Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Screen Shot 2017-01-19 at 11.57.11.png


(no homo)


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I thought them both ugly when i first saw them but found them sexy after watching them on screen a few times.

more of it has to do with their speech voices bodies and various performances.

If either of them got a nose job it would actually ruin their faces.

this happened with Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing-as soon as she got her nose fixed she was prettier but lost something unique about herself as an actress.

Do you think body language matters?

That was a debate here a while back.


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Maybe I am spoiled by a girls around me guys but that's is a bit above average (looksmaxed with style tho). Those you sent would be 4/10 here.

And you would be 7.5/10+ and slay like a wild.

View attachment 47450

View attachment 47451

She's way too thin.

It's not just that she has low body fat, she also has weak bones and no muscle mass. Thighs should have a little strength in them. She also has no breasts and no hips -- very androgynous body type.

Also, giant sunglasses look silly on women.
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Maybe I am spoiled by a girls around me guys but that's is a bit above average (looksmaxed with style tho). Those you sent would be 4/10 here.

And you would be 7.5/10+ and slay like a wild.

View attachment 47450

View attachment 47451

And that girl you dropped is a random cute girl walking down the streets of Oslo. Kid you not, 80% of the girls in that age group looks like that or better here. Nothing special.


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And that girl you dropped is a random cute girl walking down the streets of Oslo. Kid you not, 80% of the girls in that age group looks like that or better here. Nothing special.

And you were the hottest girl in your class in Oslo.

You should go for a sex weekend in some mid-sized North American city, you'll feel like a supermodel.

I don't know about Norway specifically, but I found the Swedes were hot, and the Danes were maybe even hotter.

Though to be honest, that girl Cope linked to, I wouldn't give her a double take in any city. She doesn't have a feminine body.


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If you type in "woman crossing her legs" on google images you get a bunch of sexy pics. Here's an ideal or nearly ideal pair of legs:


She's thin, there's no cellulite, but she's not a stick figure. She's more athletic than thin. Here is the opposite:



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If you type in "woman crossing her legs" on google images you get a bunch of sexy pics. Here's an ideal or nearly ideal pair of legs:


She's thin, there's no cellulite, but she's not a stick figure. She's more athletic than thin. Here is the opposite:


If we're talking ideal female body type (and face for that matter), this is it for me:



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Everyone's posting women with perfect legs and yet the women where I'm from tend to have legs like this:


Nearly every woman over 30 is at least a little plump - a lot of them are full on fat,
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