Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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your sister must have been a virgin-nerd. LOL
I think she was pretty insular until she changed high school for 9th grade, that opened her up more. She went from Jewish parochial school (super insular) to a mainstream public school where she had more friends, etc.

I remember my father was really concerned.


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Okay.. 25 it is!


So this woman has no sexual value (she is almost 26)?


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Damn? who is that? She looks incredible !

You've got to start attaching names to the pictures you lost, to not include the names is to be inconsiderate ;-)


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Since we are basically just posting pics of hot women now, these are true dimes for me:

Young Naomi Wolf. FUARRK dat hair. Perfect breeding stock for @shookwun.

St Vincent. Tickles my quirky indie woman fetish.


And finally, Sophie Hunter (Benedict Cumberbatch's wife). Pretty much my ideal woman looks-wise. Has that unique, striking quality to her.

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Damn? who is that? She looks incredible !

You've got to start attaching names to the pictures you lost, to not include the names is to be inconsiderate ;-)

Emily Ratajkowski (or something like that), but I see someone else already named her. I'll start adding names from now on ;) I agree she looks incredible.


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@David_MPN maybe we can still save the thread lol

where are you with online dating?

Are you having dates this weekend?


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@David_MPN maybe we can still save the thread lol

where are you with online dating?

Are you having dates this weekend?

I hope it's not rude to ask, but how is your dating life, @hairblues ? As an older, single woman, do you find it difficult? I also hear you're attractive, which must be helping you out. What kind of men do you usually date? (sorry for many questions!)


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Since we are basically just posting pics of hot women now, these are true dimes for me:

Young Naomi Klein. FUARRK dat hair. Perfect breeding stock for @shookwun.
View attachment 47552

Naomi Klein is also brilliant. I read "The Shock Doctrine"... it's an undeniably impressive piece of journalism. When I see her name on bylines, I read, what she has to say is valuable. She doesn't just recycle, she contributes.


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I hope it's not rude to ask, but how is your dating life, @hairblues ? As an older, single woman, do you find it difficult? I also hear you're attractive, which must be helping you out. What kind of men do you usually date? (sorry for many questions!)

right now i am not dating i took myself off everything end of last Summer.

I actually do okay. I have not had issues.

My only issue is my hair and how i feel self conscious to let a man touch it or look at it...which it is growing in a bit so as soon as i feel a little stable with it and not so obsessed I'm going to go back to dating. Im not cured i am sure but i may have a reprieve from minoxidil.

I have been very anti-social past 6-8 months i saw some friends for first time other day and spent about 10 hours with them...

Im very private about my hair loss and it just devastated me and made me feel psycho.

the kind of men i date are average to good looking, in shape.

I like men who are similar education or more educated then me around my age but within 10-12years older...i have dated a few couple years younger..but not much. like 2 or 3 years difference.

Im not a gorgeous person i am attractive i have always been attractive but never gorgeous or perfect..I was never the hottest woman in the room nor unattractive woman in the room... i think why for me i am not being so negatively effected is because when i was young ..yes i was attractive but many women were more gorgeous than me in my age range...if you maintain a decent level of attractiveness as you age and your peers let it go to sh*t...so you are more good looking or appealing for your age group.

I hope that makes sense.

also i think NOT having children is a bump up probably...I never realised how much men don't want to date women who have kids until this site. Seems like the biggest taboo. Who knew.


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@David_MPN maybe we can still save the thread lol

where are you with online dating?

Are you having dates this weekend?

I have a date on Sunday morning with a woman I'm not excited about. But she kept asking me questions, so I said what the heck just to give it a chance. We're meeting for breakfast as it's the only available. My friend Marc says it's bad to meet women for breakfast as it won't lead to sex.

Saturday night is Jewish singles bowling night via meetup, I'm not sure if I'll go.

Sunday night is speed dating, I'm probably going.

I'm currently talking to a few other women. One of them turned me down but she had a legitimate excuse -- she said she was going to DC to protest Trump. Another one initiates conversation. A third one told me to get in touch with her when I visit DC.

Seeing how easily @Baldhurts gets tons of hot women matches with minimal effort and then reading him wax on about bogus evolutionary theories has been depressing. As has the bad advice from friends, a female friend has actually told me to ask these women for feedback.

On the bright side it's now 4:11 pm and I have not eaten any food yet. I might be rediscovering my willpower for intermittent fasting, after nearly a month of being too lazy to do it. For me personally, it's a very effective weight loss method.


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I have a date on Sunday morning with a woman I'm not excited about. But she kept asking me questions, so I said what the heck just to give it a chance. We're meeting for breakfast as it's the only available. My friend Marc says it's bad to meet women for breakfast as it won't lead to sex.

Saturday night is Jewish singles bowling night via meetup, I'm not sure if I'll go.

Sunday night is speed dating, I'm probably going.

I'm currently talking to a few other women. One of them turned me down but she had a legitimate excuse -- she said she was going to DC to protest Trump. Another one initiates conversation. A third one told me to get in touch with her when I visit DC.

Seeing how easily @Baldhurts gets tons of hot women matches with minimal effort and then reading him wax on about bogus evolutionary theories has been depressing. As has the bad advice from friends, a female friend has actually told me to ask these women for feedback.

On the bright side it's now 4:11 pm and I have not eaten any food yet. I might be rediscovering my willpower for intermittent fasting, after nearly a month of being too lazy to do it. For me personally, it's a very effective weight loss method.

I have gone out with people when not impressed with photos and been pleasantly surprised in person..Although its gone other way too lol..

Photos are a pain in the *** because NOT everyone is photogenic and in person can look so much better...

and some people photograph fabulous and in person look horrible.

Im glad you are going to meet her for breakfast.

I don't think you need to ask opinions on what went bad...its actually better not to know. Don't know if they will be truthful and then you may get stuck on a flaw that is not a real flaw.

bald hurts is just going through something so everything is from that perspective.

he's hot there is no reason for him to be alone unless he wants to be alone or socially crippled which we are learning he may be from his fears.


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I don't know if this is very helpful to the women on the site, but I don't think I ever noticed much the hairlines of women prior to coming to this site myself, and becoming oversensitized to it. I now see women's hairline and women's hair densities all the time, and I've realized that female alopecia is a thing. Two years ago I would have told "extremely rare" and I would have been mistaken. It's very common.

I noticed a couple weeks ago that one of the most beautiful women I work with has a NW1.5 hairline (she's 32 or 33 I think). At the cooking class I went to on Tuesday, the woman across from me had a large forehead, so probably a NW2.5 or NW3 but with a full crown, or not who knows.

But the point is, when I was part of the general population, I didn't notice this, so a lot of people probably don't either.


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I have a date on Sunday morning with a woman I'm not excited about. But she kept asking me questions, so I said what the heck just to give it a chance. We're meeting for breakfast as it's the only available. My friend Marc says it's bad to meet women for breakfast as it won't lead to sex.

Saturday night is Jewish singles bowling night via meetup, I'm not sure if I'll go.

Sunday night is speed dating, I'm probably going.

I'm currently talking to a few other women. One of them turned me down but she had a legitimate excuse -- she said she was going to DC to protest Trump. Another one initiates conversation. A third one told me to get in touch with her when I visit DC.

Seeing how easily @Baldhurts gets tons of hot women matches with minimal effort and then reading him wax on about bogus evolutionary theories has been depressing. As has the bad advice from friends, a female friend has actually told me to ask these women for feedback.

On the bright side it's now 4:11 pm and I have not eaten any food yet. I might be rediscovering my willpower for intermittent fasting, after nearly a month of being too lazy to do it. For me personally, it's a very effective weight loss method.

According to Cope my matches are only 4/10 and the best looking one was a tranny. Possible date tomorrow with a woman who is from Rio, not sure if I'm going yet. Another little blonde said Sunday, I won't get in touch with her.. if she messages me maybe I'll respond.

Two others next week sometime.. maybe Im feeling okay with myself I'm really not sure. I took down a photo of myself and ever since I did that I'm not getting many more matches.. maybe one a day. But I live in a city where 4/6 men are chad and they probably have endless options.


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I don't know if this is very helpful to the women on the site, but I don't think I ever noticed much the hairlines of women prior to coming to this site myself, and becoming oversensitized to it. I now see women's hairline and women's hair densities all the time, and I've realized that female alopecia is a thing. Two years ago I would have told "extremely rare" and I would have been mistaken. It's very common.

I noticed a couple weeks ago that one of the most beautiful women I work with has a NW1.5 hairline (she's 32 or 33 I think). At the cooking class I went to on Tuesday, the woman across from me had a large forehead, so probably a NW2.5 or NW3 but with a full crown, or not who knows.

But the point is, when I was part of the general population, I didn't notice this, so a lot of people probably don't either.

Just like most people don't notice men who are below NW3, I think

Before I noticed my own hair loss I never thought of anyone as balding until they were at very advanced stages


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According to Cope my matches are only 4/10 and the best looking one was a tranny. Possible date tomorrow with a woman who is from Rio, not sure if I'm going yet. Another little blonde said Sunday, I won't get in touch with her.. if she messages me maybe I'll respond.

Two others next week sometime.. maybe Im feeling okay with myself I'm really not sure. I took down a photo of myself and ever since I did that I'm not getting many more matches.. maybe one a day. But I live in a city where 4/6 men are chad and they probably have endless options.

Cope has unusual views on women and they are not consistent with those of most men. He doesn't like women with either athletic features or feminine features, which is unusual. Meanwhile, I'm assuming you find these women attractive, and thats why you swiped on them.

Of your matches, I sent the first link to a retired slayer friend of mine:

The guy is 6'1, a natural leader, has done 50+ women, he's currently in medical school and is a prodigy and is engaged to a hot woman who has black belt in karate, is a nurse practitioner, and runs a cake business on the side. Of those 5 matches, he liked all but the 4th. I think he found the 3rd one to be the most attractive.

Just go with these women, take it easy, and relax. Keep in mind if you have a bad date it's fine, most people will have dozens of bad dates in their lives it's fine.

It's great that the system is giving you feedback on which of your photos are better.
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