This Guy Pulls Of Bald Look Very Well


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So my attack was "vague"? I made an accurate description of you and your attitude, and so did @Exodus2011

You moved off the topic because you can't explain why I apparently show my hatred for Incels.

You also keep jumping into my arguments because you can't let it go, you need to feel some validation that if other people are arguing, then your false claims were justified.

I didn't even acknowledge you when you kept doing it during my Bateman argument. Weak people need crowds to feel vindicated, whatever makes you happy.

Posso uccidere il rudiger per t e

Vive in Inghilterra come me :D

I don't actually, not that it would matter regardless.


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You moved off the topic because you can't explain why I apparently show my hatred for Incels.

You also keep jumping into my arguments because you can't let it go, you need to feel some validation that if other people are arguing, then your false claims were justified.

I didn't even acknowledge you when you kept doing it during my Bateman argument. Weak people need crowds to feel vindicated, whatever makes you happy.

I don't actually, not that it would matter regardless.


where do you live man


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what do you think of smp?

would you get it done?

I don't want to think of this future! I doubt I'd have the right head shape for it, I can't be sure as I haven't seen myself bald yet obviously, but I doubt I have that "sharp" angular head shape that suits mega buzzed look.

Are you looking into it?

Also I'm Irish but moved around a lot, I lived in England (Newcastle) for 4 or 5 years.


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I don't want to think of this future! I doubt I'd have the right head shape for it, I can't be sure as I haven't seen myself bald yet obviously, but I doubt I have that "sharp" angular head shape that suits mega buzzed look.

Are you looking into it?

Also I'm Irish but moved around a lot, I lived in England (Newcastle) for 4 or 5 years.
Its not also whether it suits you but whether you feel right with the shaved look.

I look okay with it shaved but I just don't like it and it doesn't reflect who I am. I think sometime hair isn't about just looking hot to get women and sometimes it comes into the realms of identity. Our hair allows us to express ourselves and so to remove our hair takes away the visual representation of our identity.


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Its not also whether it suits you but whether you feel right with the shaved look.

I look okay with it shaved but I just don't like it and it doesn't reflect who I am. I think sometime hair isn't about just looking hot to get women and sometimes it comes into the realms of identity. Our hair allows us to express ourselves and so to remove our hair takes away the visual representation of our identity.

you look gangster man!

i wouldnt f*** with you


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I don't want to think of this future! I doubt I'd have the right head shape for it, I can't be sure as I haven't seen myself bald yet obviously, but I doubt I have that "sharp" angular head shape that suits mega buzzed look.

Are you looking into it?

Also I'm Irish but moved around a lot, I lived in England (Newcastle) for 4 or 5 years.

im thinking about it

my situation is desperate lol


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Its not also whether it suits you but whether you feel right with the shaved look.

I look okay with it shaved but I just don't like it and it doesn't reflect who I am. I think sometime hair isn't about just looking hot to get women and sometimes it comes into the realms of identity. Our hair allows us to express ourselves and so to remove our hair takes away the visual representation of our identity.

You could be right but I still maintain that I wouldn't give a f*** about my hair if it wasn't for attracting women. That's me personally.

I wrote on here not long ago when I realised something at the gym. In the locker room around other guys, I don't care about having wet or sweaty hair and my full diffuse in all its glory, couldn't give a sh*t, and guys have looked at it before. I somewhat give a sh*t if I happen to know another guy in there, and I thought, why is that? It's in case he baldshames me around other women we might know "Jesus that Rudiger, his hair is a lot worse than how he makes it look dry" (because there is a world of difference).

Similar is on the gym floor as well, obviously I'm sweating a lot, I'm aware of the bright lights in some parts of the gym. But most of the time there's no girls around (there's practically a male side and female side, but most of the weight machines are on the male, and often its just a quiet gym) so I really don't care to fix my hair or try dry the fringe up with a towel. However if there are women around I'm constantly aware of it.

That's just, all I care about. If I had untreatable ED or my dick just fell off, I'd just resign myself to being undesired and totally bald.

Of course I don't want this but every cloud, might actually be kinda liberating if that happened. I'd be free of constantly being anxious about my looks.


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You're like 22 aren't you?

f*****g hell kids in their early 20s (not to patronise) shouldn't have to be thinking about micro skull tattoos.

lol im nearly 30. hard to guess that with all my trolling?

i havent followed too much of your latest battles with dante and exodus, but i do feel bad for guys like them, espec exodus. nw6 at 21 is nuts

i think smp is a joke in general, but i have enough hair still left to make it look ok i think?? coping maybe

man i hope some of this new tech comes out soon


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You could be right but I still maintain that I wouldn't give a f*** about my hair if it wasn't for attracting women. That's me personally.

I wrote on here not long ago when I realised something at the gym. In the locker room around other guys, I don't care about having wet or sweaty hair and my full diffuse in all its glory, couldn't give a sh*t, and guys have looked at it before. I somewhat give a sh*t if I happen to know another guy in there, and I thought, why is that? It's in case he baldshames me around other women we might know "Jesus that Rudiger, his hair is a lot worse than how he makes it look dry" (because there is a world of difference).

Similar is on the gym floor as well, obviously I'm sweating a lot, I'm aware of the bright lights in some parts of the gym. But most of the time there's no girls around (there's practically a male side and female side, but most of the weight machines are on the male, and often its just a quiet gym) so I really don't care to fix my hair or try dry the fringe up with a towel. However if there are women around I'm constantly aware of it.

That's just, all I care about. If I had untreatable ED or my dick just fell off, I'd just resign myself to being undesired and totally bald.

Of course I don't want this but every cloud, might actually be kinda liberating if that happened. I'd be free of constantly being anxious about my looks.

how long you been on finasteride?

have u had no sides at all?


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You could be right but I still maintain that I wouldn't give a f*** about my hair if it wasn't for attracting women. That's me personally.

I wrote on here not long ago when I realised something at the gym. In the locker room around other guys, I don't care about having wet or sweaty hair and my full diffuse in all its glory, couldn't give a sh*t, and guys have looked at it before. I somewhat give a sh*t if I happen to know another guy in there, and I thought, why is that? It's in case he baldshames me around other women we might know "Jesus that Rudiger, his hair is a lot worse than how he makes it look dry" (because there is a world of difference).

Similar is on the gym floor as well, obviously I'm sweating a lot, I'm aware of the bright lights in some parts of the gym. But most of the time there's no girls around (there's practically a male side and female side, but most of the weight machines are on the male, and often its just a quiet gym) so I really don't care to fix my hair or try dry the fringe up with a towel. However if there are women around I'm constantly aware of it.

That's just, all I care about. If I had untreatable ED or my dick just fell off, I'd just resign myself to being undesired and totally bald.

Of course I don't want this but every cloud, might actually be kinda liberating if that happened. I'd be free of constantly being anxious about my looks.

There's no value to hair outside of attracting the opposite sex.


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lol im nearly 30. hard to guess that with all my trolling?

i havent followed too much of your latest battles with dante and exodus, but i do feel bad for guys like them, espec exodus. nw6 at 21 is nuts

i think smp is a joke in general, but i have enough hair still left to make it look ok i think?? coping maybe

man i hope some of this new tech comes out soon

how long you been on finasteride?

have u had no sides at all?

I think I mixed you up with someone else.

finasteride for nearly 2 years, and that's apparently the cut off point for its effectiveness sadly enough. I'm still getting small regrowth but not a chance in hell this is going to fix my diffuse thinning. My hair line is just about passable for a 30 year old, it still frames my face which is most of the battle, but the diffuse thinning is pretty damn bad.

I actually first had noticeable hair loss when I was only 16, don't know how it stayed for this long.

This was my only battle with Exo and I feel for him being bald that young. I could be wrong here but I get the feeling just from his posts hes kinda a defeated guy in his attitude, and that's sad.


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People still care about hair loss or how they look even when it's not about attracting opposite sex.
People who are attractive like the way they look...all the opposite sex can be gone (alla the Leftovers) and attractive people still want to stay attractive to see themselves in mirror looking good.
Maybe unattractive people don't get this because they never had it but this is how attractive people usually feel.


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People still care about hair loss or how they look even when it's not about attracting opposite sex.
People who are attractive like the way they look...all the opposite sex can be gone (alla the Leftovers) and attractive people still want to stay attractive to see themselves in mirror looking good.
Maybe unattractive people don't get this because they never had it but this is how attractive people usually feel.

I understand this is how most people feel but for me it's like over 90% just down to attracting women. From males I suppose there's a perceived "dominance" to beimg handsome, but isn't that just because it's an indication you get to have sex with desired women? When you think it through. So I think it just goes back to that.

For women it's probably completely different, hair is actually quite central to a lot of your interactions. @Pasbrillantebrunette wrote recently about how good a new hair cut used to feel, I mean it's the process of getting it done, the compliments from your friends, it's a lot of things that males don't quite get. If you get your hair cut regularly people aren't even likely to notice.


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Oh and @sunchyme1 I forgot to write about sides, if you can consider this a "side" I had increased libido if anything, it took barely anything to be hard as a rock. It was like ping, within seconds.

Other than that period of a few months, nothing. Are you asking because you're considering trying finasteride? Jesus man please hop on it right now if that's the case.


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I understand this is how most people feel but for me it's like over 90% just down to attracting women. From males I suppose there's a perceived "dominance" to beimg handsome, but isn't that just because it's an indication you get to have sex with desired women? When you think it through. So I think it just goes back to that.

For women it's probably completely different, hair is actually quite central to a lot of your interactions. @Pasbrillantebrunette wrote recently about how good a new hair cut used to feel, I mean it's the process of getting it done, the compliments from your friends, it's a lot of things that males don't quite get. If you get your hair cut regularly people aren't even likely to notice.

It's pretty much everybody in nature.

In environments where there's less emphasis on attracting women, for example among professional athletes or in the military, people are more likely to just shave their heads. Athletes also often shave their body hair, because at that point the utility of reduced friction takes over.

The movie Cast Away is pretty sensible in its prediction as well. When Tom Hanks is stranded, he stops shaving and grooming. That's just realistic -- I can't imagine anybody shaving and grooming if they're alone on a desert island, they would stop caring really fast.

Boys in general typically start grooming themselves around puberty. Mothers can often have a terrible time convincing their nine and ten year old sons to bathe, and then suddenly they care about girls and they bathe on their own.

Hair is very much like the peacock's tail, it has no benefit other than attracting the opposite sex.

Also in general, with women this time, they're less likely to get dressed up and put on makeup if they're staying indoors. That's obviously true. It is only once other people enter the picture that they care about their attractiveness.


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Oh trust me I still remember those days when I used to put my hand in the dark an soft sea of my hair, and it was so valuable, it was so valuable to feel complete regardless of you guys. Also, apprently hair can be useful to escape from a dungeon when no rope around!

Your hair made you feel good because you live in a world where hair is valued.

Which is only true because there is sex in this world. It's the same way some men like to flex in front of the mirror even when no women are around.

There's no value to hair otherwise.


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Oh and @sunchyme1 I forgot to write about sides, if you can consider this a "side" I had increased libido if anything, it took barely anything to be hard as a rock. It was like ping, within seconds.

Other than that period of a few months, nothing. Are you asking because you're considering trying finasteride? Jesus man please hop on it right now if that's the case.

lol no unfortunately i tried finasteride for a year a few years a go and had awful f*****g sides. i felt terrible on the drug. but i got amazing regrowth. which was all the more impressive considering i have been balding at a steady rate since i was 17. usually guys who get good regrowth are the ones who had recently lost their hair. that wasnt me. i think im an extreme responder

im just interested in other peoples experiences with finasteride

its a weird f*****g drug