Even FOX news predicted she would win.
Politics plays into everything.
Here's the FACTS:
1. FBI - Email investigation REOPENED after it was closed in July. One week
before election.
Coincedence? I don't think so.
2. Trump has always been critical of every president. Even George W Bush. However,
there's one key difference with Obama.
Trump said, for quite some time, that Obama was NOT A US Citizen (not born in US).
Again, bullshit. Complete total bullshit.
It would be one thing for him to criticize Obama on his policies (it's his right to voice
Trump's opinion. US is a free speech country).
But to make up bullshit?
3. Trump was endorsed by an Imperial Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan! True fact. Wasn't
hidden either. That's a WHITE HATE organization (hate's JEWS, BLACKS, etc). The
Wizard is their LEADER!
Until he won the election, he didn't DENY their support, or DENOUNCE them.
Why do you think that is? In fact, his son Eric, spoke on his behalf AFTER he was elected.
Who would want their votes? Maybe he's on the same page? Who knows.
It's disturbing that KKK types gravitate to Trump. It means they see something in him to their liking.
And of course the Comey FBI letter is a great part of why Trump won. I predicted the Comey letter would turn out to be bullshit and I was right. But some people fell for that bs so late deciders went for Trump. Keep in mind that Trump won by only 10,000 votes in Michigan, 20,000 in Wisconsin, and 40,000 in PA. These states have millions of voters. Trump barely won.
The final results for the 3 states that put Trump in the White House appear to be:
Michigan margin of Trump victory approx 10,7000 out of 4,785,000 votes
Wisconsin margin of Trump victory approx 22,000 out of 2,945,000 votes
Pennsylvania margin of Trump victory approx 43,000 out of 5,929,000 votes
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