This is What About 2 years of agressive male pattern baldness does...

Quantum Cat

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ghg said:
sh*t, that's not very aggressive male pattern baldness. Well it is for your age, but f. ex. me and my bro have lost much more ground than you in 3 years. Our male pattern baldness started when we were about 22-23, and it isn't a pretty sight now that we're 26. I always had thin hair but my twin bro had much thicker set and the transformation looks worse for him than me. To top that, we both suffer from pretty bad scalp and facial seborrhea... it's hereditary aswell. But yeah, I'd buzz it if I were you, it suited you.

actually barcafan is at least 1-2 Norwoods higher than you, I would say.


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You have a very good looking face and would look very sharp with a short buzzcut. Most people wouldn't notice you were balding at this time either.


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Quantum Cat, didn't I tell you to stop harassing me? Are you obsessed with me or something? I don't read your posts, get f*****g over it. I have little to no respect for idiots who lie about things that they couldn't possibly have a clue about, so get off my case please.


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Barca, you are definitely balding but it's not that bad. Plus,. it's clearly wet hair too which always shows more thin.

Buzz it short and it would look awesome. Man what I would give to have what you have. I"m not sure how your hairloss is progressing. But my advice from someone who has been through it is, buzz it short and enjoy it.

At your age I had more than you. But withint 2 years I was a NW6. Your pattern doesn't appear to be in that manner, thank god for you.


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Thanks for the kind words HP. I am not optimistic about the future, because so far treatments aren't doing fuckall and 75% of my male relatives are nw6+, the other 25% are like nw3+ except my older brother.


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"kind words from HP", never saw that one coming. I knew deep down inside all that bitterness he has a good heart. Barc, your lucky to be good looking so focus on that aspect. Consider that your blessing.

Quantum Cat

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ghg said:
Quantum Cat, didn't I tell you to stop harassing me? Are you obsessed with me or something? I don't read your posts, get f****ing over it. I have little to no respect for idiots who lie about things that they couldn't possibly have a clue about, so get off my case please.

harassing you? Dude you need to chill. I was just saying how your hair doesn't appear to be as bad as you think it is.


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ghg said:
Quantum Cat, didn't I tell you to stop harassing me? Are you obsessed with me or something? I don't read your posts, get f****ing over it. I have little to no respect for idiots who lie about things that they couldn't possibly have a clue about, so get off my case please.
He's right this time. No way in hell is your hairloss worse than this guys so stop your whinging.


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heyitsthatguy said:
ghg said:
Quantum Cat, didn't I tell you to stop harassing me? Are you obsessed with me or something? I don't read your posts, get f****ing over it. I have little to no respect for idiots who lie about things that they couldn't possibly have a clue about, so get off my case please.
He's right this time. No way in hell is your hairloss worse than this guys so stop your whinging.

Nope, he's wrong. I'm right. You know why I'm right? Because I see my hair every day and I know how thin it is. You don't, Quantum Cat doesn't either. Simple as hell. My hair on top is nowhere as thick as barcafan's, I don't have recession though. I have already posted the pic which was taken in a VERY DIM light (and was taken 1,5 years ago!) but showed way more balding than barcafan's pic under a bathroom light, so maybe you should shut up about this subject?

I'll stop answering to this thread now since it's barcafan's thread and I don't want to spoil it further. Sorry barcafan, you're one of the cooler dudes here.

uncomfortable man

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Well for twenty I see what you mean. Your at a crossroads, your loss could stabilize or progress but either way you still have time on your side to find a treatment that works for you. Because if you say that you have nw6s in your family then you should brace for the worst and pray it halts at nw3. I think you look though good Barca and try to be grateful than you aren't a diffuse thinner. You still have enough hair where it counts right now and I think you had the right idea with the tight buzz cut.


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dudemon said:
Barca, just curious:

You stopped finasteride. But have you looked into "Dutasteride"? They are similar but not the same. Although I think dutasteride is more potent than finasteride.

I had side effects from liquid minoxidil (peeling, irritation, etc). But, I've been on the foam and no side effects for 2 years now. The different formulation made that much of a difference.

Yeah Liquid minoxidil made my scalp burn too... foam is indifferent, so I'm using it.


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DoctorHouse said:
"kind words from HP", never saw that one coming. I knew deep down inside all that bitterness he has a good heart. Barc, your lucky to be good looking so focus on that aspect. Consider that your blessing.

I always do but in this case, he is not a "preacher" who sits there and tells other people to do things yet when it's HIM, it's always different even though everyone who has seen him tells him he isn't that bald (like ghg for example).


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barcafan said:
Thanks for the kind words HP. I am not optimistic about the future, because so far treatments aren't doing fuckall and 75% of my male relatives are nw6+, the other 25% are like nw3+ except my older brother.

Like I said man, buzz it to a number 2. It will look awesome. If it slows down then great, if not, you would have adjusted some to the look. Try it out. Worst case, it grows back soon enough, your hair is not very long to begin with.


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ghg said:
I'll stop answering to this thread now since it's barcafan's thread and I don't want to spoil it further. Sorry barcafan, you're one of the cooler dudes here.

And 2 posts later:

"Yeah Liquid minoxidil made my scalp burn too... foam is indifferent, so I'm using it."

LOL you gotta love the guy, always about HIM.


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Yeah, its kind of funny and ironic how ghg so desperately wants to prove to everyone he is balding. Most forum members including myself, on the other hand, try to do everything in our power to make the world think that we are not thinning or as he calls it "balding".


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Yeah I didn't think about what I said a couple of minutes earlier when I posted the previous time. Sue me.

And "DoctorHouse", are you implying that "thinning" is not a form of "balding"? What is it then? Yeah I'm desperate to "prove" that I'm balding because I am and it hurts me. What the hell is so hard to believe about it? I've proved it numerous times, what's the problem? It works both ways; it seems many ppl here are more than desperate to claim that I'm not balding, although they possibly can't. Why me? Why my balding is so hard to believe? There are posters who never send pics and you believe them. I have proved it, and you still don't believe it (or you do but you still like to act like a-holes about it and not admit you were wrong). This place is unreal... worse than most of my dreams :D.

Imagine a situation where you know that you're seriously balding or whatever your state might be, yet everyone you know tells you otherwise, just to be nice or whatever their reasons might be. I bet it would eventually get to you... this is the situation here. Anything I post I get the same weirdos on my back, over and over and over again. If you don't like my posts, fine, don't bloody read them! Shouldn't be too hard to skip a damn post on a forum.


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GHG, sometimes you have to just let them post and don't give them the satisfaction of responding. They are "on your back" because they know it gets to you. You be the mature one and walk away. As far as thinning vs balding. Thinning can be age related where your hair thins but you have will always have full coverage and balding where you actually lose your hair and have slick bald spots.

optimus prime

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DoctorHouse said:
Yeah, its kind of funny and ironic how ghg so desperately wants to prove to everyone he is balding. Most forum members including myself, on the other hand, try to do everything in our power to make the world think that we are not thinning or as he calls it "balding".

Seems to me everyone is trying to prove he is not balding. We have all seen two maybe three pictures and we are telling the guy he is not balding...seems a bit odd to me. You would think he knows himself better than us.

If he was so desperate to prove he was balding I'm sure he would have posted 10 or 11 pictures.


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dudemon said:
Barca, just curious:

You stopped finasteride. But have you looked into "Dutasteride"? They are similar but not the same. Although I think dutasteride is more potent than finasteride.

I had side effects from liquid minoxidil (peeling, irritation, etc). But, I've been on the foam and no side effects for 2 years now. The different formulation made that much of a difference.

Ah dude no way, finasteride really caused me problems (Which i am quite sure i am not imagining because i was never even aware of the potential side effects, and then seemed to get them). I am quite lucky because i am pretty sure i was able to escape any very long term damage that the drug may cause. Dutas is like finasteride on steroids lol, i made a promise to myself that no matter how bad it may get, i was never going to go through that sh*t again even if i could save my hair. Right now my last options are topical spironolactone/minoxidil/maybe some SOD's (that bryan mentions). Quite an expensive regimen so maybe when i have some more cash i'll go for it, i'll be sure to document everything for future people.

However where i stand right now, i probably have a 1-5% chance of not progressing to a NW7 by the time i'm 30 or whatever. I mean it could stop dead in it's tracks for x years, but that's not what i'm like counting on. less dissapointment that way.


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ghg said:
Yeah I didn't think about what I said a couple of minutes earlier when I posted the previous time. Sue me.

And "DoctorHouse", are you implying that "thinning" is not a form of "balding"? What is it then? Yeah I'm desperate to "prove" that I'm balding because I am and it hurts me. What the hell is so hard to believe about it? I've proved it numerous times, what's the problem? It works both ways; it seems many ppl here are more than desperate to claim that I'm not balding, although they possibly can't. Why me? Why my balding is so hard to believe? There are posters who never send pics and you believe them. I have proved it, and you still don't believe it (or you do but you still like to act like a-holes about it and not admit you were wrong). This place is unreal... worse than most of my dreams :D.

Imagine a situation where you know that you're seriously balding or whatever your state might be, yet everyone you know tells you otherwise, just to be nice or whatever their reasons might be. I bet it would eventually get to you... this is the situation here. Anything I post I get the same weirdos on my back, over and over and over again. If you don't like my posts, fine, don't bloody read them! Shouldn't be too hard to skip a damn post on a forum.

I notice you're using the word bald(ing) now, if only you'd used that a year or so ago none of this (conflict) would have ever happenend.

And no all hairloss is not balding, they are 2 completly different things. Almost every man alive sufferers from hairloss but only a small minority will actually go (NW5+) / bald.
The 2 things are not the same, having a small degree of thinning or even slight recession is nothing compared to having nothing but smooth skin over the entire top of your head.