Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Of your matches, I sent the first link to a retired slayer friend of mine:

Girl is cute! Not a knockout but definitely attractive enough. Cope's just extremely picky, unless a face fits the perfect 'golden ratio' he's not into it. That said I don't always agree with his taste, some of the women he posts are slightly masculine looking but others are indeed gorgeous. I don't think any 'normal' person should expect dating only Stacy's or Chad's, it just doesn't work like that. Go on a few dates with normal, cute women like the one above and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised! :)


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Cope has unusual views on women and they are not consistent with those of most men. He doesn't like women with either athletic features or feminine features, which is unusual. Meanwhile, I'm assuming you find these women attractive, and thats why you swiped on them.

Of your matches, I sent the first link to a retired slayer friend of mine:

The guy is 6'1, a natural leader, has done 50+ women, he's currently in medical school and is a prodigy and is engaged to a hot woman who has black belt in karate, is a nurse practitioner, and runs a cake business on the side. Of those 5 matches, he liked all but the 4th. I think he found the 3rd one to be the most attractive.

Just go with these women, take it easy, and relax. Keep in mind if you have a bad date it's fine, most people will have dozens of bad dates in their lives it's fine.

It's great that the system is giving you feedback on which of your photos are better.

I read an article awhile back about dating app matches and apparently the women you match on a consistent basis at your looksmatch. I feel this is accurate with these matches. The only one who is probably way above my league are the 3rd and 5th ones.


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I don't know if this is very helpful to the women on the site, but I don't think I ever noticed much the hairlines of women prior to coming to this site myself, and becoming oversensitized to it. I now see women's hairline and women's hair densities all the time, and I've realized that female alopecia is a thing. Two years ago I would have told "extremely rare" and I would have been mistaken. It's very common.

I noticed a couple weeks ago that one of the most beautiful women I work with has a NW1.5 hairline (she's 32 or 33 I think). At the cooking class I went to on Tuesday, the woman across from me had a large forehead, so probably a NW2.5 or NW3 but with a full crown, or not who knows.

But the point is, when I was part of the general population, I didn't notice this, so a lot of people probably don't either.

i think its more the paranoia about it and the obsession about it for me.

last summer i was dating someone i liked a lot and he was always touching my hair...he loved my hair

the more he touched my hair the more paranoid i got

i was laying down and he was staring at my eyes and he was petting my head--romantic right?

we were in his living room and the sun was coming in and the position I was laying down and all I kept thinking....IS he checkin out my hair line???? In the very front its at its thinnest when my hair is styled you cant notice,,BUT if you push it back, stroking it off my face and light hits it would be totally noticeable thinning..

basically i felt so paranoid and uncomfortable in my skin...it was way too soon to confide in him...I was always putting him off.

It definitely ruins the moment to be worried about your hair and what other person may be thinking.


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I have gone out with people when not impressed with photos and been pleasantly surprised in person..Although its gone other way too lol..

Photos are a pain in the *** because NOT everyone is photogenic and in person can look so much better...

and some people photograph fabulous and in person look horrible.

Im glad you are going to meet her for breakfast.
I wish I had a better understanding of what makes a good photograph. What I do is I just take a zillion photos in the hope that one of them sticks.

I feel like I look better in the mirror than in the photos, but that seems impossible.

I don't think you need to ask opinions on what went bad...its actually better not to know. Don't know if they will be truthful and then you may get stuck on a flaw that is not a real flaw.
This part strikes me as so extremely obvious that I'm surprised it needs to be explained. I'm just shocked she suggested it.

Her female friend (whom I don't know) is having trouble keeping men, she asked guys who rejected her for four feedbacks and apparently four of the guys were not tools (in their opinion). One said that there's a "lack of chemistry", and another guy said she's really focused on her career and didn't know if she would have time for a relationship. I honestly rolled my eyes at both of these, but she's convinced by her friend's experience.


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According to Cope my matches are only 4/10 and the best looking one was a tranny. Possible date tomorrow with a woman who is from Rio, not sure if I'm going yet. Another little blonde said Sunday, I won't get in touch with her.. if she messages me maybe I'll respond.

Two others next week sometime.. maybe Im feeling okay with myself I'm really not sure. I took down a photo of myself and ever since I did that I'm not getting many more matches.. maybe one a day. But I live in a city where 4/6 men are chad and they probably have endless options.

i think mot of those girls were attractive...how attractive? you realy cant tell until you meet in person..

i think a few were not worth it but not majority.

Cope has extremely high standards of both male and female beauty.

I think most of these guys would be good with most of the women you posted.


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I just realized that @Baldhurts is the male version of @EvilLocks .

Very good looking man held back by other issues including baldness. Could f*** 50+ desirable girls a year if he wanted, but lacks the will to put in the minimal effort required to show up for drinks.
I think my older sister was into this guy when she was a teenager:


And also:
Is isn't that Joey from Blossom?!?!

He was the heartthrob for the girls growing up in the 90s. He shocked everyone when he returned to tv ten years later sporting plastic surgery and a hair transplant.



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I read an article awhile back about dating app matches and apparently the women you match on a consistent basis at your looksmatch. I feel this is accurate with these matches. The only one who is probably way above my league are the 3rd and 5th ones.

Your looks match is probably the average of the women you date, assuming you're dating enough for the distribution to be sampled.

For whatever it's worth, my favourite of those women are the 2nd and 3rd.In your second set of matches:
Second and fourth are hottest and possibly the third. The third might be hotter but it's hard to tell as her picture shows her face but not her body.


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Your looks match is probably the average of the women you date, assuming you're dating enough for the distribution to be sampled.

For whatever it's worth, my favourite of those women are the 2nd and 3rd.In your second set of matches:
Second and fourth are hottest and possibly the third. The third might be hotter but it's hard to tell as her picture shows her face but not her body.

I didn't mean to swipe the last one. The first girl is a bikini physique competitior, the orange look is the fake tan they apply before a show


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I wish I had a better understanding of what makes a good photograph. What I do is I just take a zillion photos in the hope that one of them sticks.

I feel like I look better in the mirror than in the photos, but that seems impossible.

This part strikes me as so extremely obvious that I'm surprised it needs to be explained. I'm just shocked she suggested it.

Her female friend (whom I don't know) is having trouble keeping men, she asked guys who rejected her for four feedbacks and apparently four of the guys were not tools (in their opinion). One said that there's a "lack of chemistry", and another guy said she's really focused on her career and didn't know if she would have time for a relationship. I honestly rolled my eyes at both of these, but she's convinced by her friend's experience.

LOL IE not attracted lol...

I do THINK with men i know as friends when they are overwhelmed either with work school or money issues I do think they will resist getting into relationships or looking for relationships not all but some.

BUT i don't think men give a rats *** if a woman is busy with work if he wants her. That comment made no sense.

Read a little bit about photography perhaps.

Yes people can look better (or worse) in person then in photographs.

I know you may not believe this but some models are actually 'ugly'.but they photograph in an interesting way. Usually more the editorial girls. But still...peope can be photogenic.


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Naomi Klein is also brilliant. I read "The Shock Doctrine"... it's an undeniably impressive piece of journalism. When I see her name on bylines, I read, what she has to say is valuable. She doesn't just recycle, she contributes.
Actually, that's not Naomi Klein, it's Naomi Wolf (my mistake, I edited the post). Still, Klein wasn't too bad in her young days. I really like Jewish women for some reason.



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i think its more the paranoia about it and the obsession about it for me.

last summer i was dating someone i liked a lot and he was always touching my hair...he loved my hair

the more he touched my hair the more paranoid i got

i was laying down and he was staring at my eyes and he was petting my head--romantic right?

we were in his living room and the sun was coming in and the position I was laying down and all I kept thinking....IS he checkin out my hair line???? In the very front its at its thinnest when my hair is styled you cant notice,,BUT if you push it back, stroking it off my face and light hits it would be totally noticeable thinning..

basically i felt so paranoid and uncomfortable in my skin...it was way too soon to confide in him...I was always putting him off.

It definitely ruins the moment to be worried about your hair and what other person may be thinking.
I've got to the point where I just tell them not to touch. But I don't say its because I'm insecure about it - what I do is I tell them that my brother used to yank my hair when we were growing up and now if anyone touches it makes me really tense.

Its worked the last two times I tried it.


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I've got to the point where I just tell them not to touch. But I don't say its because I'm insecure about it - what I do is I tell them that my brother used to yank my hair when we were growing up and now if anyone touches it makes me really tense.

Its worked the last two times I tried it.

yeah see i am not mentally used to it yet

Because hair pulling?--Me likey!!

so its hard in heat of moment.


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I didn't mean to swipe the last one. The first girl is a bikini physique competitior, the orange look is the fake tan they apply before a show

The fake tan, the blurry image, and the strange choice of crop might be undermining her.


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yeah see i am not mentally used to it yet

Because hair pulling?--Me likey!!

so its hard in heat of moment.
Yeah, a lot of women do. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to it and I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt them.


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no DO NOT talk to your Dad i have a highly intense super attractive athletic Slayer Father who is wealthy and cannot abide weakness in people let alone his offsprings and I am a woman--if he knew half the weakness i have he would have used them against me my whole life...you HIDE that sh*t from your Father he will not understand and he will try to bully the sh*t of you and to make it worse...No reason really to talk to any of your friends or family.

Go to a cognitive therapist. at lest start with a normal therapist.

Yeah I can't talk to him. Quick little backstory: iv been training in martial arts for 10 years. Boxing since I was 9 and jiu jitsu and wrestling since about 15ish. I won my first 4 amateur MMA fights, when I wanted to do pro fights (rules are different from amateur) I took my first pro fight at 18 against a 30 year old.. ended up getting my *** kicked badly.

I remember my dad there and him smirking at me when I came out from the doctors office with a broken nose. I went on to win my next fight, then lost two straight before hanging it up.

No matter how hard I trained when it was time to fight I never believed in myself. I was already telling myself I would lose and that I was nothing but a failure/loser.

anyway, this is one of my favourite pics of myself that I have.. me walking out to the cage.



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lmfao imagine the girl version of that. "omg! my fat belly makes all men only f*** me a few times before chucking me!" *3 billion guys start jacking off, another 3 billion shower her with compliments and praise and validation another 2 billion guys offer to pay her and another billion offer her free mental health services*

just lol at being a guy and how hard it is. unbelievable. not being allowed to have emotions or be sensitive is like the number one cause of anger and hate and maniacal destructive tendencies for us men.

did you know vast majority of transgenders are men who want to turn into women? LOOOOOL

A friend of my recently got divorced. His wife is from Vietnam. She looks average, in her early thirties and has kids. Within two months of divorce she found a dude who is madly in love with her. He is willing to pay for her airfare so that she can visit her family in Vietnam. He is also going to take out a debt and pay her $20,000 so that she can bring her sister to the US as a student. He is going to pay the airfare for her sister too. He told her he will do anything she pleases. The fact that he is willing to do all these things for a women he has only known for two months boggles my mind. It's a sad state of affair. That's how desperate many men are.


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michel sapin

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honestly baldhurt are you trolling ? no offense but you might see some mental health specialist , you might have severe bdd . You don't have look problem .
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