Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Yeah I can't talk to him. Quick little backstory: iv been training in martial arts for 10 years. Boxing since I was 9 and jiu jitsu and wrestling since about 15ish. I won my first 4 amateur MMA fights, when I wanted to do pro fights (rules are different from amateur) I took my first pro fight at 18 against a 30 year old.. ended up getting my *** kicked badly.

I remember my dad there and him smirking at me when I came out from the doctors office with a broken nose. I went on to win my next fight, then lost two straight before hanging it up.

No matter how hard I trained when it was time to fight I never believed in myself. I was already telling myself I would lose and that I was nothing but a failure/loser.

anyway, this is one of my favourite pics of myself that I have.. me walking out to the cage.

*20 girls orgasm simultaneously*

lol but are you really a virgin? im just curious, so am i, im trying to make an alliance of virgins in their 20s. lol. im also interested in how virginity persists. i havent even had a desire to go see a prostitute or anything lol, which i thought i would have. the actual attributes that get you laid are far more important than actually getting laid


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thoughts on this @blackg ? while she does this and lives the easiest fuckin life imaginable, not even having to try, she still complains for attention on facebook and has guys like you tell her how bad she has it

man oh man lmfao. and ofc lots of men will shame me for pointing out this uncomfortable truth, just as you predictably did

and @David_MPN just slyly slithered around responding to it ha. i know i know, hard to admit

although i can give you that yes women do age worse. but there will always be white knight cucks even for the less attractive and older women.

the biggest problem girls seem to have is creepy ugly pick up artist types sexually assaulting them haha.


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A friend of my recently got divorced. His wife is from Vietnam. She looks average, in her early thirties and has kids. Within two months of divorce she found a dude who is madly in love with her. He is willing to pay for her airfare so that she can visit her family in Vietnam. He is also going to take out a debt and pay her $20,000 so that she can bring her sister to the US as a student. He is going to pay the airfare for her sister too. He told her he will do anything she pleases. The fact that he is willing to do all these things for a women he has only known for two months boggles my mind. It's a sad state of affair. That's how desperate many men are.

I'm confused why you guys are having such a visceral reaction to this...

it's the new guy not your friend, right?

He is divorced from her before this happened?

the new guys is 'mad in love with her' and yet you describe her as average looks...if she was a real beauty would you be okay with it? would you think she was worth it if she looked like a young Angelina Jolie and had no children?

why is this specifically a horrendous thing...I don't know these people so i don't care.

shouldn't your friend feel relieved she is someone else's woman now?

never mind i read rest of story

but i do find it interesting you keep pointing out her level of beauty as if somehow if she was a real beauty this would be acceptable or understandable....is that what you mean to imply?
that entitlement for beauty would be counter intuitive to a lot of what you guys preach here.
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I'm confused why you guys are having such a visceral reaction to this...

it's the new guy not your friend, right?

He is divorced from her before this happened?

the new guys is 'mad in love with her' and yet you describe her as average looks...if she was a real beauty would you be okay with it? would you think she was worth it if she looked like a young Angelina Jolie and had no children?

why is this specifically a horrendous thing...I don't know these people so i don't care.

shouldn't your friend feel relieved she is someone else's woman now?

We are horrified at the desperation of that man and the bleak situation that many men face. He has only known her for two months and willing to go in huge debt so that the woman's sister can come to the US. There are many desperate men like him. I know of a few other women who got divorced and within a few weeks to a month, they had a boy friend. While I know divorced men who have been single for years and just can't find a girl friend. It's incredibly easy for an average women to find a mate compared to an average man.


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*20 girls orgasm simultaneously*

lol but are you really a virgin? im just curious, so am i, im trying to make an alliance of virgins in their 20s. lol. im also interested in how virginity persists. i havent even had a desire to go see a prostitute or anything lol, which i thought i would have. the actual attributes that get you laid are far more important than actually getting laid

Is Dante and Cope in the alliance? I don't think I would be a good candidate.. they both don't like me


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Is Dante and Cope in the alliance? I don't think I would be a good candidate.. they both don't like me

Why are you worried about these "alliances"? Just be yourself on this forum man. Some people will like you, some will hate you. Intelligent posters will understand that you have your own worldview due to your upbringing, genetics and experiences and will accept you. They are worth your time.


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Why are you worried about these "alliances"? Just be yourself on this forum man. Some people will like you, some will hate you. Intelligent posters will understand that you have your own worldview due to your upbringing, genetics and experiences and will accept you. They are worth your time.

Haha I know man, I'm just messing around.


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Is Dante and Cope in the alliance? I don't think I would be a good candidate.. they both don't like me
nah cope beez fukkin'. me, dante, and captain and david i think are in the glorious alliance of chaste purity. but i dont know if david is a virgin. are you a virgin david? you dont have to say if you dont want


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nah cope beez fukkin'. me, dante, and captain and david i think are in the glorious alliance of chaste purity. but i dont know if david is a virgin. are you a virgin david? you dont have to say if you dont want

Cope said he looks like zayne malik not surprised if he's slaying


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We are horrified at the desperation of that man and the bleak situation that many men face. He has only known her for two months and willing to go in huge debt so that the woman's sister can come to the US. There are many desperate men like him. I know of a few other women who got divorced and within a few weeks to a month, they had a boy friend. While I know divorced men who have been single for years and just can't find a girl friend. It's incredibly easy for an average women to find a mate compared to an average man.

Well, he's buying her and she is selling herself.

maybe it's not desperation maybe it's a mutually beneficial (although souless and shallow) involvement.

would it be less horrifying if he was buying a stunning woman in her prime with no kids?

just curious because you mentioned her attractivness (i am not being confrontational i am really curious).

i think you underestimate there are many people male and female who are not traditionally romantic in relationships and there is a trade off of some kind.

maybe to you she is a 5--but maybe to him she is a 7 or some such thing and she pleases him in bed and cleans his house and thats enough for him to invest in her.

not saying its moral...it's just possibly working for them on their terms.


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Well, he's buying her and she is selling herself.

maybe it's not desperation maybe it's a mutually beneficial (although souless and shallow) involvement.

would it be less horrifying if he was buying a stunning woman in her prime with no kids?

just curious because you mentioned her attractivness (i am not being confrontational i am really curious).

i think you underestimate there are many people male and female who are not traditionally romantic in relationships and there is a trade off of some kind.

maybe to you she is a 5--but maybe to him she is a 7 or some such thing and she pleases him in bed and cleans his house and thats enough for him to invest in her.

not saying its moral...it's just possibly working for them on their terms.

You are right. He is sort of using money to get her to date him. Which in itself is horrifying. You asked if it will be less horrifying if she was a stunning women in her prime with no kids. Any time a man has to use money to date a women, it's horrifying. However, the less attractive the women is the more desperate the man is. I will give you an analogy. If we are not that hungry, we are usually picky about what we eat. However, someone who hasn't eaten for 4-5 days will find even unsavory food extremely delectable.

Also, she doesn't clean his house or anything. She is very well educated and recently found a nice full time job. In fact it is the other way round. The boy friend basically told her that he will do anything to please her. He basically said to her, "If you want anything, just order me".


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Why are you worried about these "alliances"? Just be yourself on this forum man. Some people will like you, some will hate you. Intelligent posters will understand that you have your own worldview due to your upbringing, genetics and experiences and will accept you. They are worth your time.

"Alliances"? "Hate him"? LOL I don't give a f*** about baldhurts, I'm just trolling him, too. He reminds me of the average reddit poster, and you can't take someone like him seriously, can you? Plain retarded. Have you really read some of his comments? Please.

Honestly, Baldhurts just seems to be a humble bragging low-tier slayer à la Tellersquill, here to bask in adolation from the genetically inferior incels. Might have a bit of mild anxiety or BDD sprinkled into the mix, but nothing more.

This. He's just a slightly more retarded version of tellersqueal, here to brag and post pictures of himself and be told he looks good, and to boost his ego. Good-looking guys are like this, after all.
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All relationships at their core are an exchange of resources. If you don't have appearance to offer, you need to compensate with things like money, status, commitment and/or personality. Since appearance seems to weighted very heavily (I would say around 60-70%) into the equation by most people it makes sense that to compensate for a severe deficiency in that department you need to bring a lot more of the other things to the table.

Push one of the other variables up by enough and eventually the high value compensates for the low weighting. It's why you'll always have beautiful women ready to date oil sheiks and Lloyd Blankfein types.

I think @hairblues has a good point when it comes to more blatant resource exchanges like the example given by pjhair; if both parties are satisfied and their needs are met, why not endorse the union? To take another example, a lot of people in the West complain about mail-order brides and Thai women, but I've seen quite a few of these relationships work out surprisingly well. Essentially the women want financial security and the guys just wants a woman to have sex with who is not fat or old. If both parties are aware of this and neither is abusive it's a good arrangement.

The only thing wrong with these kinds of relationships is that they have been stripped of the veneer that we require to consider them "legitimate". This veneer in turn comes mainly from fiction, which may of course in turn have roots in reality. In a historical context, relationships where one party is obviously trading one resource for another were the norm rather than the exception, and in some parts of the world they still are.


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I'm confused why you guys are having such a visceral reaction to this...

it's the new guy not your friend, right?

He is divorced from her before this happened?

the new guys is 'mad in love with her' and yet you describe her as average looks...if she was a real beauty would you be okay with it? would you think she was worth it if she looked like a young Angelina Jolie and had no children?

why is this specifically a horrendous thing...I don't know these people so i don't care.

shouldn't your friend feel relieved she is someone else's woman now?

never mind i read rest of story

but i do find it interesting you keep pointing out her level of beauty as if somehow if she was a real beauty this would be acceptable or understandable....is that what you mean to imply?
that entitlement for beauty would be counter intuitive to a lot of what you guys preach here.
Give me that 20k so I can go to Japan and have Tsuji pls


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Yeah I can't talk to him. Quick little backstory: iv been training in martial arts for 10 years. Boxing since I was 9 and jiu jitsu and wrestling since about 15ish. I won my first 4 amateur MMA fights, when I wanted to do pro fights (rules are different from amateur) I took my first pro fight at 18 against a 30 year old.. ended up getting my *** kicked badly.

I remember my dad there and him smirking at me when I came out from the doctors office with a broken nose. I went on to win my next fight, then lost two straight before hanging it up.

No matter how hard I trained when it was time to fight I never believed in myself. I was already telling myself I would lose and that I was nothing but a failure/loser.

anyway, this is one of my favourite pics of myself that I have.. me walking out to the cage.


what a f*****g slayer, have u tried to post this pic into ur tinder acc?

Speed dating on Sunday is canceled because far more men than women signed up. Isn't that f*****g typical?

Plus I have to wonder if it's actually canceled or if the organizer, a guy named John, just removed the men he didn't like. Part of me wants to go to the location on Sunday night just to see if they're still having an event.


speed dating is the lowest sh*t man can do ever for a getting a pussy

Is Dante and Cope in the alliance? I don't think I would be a good candidate.. they both don't like me

I am not in alliance with Dante and I told before I find all memes humour as very basic and low IQ and never put like on them.

Also I never wrote down anything against you only that you are hitting a way below ur league going out with 4/10 girls.

Also take in mind 90% of what I write is for lulz (excluding my males/females ratings) so do not take it seriously.


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He posted today saying he hasn't left the basement in months

Yesterday I went out it was a mistake.

"Alliances"? "Hate him"? LOL I don't give a f*** about baldhurts, I'm just trolling him, too. He reminds me of the average reddit poster, and you can't take someone like him seriously, can you? Plain retarded. Have you really read some of his comments? Please.

This. He's just a slightly more retarded version of tellersqueal, here to brag and post pictures of himself and be told he looks good, and to boost his ego. Good-looking guys are like this, after all.

baldhurts is nothing to compare with tellersquil for sure

teller is an average reddit poster I agree

baldhurts is an average misc poster with mental problems and average+ looks


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Aw blackg "gymcelling" is just like "cope", an overused word on here. I wasn't an incel before going to the gym, and am not now, for whatever reason I decided getting lean or buff became something I wanted to attain. Like I've written the other day, "gymcel" is someone who goes to the gym to get laid, and then never gets laid, it's as simple as that, and is such a heart-wrenching thought that guys go to all this effort to get buff for women and then still never get anywhere. Then the motivation to continue will die, it's like they've done a LOT to get chicks, and get nowhere, and that will hurt a sh*t load.

But I still recommend it to everyone, before I started training and even more so now. But only if picking up women is just a by-product of going to the gym, don't see it as the main focus because it's a long and arduous process with slow results, and if it's purely to pick up women you will just get more depressed.

As stupid as pushing weights around and sweating amongst other sweaty guys sounds, it is the source of a meditation for people, it's certainly given me a sense of mental balance that I haven't felt since I was a young kid (nearly 30 now), and that's improved me in many ways, and will continue to.
I'm happy that the gym gives you this mental balance.
You're going there for the right reasons.

I'm lucky that my job keeps me fit and lean and also a bit toned from all the lifting involved.
I also like to run. That gives me a nice high.
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