Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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why did u even remind me tellersquil..

he was funny goof but annoying as f***

novel writer... f*****g retard


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More interesting is that you wouldn't want a man who sometimes fucks other guys, because I've had experiences of being with bisexual women and it does get confusing, so I'd like to know more on that. I don't see it as hypocritical, gender roles are ingrained in us, and the way I see it presumptuously, you like a dominant alpha who isn't sometimes a conflicted twink fairy boy..

I try not to naval gaze too much but someone quoted this and I re-read it and thought the way it ended is the most brilliant thing I'll ever do.


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I'm happy that the gym gives you this mental balance.
You're going there for the right reasons.

I'm lucky that my job keeps me fit and lean and also a bit toned from all the lifting involved.
I also like to run. That gives me a nice high.

Ah, I presumed too much from what you originally wrote about "not another gymcel!". I took a light-hearted comment too seriously.

That's good though, unfortunately I work a desk job either from home or in a factory, I need to organise something else to keep me occupied physically. I like that you also choose to do some running when many people decide an active occupation is enough.


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Am I the only guy around that doesn't think gymcelling and muscle is the best look to have. I'd sooner have the slim physique over the massive muscles.

Body A:

Body B:

It just looks a bit weird when the muscles are too big. The only thing I would encourage is too have a low body fat because this helps keep the jawline looking stronger and not soft. Maybe do some pushups and pullups but that's about it to stay healthy.


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Am I the only guy around that doesn't think gymcelling and muscle is the best look to have. I'd sooner have the slim physique over the massive muscles.

Both those guys have above average strength. I'd rather look like the second guy, as he's better looking all around.


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Am I the only guy around that doesn't think gymcelling and muscle is the best look to have. I'd sooner have the slim physique over the massive muscles.

Body A: View attachment 47584

Body B: View attachment 47585

It just looks a bit weird when the muscles are too big. The only thing I would encourage is too have a low body fat because this helps keep the jawline looking stronger and not soft. Maybe do some pushups and pullups but that's about it to stay healthy.


that's the maximum amount of muscles you need to have

face for everything else


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Am I the only guy around that doesn't think gymcelling and muscle is the best look to have. I'd sooner have the slim physique over the massive muscles.

Body A: View attachment 47584

Body B: View attachment 47585

It just looks a bit weird when the muscles are too big. The only thing I would encourage is too have a low body fat because this helps keep the jawline looking stronger and not soft. Maybe do some pushups and pullups but that's about it to stay healthy.

Having a good physique would actually be better than my current condition. Being a skinny ectomorph with narrow shoulders and small wrists absolutely sucks, you can't get any noteworthy result, not even with steroids.


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thoughts on this @blackg ? while she does this and lives the easiest fuckin life imaginable, not even having to try, she still complains for attention on facebook and has guys like you tell her how bad she has it

man oh man lmfao. and ofc lots of men will shame me for pointing out this uncomfortable truth, just as you predictably did

and @David_MPN just slyly slithered around responding to it ha. i know i know, hard to admit

although i can give you that yes women do age worse. but there will always be white knight cucks even for the less attractive and older women.

the biggest problem girls seem to have is creepy ugly pick up artist types sexually assaulting them haha.
I didn't slither around to responding to it, I responded to it explicitly, thoroughly, and in detail.

I'm confused why you guys are having such a visceral reaction to this...

it's the new guy not your friend, right?

He is divorced from her before this happened?

the new guys is 'mad in love with her' and yet you describe her as average looks...if she was a real beauty would you be okay with it? would you think she was worth it if she looked like a young Angelina Jolie and had no children?

why is this specifically a horrendous thing...I don't know these people so i don't care.

shouldn't your friend feel relieved she is someone else's woman now?

never mind i read rest of story

but i do find it interesting you keep pointing out her level of beauty as if somehow if she was a real beauty this would be acceptable or understandable....is that what you mean to imply?
that entitlement for beauty would be counter intuitive to a lot of what you guys preach here.
Her average looks demonstrate a core concern a lot of us have -- the extent to which the dating game is easier for women.

There is no average man that any of us know who will find a woman who will worship him, spend tens of thousands of dollars on him, within one or two months of a divorce. That's not a thing.

An average man typically has very few options. An average woman? She can get the world if she wants.

Would it be different if she was hot? Yes, it's easier to understand a 9/10 woman being privileged. That's not denied by popular culture, in contrast to the portrayal of the average woman whom we are always told cannot find a good man. There are countless articles in the media about how hard it is to find a man.

It's not hard for women to find men unless they have a disfiguring health condition. In the absence of lipidemia or thyrdods failure, spend 5 minutes opening a tinder account, spend 10 minutes swiping, then enjoy free dinners at fancy restaurants from any of the 50 or 60 matches.

nah cope beez fukkin'. me, dante, and captain and david i think are in the glorious alliance of chaste purity. but i dont know if david is a virgin. are you a virgin david? you dont have to say if you dont want

I'm largely involuntary celibate because of my ED, and probably would be too without it.

I never touched a girl until my 20s.

I was in love with a woman in my early 20s, and I finally got her after two years of wooing, she had feelings for me too. I developed ED and we couldn't have sex. We tried twice, and I couldn't get it up. Earlier in the relationship just having her in the same room would make my dick stand up. I was 23.

I managed to get into a micro-relationship some six months later, back in late 2007. I was at this other woman's house, we were making out, but I was feeling nothing, so I said i wasn't feeling well (technically true) and left.

I keep trying to improve my health, and hoping if I really like a girl it could snap me out. Sometimes a bit of sensation is restored, when I think or am with particular women, but those women I'm remotely attracted to never want to see me again.

With significant effort, I can get a few dates a year, very few will lead to second dates unless they're very unattractive for example by being fat, having thinning hair, bad skin, etc. My looks-match is roughly 3.5 or 4.0 on 10, for whom I can't build any enthusiasm at all. I don't mean a 4/10 on some of the local scales here (i.e. girls who could be paid for modelling for Maxim and who have hundreds of men chasing them), I mean legit 4/10 women.

I tried seeing a prostitute in August, but I couldn't get it up for sex. So I ended up paying $AU 600 for a massage, a hand job, and a conversation. It sucked as she was hot and clearly good at her job.
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You'll never become huge without using steroids anyway.

No need to be afraid of turning into a huge monster.

Studies have shown that men look their best (for women) at their natural muscular peak.

It's when they start using steroids that many women will go "eeew!".

Thanks for pointing that out.

"I'm worried about getting too big" is an irrational cope.

It's very unlikely to happen, and for it to happen you would need to force it with great effort over an extended period.


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Not so long ago I would have agreed with you, but after almost 2 months of gymcelling, I can already see a slight difference.

Also on the scale: 75 kg instead of 72.5 kg without seeing my face ballooning like when I reached that weight before lifting.

No excuses Dante, get that gym membership brah!


Please. We've all seen your pictures. You're tall and broad-shouldered (with thick wrists, to boot), so you've got potential and a more than decent physique to begin with, so yeah, thank you very much, good to know. Besides, I can't practice any physical activity until I get my shoulder surgery, and that will happen only next year. And the surgeon doesn't even know if my shoulder will be 100% ok again.
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You're tall and broad-shouldered, so yeah, thank you very much, good to know. Besides, I can't practice any physical activity until I get my shoulder surgery, and that will happen only next year. And the surgeon doesn't even know if my shoulder will be 100% ok again.
Just do cardio to feel better then.


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You're tall and broad-shouldered, so yeah, thank you very much, good to know. Besides, I can't practice any physical activity until I get my shoulder surgery, and that will happen only next year. And the surgeon doesn't even know if my shoulder will be 100% ok again.

I had to quit weight training sometime around last July due to a paraumbilical hernia. Training with that injury is extremely risky. I'm getting the surgery in a few weeks and should be able to train in April.

It has f*****g sucked to not be able to exercise. I've lost strength, it's much harder to maintain a healthy body fat, and my mood is affected, probably due to the shift in hormones.


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I had to quit weight training sometime around last July due to a paraumbilical hernia. Training with that injury is extremely risky. I'm getting the surgery in a few weeks and should be able to train in April.

It has f*****g sucked to not be able to exercise. I've lost strength, it's much harder to maintain a healthy body fat, and my mood is affected, probably due to the shift in hormones.

I'm too ugly, too old and too tired to even try. Depression and finasteride sides were just the final blow.


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I'm too ugly, too old and too tired to even try. Depression and finasteride sides were just the final blow.
as someone who is on the same position as you trust me it's worth it. The gym + martial arts are my escape my high my illusion of purpose the thing that keeps me going. Even on my worst days of depression it was able to lift me up and I'm saying this as one incel to another. I don't just train my muscles I try to train my spirit as well which is much more important.​


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Thanks for pointing that out.

"I'm worried about getting too big" is an irrational cope.

It's very unlikely to happen, and for it to happen you would need to force it with great effort over an extended period.
But I mean if you could choose would you rather have a body like Chris Hemsworth in Thor or would you rather have a Brad Pitt body from Fight Club?
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