Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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I bet there is NOTHING with your looks and you just lay in autism spectre.

In the summer I went out to a nice bar here in town that is a 30s place. I saw a girl I would say is 4-5/10 I went up to her and said hi and he said this "I'm sorry, I'm not into bald guys, maybe you can try hitting on a bald woman"

That completely destroyed me. I have never since went up to a woman. I will never hit on another girl after that was said to me. I wanted to die. I went home with a 26 of jack Daniels and drank myself silly. True story brahs.


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mate if you haven't touched a woman since 2014 with your looks, it's not because you're bald. my guess is you hate yourself and you don't put yourself out there

still look above average and will get lays on tinder with those tanned/muscular shots. head shape is fine (not an egghead), just a large forehead

i also suffer from the curse of pale skin which reks my facial aesthetics - take beta carotene and astaxanthin supplements for year-round colour, they're Dench57 approved™ and 1% of all proceeds go to an orphanage of bald children

how is your crown? donor area? could hair transplant be an option? lowering your hairline would work wonders


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In the summer I went out to a nice bar here in town that is a 30s place. I saw a girl I would say is 4-5/10 I went up to her and said hi and he said this "I'm sorry, I'm not into bald guys, maybe you can try hitting on a bald woman"

That completely destroyed me. I have never since went up to a woman. I will never hit on another girl after that was said to me. I wanted to die. I went home with a 26 of jack Daniels and drank myself silly. True story brahs.

now I see you are trolling because

> I'm sorry, I'm not into bald guys, maybe you can try hitting on a bald woman

this thread was a few month ago

Holy sh*t it was RICK


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Egg shaped head is death I know that.

You honestly dont have a egg head shape

You look good bald..i would tell you truth

i have a vagina they dont so--take it for what its worth.

CPL is probably the highest standards of looks on the forum along with EL and both said you are good looking...trust the experts.


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mate if you haven't touched a woman since 2014 with your looks, it's not because you're bald. my guess is you hate yourself and you don't put yourself out there

still look above average and will get lays on tinder with those tanned/muscular shots. head shape is fine (not an egghead), just a large forehead

i also suffer from the curse of pale skin which reks my facial aesthetics - take beta carotene and astaxanthin supplements for year-round colour, they're Dench57 approved™ and 1% of all proceeds go to an orphanage of bald children

how is your crown? donor area? could hair transplant be an option? lowering your hairline would work wonders

does that colour sh*t really work? how tanned do you get?


can you go from pale white to this??


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Rick Ross strikes again. And he would've got away with it if it wasn't for that meddling C4L (probably jewish too). When will the caped crusader strike next? And whose f*****g pictures is he using?


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Great Spot!

I thought he was to good looking to be saying the things he was.

I imagine how that butterloaf Rick tried to find a hottie in the bar rolling here and there turning on the sides his bloated cueball and loled


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Are we sure its him? he seems very self contained for Rick..i dont know if Rick has that much self control for his postings..also Rick believes he is hot.


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