Scandanavia is in no way isolated, doesn't fit this conversation. Social engineering notwithstanding, the Scandanavian countries are, of course, right on top of each other, and Europe. As is the UK.
I'm guessing that you've never lived in Japan, right? If you had you would never, ever say this: "Watching foreign films with subtitles, or dubbed, still counts as watching foreign films. It's a piece of art from a culture separate from your own and thus there's a good shot that it will have different biases and different markers."
Japan is 98.5% Japanese. You will not find a more homogenous society on the globe culturally, linguistically, or in population, besides NK. The fact that they enjoy dubbed Batman makes them about as global as my General Tso's Chicken dinner at the mall a couple of weeks ago makes me Chinese. Sure, there are different biases and markers to be found in movies, but the two hours spent watching a western action flick every couple of months does not a global citizen make, it is the tiniest drop in the bucket and the tens of millions of foreigners living and working in the USA and the much higher rate of immigration and accepting refugees there have a much, much greater impact on making people "global", of course. Please remember that being "global" first and foremost is about communicating with and knowing living, breathing foreigners, and the US has no shortage of them. As is true of Canada and Australia which are better comparisons and yes in certain ways quite "global".
it's also the content of the films.
Most films that are huge sales overseas are big blockbuster action films not small indie films with limited distribution
so i don't know what culture they are being exposed to by a dubbed Marvel Comic film.
also now we have other ways of watching international films and tv series.
I watched
many foreign TV series since Netflix that I may not have ever have watched before if they had just been on PBS or something that is limited to time/day.
are we monitoring all Americans viewership and exposure?
The reason that big budget films is what Hollywood is more focused on is $$$$/profits...and also because more and more directors and creative forces are being drawn into TV to tell stories as opposed to film. You have to do a typical formula for films (Save The Cat) that studios are involved with the it's not as a creative a place as lets say an HBO or Amazon series to tell your story arch over 3 years. In 70s Directors had the freedom to do what they wanted...Studios are now corporate america and its not much more than profit and the occasional token films to aim for an oscars.
Martin Scorsese has spoken about this in detail.
So I personally think using film industry as a measurement tool for America vs International exposure to other cultures is flawed compared to a past time period.
the movies are expensive to go to...I think a lot of people feel that spending that money on a talking head film is a 'waste' of money compared to going to see a huge budget action or epic adventure film.
I work in the industry and I rarely go to films (i have to pay for that is) I go to some screenings but I am apathetic about going to the movies for pure enjoyment to be honest. Once in a while when something special comes out. Its not a money thing obviously its just lack of interest compared to what is now available on demand and netflix amazon.
the whole 'ignorant america' is not a new concept people say sh*t like this for years meanwhile I have met many ignorant people from all over the world.
Many academics are in fact ignorant....many educated people are ignorant...its '
which' topic are we speaking about being ignorant or knowledgeable that counts. People should not be fooled by sophisticated or polished have to look at the core of what they are saying otherwise its all style..a point I made earlier in this thread.
I have met many dumb 'smart' people.
I have met many really sharp and aware (formally) uneducated people.
I think ignorant is more about how open minded you are vs closed minded and sometimes people who 'think' they know it all are very closed off from evolving and learning new things about new people.
Just because someone travels does not mean they are learning from the experience.
Many people travel but still are closed off to their surroundings. Nothing is absorbed and if it is for a moment that does not mean they are retaining it beyond that moment of exposure.