Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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I appreciate your nice compliment, but for myself I just don't see it. Hair loss has killed me as a person and I have no confidence in myself or self esteem. When I go out in public I keep my eyes at the ground and when I get home I feel so much better.

I have seen guys who look like you with good looking women. Just look around you next time when you are out and you will see what I am talking about. That is reality. Don't make internet forums your reality where you see a lot of men posting pics of male models and claiming that if you don't look like that, you don't have a shot with even average looking women.


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I appreciate your nice compliment, but for myself I just don't see it. Hair loss has killed me as a person and I have no confidence in myself or self esteem. When I go out in public I keep my eyes at the ground and when I get home I feel so much better.
I'm late to the party again (Australian time), but that dude in your avatar is you, right?

Anyway, welcome to the forum.


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Who would fly the plane? That macaronaroni dude?

Cope would fly it, and I would drop the bomb. Even better, I would ride it!



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My condolences, it's tough being short and south Asian. You can get a girl but it will be very hard to get one who isn't Indian.

I'll go on a date with any interesting girl who is not overweight. So, after I go with a 1 guard cut, do you think that I should continue trying with the online channels or should I start learning to go out and use game? I'm not naturally social and feel so inferior when everybody around me is a NW1, but would it give me a better chance than online channels, considering my height?


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I'll go on a date with any interesting girl who is not overweight. So, after I go with a 1 guard cut, do you think that I should continue trying with the online channels or should I start learning to go out and use game? I'm not naturally social and feel so inferior when everybody around me is a NW1, but would it give me a better chance than online channels, considering my height?

game will not help you

new follicles will


I'll go on a date with any interesting girl who is not overweight. So, after I go with a 1 guard cut, do you think that I should continue trying with the online channels or should I start learning to go out and use game? I'm not naturally social and feel so inferior when everybody around me is a NW1, but would it give me a better chance than online channels, considering my height?
Try both and see how you get on.

I don't think asking people on the impact section for dating tips will get you positive answers. They will probably tell you not to try!

My advice - Get out there and find out for yourself. Make an effort in both methods - play the numbers (try asking a lot of people out) - and let us know how you do.


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I'll go on a date with any interesting girl who is not overweight. So, after I go with a 1 guard cut, do you think that I should continue trying with the online channels or should I start learning to go out and use game? I'm not naturally social and feel so inferior when everybody around me is a NW1, but would it give me a better chance than online channels, considering my height?

Do everything you can.

Online dating has the advantage of being low cost, and low effort, it doesn't interfere with the rest of you life.

If you can meet people in real life, somehow, do that too.

And do what you can for your appearance.


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Two anecdotes from women this week about annoying things men say/write in their profiles.

The first, pointed out by one women, she doesn't know why so many men list "whiskey" among their hobbies. I never heard of anybody doing that but based on what she said it seems to come up often. I joked that it would be better than men saying they're into "craft beers".

Another one was from a woman very invested into her career. She says lots of men have nothing going on professionally. They still live with their parents at a late age, etc. Apparently one guy actually called out "gold diggers" on his profile for expecting him to get a job. lol.


Girls have shamed me because I was living with my parents, even though I have a full-time job.

The same girls have also shamed me because my job was not as 'good' as theirs.

These girls were the ones who had rejected me from the beginning of the date, possibly even before.

I could never make a move on them, kiss them, they were clearly not attracted to me, never had been.

I've had sex with way too many girls who had "I don't reply to hey how are you, don't be boring!" on their profile.

I always open with "hey how are you?".
Even though I have my own place, I totally get people living with their family if they are single.

If you are working then the majority of your wages can go into your savings rather than into your rent.

This can go towards owning a house some day.

So I totally get why these people live with their families.


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he looks good..he can carry bald look i think at least from that one photo. But still probably feels awful.


I cherry picked my display pic because I thought it looked the best but there's some more pics of me so you can actually see why I hate myself so much. I tan in the summer but during the winter I have very fair skin that absolutely KILLS me. Today I'm actually doing some reading into getting a wig or a hair replacement system. Definitely think it's will bump me up a tad.


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I cherry picked my display pic because I thought it looked the best but there's some more pics of me so you can actually see why I hate myself so much. I tan in the summer but during the winter I have very fair skin that absolutely KILLS me. Today I'm actually doing some reading into getting a wig or a hair replacement system. Definitely think it's will bump me up a tad.

LOL Dude you are insane you are hot by most standards==please give me a break these guys are going to eat you for lunch.


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I cherry picked my display pic because I thought it looked the best but there's some more pics of me so you can actually see why I hate myself so much. I tan in the summer but during the winter I have very fair skin that absolutely KILLS me. Today I'm actually doing some reading into getting a wig or a hair replacement system. Definitely think it's will bump me up a tad.
You are looking good (n-no homo). I remember you said you were 6'2 you need a picture of you towering over some girls.
I would remove the two last selfies aswell.


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I cherry picked my display pic because I thought it looked the best but there's some more pics of me so you can actually see why I hate myself so much. I tan in the summer but during the winter I have very fair skin that absolutely KILLS me. Today I'm actually doing some reading into getting a wig or a hair replacement system. Definitely think it's will bump me up a tad.

You look like a sex beast honestly. It may even be the case that some women are turning you down because they think you're out of their league.

It really is my impression that if you walk around in a bar, a crowded bar, some woman will grab your *** or caress your hip bone.

With that said, longer hair, more hair, and a smile could help you.


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You look like a sex beast honestly. It may even be the case that some women are turning you down because they think you're out of their league.

It really is my impression that if you walk around in a bar, a crowded bar, some woman will grab your *** or caress your hip bone.

With that said, longer hair, more hair, and a smile could help you.

he does not need hair...he is good

Based off his pics alone if he were on my date app i would go for him. hair no hair.

He's nuts or he has low self esteem from the trauma of hair loss.

I mean its a trauma if it effects looks or not you lose a part of yourself.

Trauma can affect how you feel about yourself.


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It's amazing to think I was called a troll earlier. What would I have to gain by lieing and coming on here and saying I slay? I'm an incel and FA, at least I can come here and talk to you guys, because it's the only social interaction I get. I'm greatful I found this board.
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