Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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good looking and a cook. you should be slaying every night man. srs
I don't know. I am starting to get this feeling its not his style. I think he is more a "white knight" type of guy who is not into one night stands. Also, he is going to have to find a girl who pursues him and is aggressive. He needs a woman who can give him constant positive validation to boost his self esteem. If he is a virgin, which I don't think he is, then I can see why he has the anxiety. Am I totally off, Baldhurts or starting to understand you more?


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I'm a huge follower of mike dolce. I had to cut 30 lbs to make my weight class of 170 for one of my fights and I have his book called 3 weeks to shredded, and another one called living lean. His philosophy on nutrition for athletes is out of this world. Here is an example for you and I also tried this chicken recipe and I gaurentee you will fall in love with it.

checking out his website now...:)


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Honestly, Baldhurts just seems to be a humble bragging low-tier slayer à la Tellersquill, here to bask in adolation from the genetically inferior incels. Might have a bit of mild anxiety or BDD sprinkled into the mix, but nothing more.


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Honestly, Baldhurts just seems to be a humble bragging low-tier slayer à la Tellersquill, here to bask in adolation from the genetically inferior incels. Might have a bit of mild anxiety or BDD sprinkled into the mix, but nothing more.

i don't think so

i liked Teller but i could see what you saying with him he often did that..but i don't have that impression of Baldhurts.

i think what you think of as bragging he is trying to psych himself up to go.

teller was very social and got laid regularly has friends.


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Honestly, Baldhurts just seems to be a humble bragging low-tier slayer à la Tellersquill, here to bask in adolation from the genetically inferior incels. Might have a bit of mild anxiety or BDD sprinkled into the mix, but nothing more.

nah, Tellers was the humblebrag king and used this place for procrastinating instead of his erotic novels/screenplay/PHD/burning orphanage rescuing

baldhurts is clearly aware of his looks if he's got his f*****g mugshot as avatar, but also openly aspie


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He kind of reminds me of you. I wish I could afford to hire a private cook like him or her to cook my meals. I am kind of lazy when it comes to cooking.

did you ever try meal prepping?


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i don't think so

i liked Teller but i could see what you saying with him he often did that..but i don't have that impression of Baldhurts.

i think what you think of as bragging he is trying to psych himself up to go.

teller was very social and got laid regularly has friends.
I liked him too but I have to admit I was relieved when someone finally called him out on it.

Anyway, I was away from this forum when Baldhurts started posting here so you and Dench's assessment are probably better than mine. I won't press the argument.


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talking to david's mum now? is there any line you won't cross?
LOL, took me a second but I got your clever pun. Blackg, is no "phoney". You can always count on him to let his "fingers do the walking". He never fails to answer your call when you toss him a line. Who you gonna call? "Blackg"hostbuster!!!!


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did you ever try meal prepping?
Too overwhelming for me to cook so many meals at once. Like I said very lazy when it comes to cooking but I am a foodie so I have learned to be creative when I can.


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with Zircon's return we need DBW, Tellers and jd_uk and it's a full house


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with Zircon's return we need DBW, Tellers and jd_uk and it's a full house
And of course, ID Walker would complete the set. Dench, I think JohnsonDDG has potential too.


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Honestly, Baldhurts just seems to be a humble bragging low-tier slayer à la Tellersquill, here to bask in adolation from the genetically inferior incels. Might have a bit of mild anxiety or BDD sprinkled into the mix, but nothing more.

You are insulting slayers by mentioning me in the same sentence. Never once on this forum have I ever said I was this or that.. I'm basically incel. Anyone on the forums can confirm that :)


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You are insulting slayers by mentioning me in the same sentence. Never once on this forum have I ever said I was this or that.. I'm basically incel. Anyone on the forums can confirm that :)
I don't know about that. I think you might have to make another video again proving you are.:D


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That video was awful and I felt so awkward, surprising nobody cringed watching that
It just proves you are a "Dudley Dooright". It shows you have the potential to force yourself to do something you find awkward like approaching women. I don't know why you think you cannot engage in interesting and intelligent conversation with people including women.

Hairblues and many people here including myself find you very engaging. When I had bad acne, I could not face anyone. I looked to the floor all the time too. I will never forget this one time at a place I worked that this lady did not want me to help her because she thought my acne was a form of leprosy. I felt horrible that day.

I know its not the same as baldness because it can be temporary although I still get it but mild. But it did destroy my youth when it came on. Your hair loss is really not as bad as you think. Your head shape and jaw detract from your hair so that is a big plus for you. I think your lack of experience with women( other than your hair situation) is really one of the main reasons holding you back. Embrace rejection and learn from it. That is what I learned to do. Just remember, it means nothing other than it was not meant to happen. Life has a design and that was not part of it. I know you may or may not be religious or spiritual but some "higher power" brought you HERE to help you from holding yourself back from your fears.


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A friend of my recently got divorced. His wife is from Vietnam. She looks average, in her early thirties and has kids. Within two months of divorce she found a dude who is madly in love with her. He is willing to pay for her airfare so that she can visit her family in Vietnam. He is also going to take out a debt and pay her $20,000 so that she can bring her sister to the US as a student. He is going to pay the airfare for her sister too. He told her he will do anything she pleases. The fact that he is willing to do all these things for a women he has only known for two months boggles my mind. It's a sad state of affair. That's how desperate many men are.
thoughts on this @blackg ? while she does this and lives the easiest fuckin life imaginable, not even having to try, she still complains for attention on facebook and has guys like you tell her how bad she has it

man oh man lmfao. and ofc lots of men will shame me for pointing out this uncomfortable truth, just as you predictably did

and @David_MPN just slyly slithered around responding to it ha. i know i know, hard to admit

although i can give you that yes women do age worse. but there will always be white knight cucks even for the less attractive and older women.

the biggest problem girls seem to have is creepy ugly pick up artist types sexually assaulting them haha.
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