There is a revolution going on and nobody here seems to care


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I'll keep you posted, I can already say it seems like a great clean solution. It absorbs really fast and leaves no residue behind. It will be great if it works, It's like the big 3 and more in a topical.

I have not shed yet but I've only been using it for a week. Just once a day. Nothing else either so I will know if it works or not. like I said before I do want to try the Flutagel and might add that after a few months, I think I'll wait to see what people think of it first.


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hairsucks said:
I think I'll wait to see what people think of it first.

If they ever get it - the stuff as been on sale for two weeks now and no-one seems to have received any.


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To keep you posted, I'm going to have to stop the Nanominox FM already because of the same reason I stopped minoxidil last time, I seem to have developed an alergic reaction to it, I get a really itchy scalp, same with rogaine foam or liquid.

I have ordered the Flutagel so I hope it helps, It’s pretty much my only hope as I can’t use minoxidil or finasteride because of sides.


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When did you order?

Keep us updated about having it received and your experiences with it please!


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I ordered it today. I will keep you posted, I don't have very high hopes for flutagel but I think it will be the strongest topical anti-androgen available. It's meant to be the same strength as RU.

The good thing is Flutagel will be the only thing I’ll be using so I’ll be able to get a good idea if it works.

I’m also going to take pictures now and I’ll post results in 6 months. With updates in between.

If I do get scalp irritation or sides like lack of libido and that sort of thing I will be stopping it though but like I say I’ll keep you posted.


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nice hairsucks hope it works out for you. we need more members taking pictures when on only one treatment at a time so we can see what is working best.


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Just popped in quickly to give some first impressions on the nanominox-fms (the minoxidil sulphate and finasteride combo):


- Pretty easy to apply
- No smell at all that I could discern, while i may not have the most sensitive of noses there's certainly nothing pungent.
- Hasn't given me any irritation (yet)
- dries quickly and leaves hair softish and not greasy


- It's bright pink... now that's not a con in itself, but get this on your clothes and i doubt it'll be coming out (although that is, as of the time of writing, conjecture on my part). Also be warned that if you have white pillows etc, wait for it to dry fully and perhaps run a tissue over your hair to stop turning them pink. I should mention however that the pink is not at all visible on your scalp after application.
- from payment to delivery of the stuff took about a week and a half... it actually took a week for them to just get the stuff dispatched. Not a problem really, but it does mean I'll have to watch a bit more carefully regarding ordering in fresh supplies

So yeah, overall it looks like i'll get on with this stuff for now... here's hoping it'll also actually do something!


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I just ordered three bottles of the FMS and will do the same.

For perspective, I've been on finasteride and minoxidil for over 5 years now, but while it's clear the finasteride has helped me maintain / slow down my male pattern baldness, I'm not a responder to standard minoxidil. I never had any regrowth.

It will be interesting to see if this minoxidil SULPHATE based product will work and/or whether the topical finasteride will have any effect...



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Still waiting for my Nanominox FMS to arrive... :roll:

Was just wondering, do you guys refrigerate your Nanominox FMS or just leave it in a generally cool place (and by that I don't mean the nearest nightclub).

I think I read somewhere, on Regrowth perhaps, that Sinere recommend that you refrigerate the stuff to stop minoxidil Sulphate degrading to normal minoxidil. I don't really want to stick this stuff in the fridge at my place given that I share a house with two other people!



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Just FYI it took a whole week before they even shipped my order... then it took a couple days to arrive if i remember correctly. No idea why there's such a delay - I assume it's a relatively small outfit so perhaps they have difficulty in keeping pace with orders. Your delay is a bit ridiculous though, have you tried emailing them about it?

On the website it says to store at room temperature, on the bottle it says to refridgerate... but not freeze! I emailed them to confirm which is correct and they said "it is best to refridgerate it". Take that as you will - I imagine that with 3 of them you'd definately want to keep them cooled to make sure they keep for as long as possible (both finasteride in solution and minoxidil sulphate are inherently unstable as i understand it).

Perhaps just get one of those tupperware box things, write your name on it and stuff them in the back of the fridge somewhere. Or buy yourself one of those little personal room fridge things... the latter is my plan because i fancy some cool beverages in my room anyway lol.


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tell me about it... back at uni I used to have one of those Cube foster's beer fridges. I'd quite often just be drifting off to sleep when the pump would kick in lol.


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Thanks guys.

I got an email yesterday indicated that my order had been "Shipped" so hopefully it will be a matter of days now. I guess refrigeration is the only way to go. Might have to employ the tupperware container technique!



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I received my batch of Flutagel yesterday, being fed up with minoxidil as I am, I thought I'd give something else a try.

The stuff is difficult to use on longer hair, I'd recommend getting your hands on a micro-pipette and cutting it down. The gel is very like a cream, spreads easily but a lot is taken up by the hair. It is absorbed quickly leaving a stiff residue on the scalp which doesn't really brush out. If you're using this in the morning you'll probably have to wash your hair before going out.

Thought I had a slight ache in the right testicle after using it, but it could have been my imagination.


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Tomorrow will mark 1 week of twice daily applications (less one day where I didn't apply anything) of Sinere's Flutagel for me. It hardens very quickly, which was the goal to avoid systemic absorption and to keep it suspended in the skin for as long as possible. The residue it leaves is just the cellulose left over from the gel.

I'm only using it on my temples and apply about 1 squirt per temple, so ~4 squirts a day which is about 2ml I would guess. According to Sinere there is 7.35mg of Flutamide per ml of the gel, so I'm applying ~15mg of topical Flutamide daily. So far I have nothing to report in terms of side effects or hair growth effects. However, I do notice my thinning areas do not itch when I apply the flutagel to them. The day I didn't apply anything at all I noticed a small itch coming back. For me, personally, this is a good sign as in the past an itch was always associated with loss, and no itch was associated with prevention of loss. This was the case for years (about 4 or 5) while I was using Kankho 600 until last year it just sort of lost it's effect for some reason.

Night time applications are fine since you don't have to worry about cosmetics. Daytime applications are a little trickier. What I do is I apply as little as possible to the thinnest areas in my temples. If I get any on my hair I just sort of touch or dab it with my finger until the white residue goes away. That seems to work pretty good. It dries very quickly, though, so you have to work fast.

Anyway, that is about all I have to report at this time. I'm glad I am experiencing zero side effects and would be much happier if I actually see some regrowth in a few weeks.