This is What About 2 years of agressive male pattern baldness does...


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I know alot of people have it worse, or at least the same, but im only 20 years

Keep in mind im still using minoxidil/nizoral

My story (Where i started)

Let's start a pool: Barca will be Nw6 By : ______

Wonder if UCM still thinks im not balding...



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God - it's almost like looking in a mirror!

My hairline is exactly the same as yours, my hair colour is exactly the same and even my face is similarish (though I'm much older - 42)!!!

Only difference is I've also got some Alopecia Areata on the right side of my head, which I hate even more than the male pattern baldness. :sobbing:

I can't guarantee this, obviously, but I don't think you'll end up a NW6. It's usually guys with some thinning, or crown loss, who get that bad. In fact, my male pattern baldness hasn't got any worse in 10 years.

The good news for you is that if you hold on to what you've got now, with no diffusion, you'll be a fantastic candidate for a hair transplant in a few years. Plus HM might be available before you're 30.

It does suck though, I know, a sh*t hairline really limits your styling options.

If I was you I'd cut it a bit shorter (though not too short), and use some wax/gel to try and create a sort of messed up look. Plus, maybe dye it lighter, which will highlight the recession less. Try for something like this: ... ture-3.jpg

It definitely looks better than combing it forward IMO.

Hope this helps.

Oh - and please make sure you win the Champions League. I'll break something if United win it again. lol


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is that finger thing really necessary

maybe time for something new

like a quote or funny limerick

just a suggestion

cheers mate


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I'd just buzz it again.

Not because you're at the stage where it's necessary, but because it really suits you. :gay:

Not to mention the fact that it'll make any thinning a lot less obvious and you won't worry about your hair so much.


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I like the finger. I feel the same way about male pattern baldness.
What makes you think you're going NW6? Family history?
I disagree, NW3 is not a mature hairline. Obviously, some guys get there and stop, so it could be argued that NW3 is their mature hairline, but that makes NW7 someone else's mature hairline.
Some guys do get towards NW3 young and then bald slowly, but the only examples I can think of are Flea and Morrisey.


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norwood 2


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It's much worse, trust me. Because when it grows out it SHOULD look fuller and cover more area than the outline you see when its buzzed. Some thinning on top too, which is painfully obvious.

To the person who said im a NW2, you must be blind. IT's painfully obvious the temples have receded and still receding further, because the hair there is much wispier than the hair down the middle.
I'm not saying im a f*****g NW6, but a little Reverence, please.

Besides that, victor valdez has real good hair.

And no, The finger stays.


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finfighter said:
Hey man, I feel your pain my hairline was kinda like that at your age I'm 24 now, and although my hairline wasn't quite as receded as yours, my crown took a big hit to, at least your crowns in good shape, and at leest you started treatment early. I didn't start till six months ago, and I have the opposite medication problem, I had side effects from minoxidil but not finasteride. Side effects suck I wish there was a perfect hairloss drug.


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I'd say NW3, though you are a bit better off than I was at 20, my crown was thinning also.

Seriously dude, get on some topical spironolactone, and look in to folligen or proxy n.

Your hair still looks good, and you have a good head shape and face, so either way you'll be fine :)


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Does topical spironolactone get absorbed systemically? I dont want anything interfering with my brain/balls. I've already been through that....


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no it doesn't mate

"Topical spironolactone does not cause shedding. Because it metabolizes totally and rapidly in the skin where it is applied, there are no systemic effects."
from dr. Lee himself

i think it's only for maintenance though

cheers mate


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My Regimen
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sh*t, that's not very aggressive male pattern baldness. Well it is for your age, but f. ex. me and my bro have lost much more ground than you in 3 years. Our male pattern baldness started when we were about 22-23, and it isn't a pretty sight now that we're 26. I always had thin hair but my twin bro had much thicker set and the transformation looks worse for him than me. To top that, we both suffer from pretty bad scalp and facial seborrhea... it's hereditary aswell. But yeah, I'd buzz it if I were you, it suited you.