components such as sophora flavens, and additional growth stimulants like adenosine (ups FGF7), creatine and so on. It's a convenient anti DHT and growth stimulant topical in one. Then assuming the minoxidil sulphate stays stable enough to last you have all the potential benefits that brings, if not then at worst it's just a 4% minoxidil. Just a thought!.

Have a read of this ... s_Book.htm

There's a lot of good info there, and while you'd probably have to be certifiably insane to do/take everything there you may find one or two things that you might want to give a try. There's a good bit on EFA's and how they can help in there too which you might find interesting. It's a long read but worth it to increase your understanding, that way you can make more informed decisions on what products to use to best suit you.


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Yet I have blown thousands of pounds and not made any gains to talk of

I know exactly where you are with that statement. Have that feeling myself and it sucks to know there is something you want to stop happening but are almost powerless to do anything about it!!

My hair was always extremely fine even as a teenager, hairdresser used to say my hair is like 1000's of needles. So now my hair has thinned and receeded at the front it looks far worse than i imagine someone with normally thick dark hair would be look in my situation!

A popular nickname i get called at present is Max Branning for those who watch eastenders. But i just happily laugh it off :)


Rework24 said:
Yet I have blown thousands of pounds and not made any gains to talk of

I know exactly where you are with that statement. Have that feeling myself and it sucks to know there is something you want to stop happening but are almost powerless to do anything about it!!

My hair was always extremely fine even as a teenager, hairdresser used to say my hair is like 1000's of needles. So now my hair has thinned and receeded at the front it looks far worse than i imagine someone with normally thick dark hair would be look in my situation!

A popular nickname i get called at present is Max Branning for those who watch eastenders. But i just happily laugh it off :)
hahahaaha suck sh*t bell end.


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lol, I got called Max the other day as well. I have more hair than him though. :lol:

Rusky thanks for the post. I should have realised what EFA's are. I take cod liver oil and Omega 3,6,9 tablets every day, but my dosage is low. I also take creatine from time to time as I train most days a week. Its seems I do everything right and really if my hair was going to respond it would have done by now. I'll have a look at those links and possibly get some bigger tablets. TBH even my ON Gold standard Whey has EFA's in it. I'll have a look on My Protein and get some EFA's from there. I also looked at MSM as people rave about that on here too.

I've just got some tea tree oil juice today and I rubbed that into my scalp earlier. I'm going to do that mid day as well now to stop the irritation of my scalp, if nothing else. I do have some Rivita shampoo, it seems to burn my head and I shed like a b**ch on it so I am very scared to try it again. I have my wedding coming up in September and I would hate for me to have a monster shed or complete loss (unlikely I know) for then. I'm going to end up with loads of stuff in my regieme and no results I know it, but I still feel the need to try. The anticlimax that finasteride has turned out to be has really got to me tbh. I thought this was the wonder pill, but its not done anything for me.


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what is it they say creatin could do ? i have some laying around.. does it do anything for the hair ?


ginger-uk said:
lol, I got called Max the other day as well. I have more hair than him though. :lol:

Rusky thanks for the post. I should have realised what EFA's are. I take cod liver oil and Omega 3,6,9 tablets every day, but my dosage is low. I also take creatine from time to time as I train most days a week. Its seems I do everything right and really if my hair was going to respond it would have done by now. I'll have a look at those links and possibly get some bigger tablets. TBH even my ON Gold standard Whey has EFA's in it. I'll have a look on My Protein and get some EFA's from there. I also looked at MSM as people rave about that on here too.

I've just got some tea tree oil juice today and I rubbed that into my scalp earlier. I'm going to do that mid day as well now to stop the irritation of my scalp, if nothing else. I do have some Rivita shampoo, it seems to burn my head and I shed like a b**ch on it so I am very scared to try it again. I have my wedding coming up in September and I would hate for me to have a monster shed or complete loss (unlikely I know) for then. I'm going to end up with loads of stuff in my regieme and no results I know it, but I still feel the need to try. The anticlimax that finasteride has turned out to be has really got to me tbh. I thought this was the wonder pill, but its not done anything for me.
Stay away from revita dude.It will probably destroy your hair like alot of people on this forum.


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Thats my thought on it too. After reading the other article I am going to add:

Udos Choice Ultimate Oil Blend - 1000mg
Swanson Pygeum - 1000mg
Saw Palmetto - 2500mg

To my daily regieme, as well as some msm.


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ginger-uk said:
Thats my thought on it too. After reading the other article I am going to add:

Udos Choice Ultimate Oil Blend - 1000mg
Swanson Pygeum - 1000mg
Saw Palmetto - 2500mg

To my daily regieme, as well as some msm.

Saw palmetto in addition to finasteride? I'm not convinced there's any benefit to be had there... I'd swap out saw palmetto for some stinging nettle root I think, which in theory (note theory lol) has a number of routes to help by - hormonal, anti-inflammatory and phyto-estrogenic lignans.

Odd about revita - I don't get any burning at all. Perhaps you are sensitive to the peppermint, or is it not that kind of burning? It's still too early for me to say anything about shedding on it, how quickly after using it did you start to have increased shed?


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Burning came after a few applications, the shed came after a month. I'll give those herbals a go, if I can drop finasteride it would make me happier.


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Do you think 1000mg per day of Swanson Pygeum is about right? I am going to add the Saw Palmetto as a liquid form to my Min. Hairmuck I believe they call it. Is Azelaic Acid worth adding while I'm at it?



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I don't know how the pygeum is supposed to help to be honest... haven't really read up on it, but it would seem it has some sort of synergistic effect with saw palmetto, whether that is in the absoprtion side of things (in which case it would be totally redundant to take it orally if you are applying the palmetto topically) or otherwise I don't know.

Have you seen minomuck? I think that might be a simple addition to your minoxidil with some possible good results.

I've never seen any real positive testimonials from Azelaic acid, but then I've never really looked hard. The only guy i've ever seen pushing it is Dr Lee.