Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Don't waste time. He's just so f*****g dense.

I don't think so. I made it a huge goal of mine last year to never sugar coat anything and always be real and tell myself the truth. What is wrong with seeing how things really are/living in the real world? I see nothing wrong with this.


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Just got home from the gym. Decided to go at 5:30 this morning and use the Olympic lifting platforms so I could deadlift with bumper plates and after my 5th set my autist level 6000 kicked in and I discovered a new theory on myself.

The fact that I am shy/social anxiety/incel is because this is my subconscious telling me I am not supposed to reproduce because my inferior genes would obviously be passed down to my children. Nature selected dinosaurs for extinction and now nature is selecting incels for extinction so they don't pass down genetic trash genes down to the offspring. Offspring need strong genes and parents for survival.

A great example would be balding. Balding is majorly seen as a disfigurement and extremely unattractive to women, and women want/need the strongest male genes to give to their offspring. I'm actually very happy I came to this discovery, it really puts everything into perspective now. Strong alpha males like Fred and shook are desired by women everywhere they go for reproduction and a quality sex life.

Turning 28 years old in march and with my current quality of life/incelism I hope nature selects me for extinction before 30 years old. My quality of life is poor due to poor genetics.

@Dante92 you are wrong about me failing with women. I do not try to get women. Yes, I have signed up on tinder/bumble to see if I could find a nice girl with common interests to become friends with, but because of genes, my communication and social levels are of the lowest quality. Therefor I cannot connect with any kind of females. I do not put myself out there for women and I do not try because of the theory I just wrote. Yes I am more pathetic than you by a mile and I truly hope the highest quality of life and success for you. You are only 24 and have lots of time.

I spit my 3-rd guiness I drink alone in bar on burger while read 30% of this post.


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I don't think so. I made it a huge goal of mine last year to never sugar coat anything and always be real and tell myself the truth. What is wrong with seeing how things really are/living in the real world? I see nothing wrong with this.

You're channeling your intelligence to come up with creative excuses.

If you were living in the real world, you wouldn't be talking about the morality of nature.

Richard Feynmann had a saying "Just shut up and calculate."
For you: "Just shut up and meet those girls for drinks."


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You're channeling your intelligence to come up with creative excuses.

If you were living in the real world, you wouldn't be talking about the morality of nature.

Richard Feynmann had a saying "Just shut up and calculate."
For you: "Just shut up and meet those girls for drinks."

David, you've probably been one of the nicest people to me since becoming apart of this community, I really truly hope you find someone good who respects you.


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So social anxiety + autism.

A friend (well not anymore) of mine suffers from Asperger (self-diagnosed though) and he had moments like these.

Women trying to rape him and he was like "no, I can't do that, I need to be moral, I need to be authentic!"

The guy once lashed out on me when I cheated on a girl:

"Man, you have to tell her, YOU HAVE TO TELL HER! How can you live with yourself? Tell her or I'll never talk to you again!"

Needless to say I had to distanciate myself from him at a point.
Should start snorting rails of anxiety meds.

Go flat out on the Pua style pick ups. After a bunch of rejections and sucessul pick ups he will eventually get over his hump.


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I don't think so. I made it a huge goal of mine last year to never sugar coat anything and always be real and tell myself the truth. What is wrong with seeing how things really are/living in the real world? I see nothing wrong with this.

you do realize that for some of these guys its not easy to see someone who has the goods but is not using it?

i get that you have anxiety but i don't get how the needs of your 'dick' is not over riding the anxiety?


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And the excuses are indeed uncreative. It speaks volumes about the guy.

i like them, it's like some crazy reverse-coping where he's blaming his looks/baldness for his problems with women when it's actually his social anxiety/retardation


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i get that you have anxiety but i don't get how the needs of your 'dick' is not over riding the anxiety?



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i have had anxiety my whole life and really really bad in my 20s

but when i wanted to really do something like travel or go to school i still DID it.

i would roll with the waves

the more you fight the waves the worse it gets

really wanting to do something is best incentive because its a need.

you have to do sh*t afraid.

its not always going to work

but NOTHING cures anxiety like having sexual desire.


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For me, sexual desire amplifies anxiety.

It's when I truly want a woman, that the condition of being unattractive to women is most damaging to my psyche. The more I want her, the greater the pain.


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you do realize that for some of these guys its not easy to see someone who has the goods but is not using it?

i get that you have anxiety but i don't get how the needs of your 'dick' is not over riding the anxiety?

I don't think you understand @hairblues. My condition is on the severe side of the spectrum. I can't even go grocery shopping without building up enough courage in my car to actually go inside. I start sweating, shaking, and my mind starts racing at a million miles a second. I don't want to be looked at, seen by anyone, I wish I had an invisibility cloak from Harry Potter so if I have to go anywhere in public I will not be seen. All of these things/feelings started getting very very bad at the start of November.


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i like them, it's like some crazy reverse-coping where he's blaming baldness for his problems with women when it's actually his social anxiety/retardation
Sad but true.

He has a very advanced level of low self esteem, anxiety and compounded issues relating to distancing himself from everyone.

Perfect candidate for psychiatric assistance and medicine.

He legit need anxiety and ssri medication unlike the junkies around here who take these medications to cope themselves onto a dopamine high. Reality is they just need hair


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i also went to THERAPY in my 20s

its 2017 no reason NOT to be in therapy if you have an anxiety disorder.

Just embrace the fear as much as you can because your not going to die.

thats the whole thing you FEEL like you are going to die but you are not.

so you have to do stuff and keep learning 'oh i did not die okay let me try it again'

OR you can sit at home and build a home gym and not go anywhere.


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For me, sexual desire amplifies anxiety.

It's when I truly want a woman, that the condition of being unattractive to women is most damaging to my psyche. The more I want her, the greater the pain.

just be a good looking woman instead dummy


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I don't think you understand @hairblues. My condition is on the severe side of the spectrum. I can't even go grocery shopping without building up enough courage in my car to actually go inside. I start sweating, shaking, and my mind starts racing at a million miles a second. I don't want to be looked at, seen by anyone, I wish I had an invisibility cloak from Harry Potter so if I have to go anywhere in public I will not be seen. All of these things/feelings started getting very very bad at the start of November.

you need psychological help then yu are agoraphobic...thats different then generalized anxiety
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