Tired Of Baldness. Tired Of Ugliness. Tired.


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Zircon, you see that's a more well balanced post. A pragmatic take on the matter of hair loss - yes, it hinders us, but it hasn't ruined our lives.

I'd actually be really interested to here more about your dating. Do you use tinder/pof?

When I cut my hair off I was scared I'd not attract women anymore and it was only by going on pof and still getting the odd message and a couple of good meet ups that I realised that I wasn't going to be celibate for the rest of my life.
That's good to hear. Its actually much easier for an average man to get laid in real life then it is l witb social media. That being said, you are not doomed if you can still get the odd meet up on pof/tindr

I actually prefer meeting women who don't used these inflated ego superficial applications though. From my experience women that don't use these apps are better material to work with. Bars,clubs and places of interests. Even through work.

When I used to live in the big city I never once needed a dated application. Nobody with a active social life that I knew met there partners off them. I had gay friends who met there paenters, but almost everyone else I knew found them trough social circles and going out. I still believe that any women who's remotely attractive that uses online dating is missing a few screws. There was absolutely no need when you are 16-25.

At least that was the case for me and everyone I knew. When you are attending boat loads of parties, attending school and work, it's almost envitable you will meet someone. Looking back I xan believe how easy it was. Nowa days in this sh*t hole I live in, it's all I got to work with


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To clarify, I don't think I'm ugly, rather as a result of baldness I am extreme plain like all bald people since hair is most people's main feature that makes them unique.

I can't seem to edit the thread title to better explain what I mean, I put a better explanation at the end of my OP when I posted this thread but no one seems to have got that.

What I do think is that baldness itself is absolutely disgustingly ugly though. I'm a perfectionist, I possibly have OCD to be honest. Something being slightly off drives me crazy, so to have this huge flaw on my face that basically ruins it drives me completely insane.

My depression is more to do with the train of thought baldness set me down, which is to do with futility in general. I won't go into the specifics because it would just set you all down the same depressing spiral.


DBW, you will get that woman at some point!

And remember, you say you don't care that you are good at sports or you like to cook but she will - those are the things that will make her fall for you.


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I don't know what to tell you really, I'm empty inside and low on sleep today. My beloved grandfather passed away today, 92 years old. He was old and had a great and long life but it's still a huge shock to our entire family. And I feel so sorry for my grandmother who's now alone, after being married for almost 60 years. Anyway, I'm getting off track here - just needed to get that off my chest. I think intellect and charm is important, but I'm not going to lie and say that looks isn't.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather, EL. My sympathies to you and your family.


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It really is about confidence.

The confidence to approach a woman who is uglier and poorer than you. Make hypergamy work for you. If you're a 4/10 go for a 3/10.

Again, people misunderstood my thread, this isn't about women, it's about being cursed by nature with a disfigurement. Why should I be cursed (because that's what it is, a curse) with this? I should have a full head of hair at my age, we all should. It's f*****g bullshit.


Cocohot, there isn't really a kind way of wording this but perhaps therapy would help. I don't mean that in a petty or insulting way but its something that will help you.

For the things that we can change then go ahead (finasteride, hair transplant, working out, or whatever). For that what we cant change then there is only acceptance and learning to live with it. There aren't any other solutions.


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I'm not bald though. I have bad/mediocre hair which is a flaw but not a dealbreaker. My appeal is I have a striking unconventional look to my face. Think British actor type. I have crafted a look around that and an elaborate combover. For certain girls this look is catnip. They get really wet from me.

I used tinder and would get dates very easily. Very high response rate and chicks actively initiating contact. I converted around 40% of the dates to lays. With experience I got better at it. My understanding is that whether you will get in bed with a girl is decided within seconds of meeting her, and from there it's just a question of not screwing up. So I wasn't talking myself into bed as much as I wasn't talking myself out of it.

At this point it's a big nuisance for me. If it progresses to where I'm actually bald or have to buzz, things will get a lot worse. The girls will be fewer in number and worse-looking. Opportunities will dry up at work, if the bald men around me are any indication. So it might end up really f*****g things up for me. The effects of hair loss are more pronounced the higher up the Norwood scale you are.

Depends where you work. Cities tend to be more superficial like that, different companies are different that way too. At microsoft for example I don't think your looks would matter that much compared to more trendy companies.


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Cocohot, there isn't really a kind way of wording this but perhaps therapy would help. I don't mean that in a petty or insulting way but its something that will help you.

For the things that we can change then go ahead (finasteride, hair transplant, working out, or whatever). For that what we cant change then there is only acceptance and learning to live with it. There aren't any other solutions.[/QUOTE]

That's what drives me (literally) crazy.

We are all good people, I have a sense of what you are all like from posting here for a couple of years. None of us deserve this. It is absolutely horrendous.


Zircon, you sound a little like me. Certainly we have both womanised (although its a crude term).

You say you women will dry up once you are bald but how do you know this? Have you shaved before?

Because that is what I feared until I shaved it and realised that women still like me (though younger women probably much prefer men with more hair).


Cocohot - Am I right in presuming you've tried the big three? Have you considered hair transplant?


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As an 'unattractive,severely bald man, please accept my condolences to you and your grieving family.
EL,I'm happy your grandfather had a fulfilling life encapsulated with boundless love and loyalty.
If you call yourself unattractive again, you're gonna get your first dislike, Leonard. :mad:


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Cocohot - Am I right in presuming you've tried the big three? Have you considered hair transplant?

No I'm NW5, by the time I'd heard of the big three I was a diffuse NW4 so I didn't bother.

I honestly wouldn't want them anyway. The only thing in the world worse than hairloss is impotence or reduced sexual function. Watery semen? Less hard erections? No thanks.


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Buckthorn - valid points expressed like a drunken man with wasps in his mouth.

haha... yes, I am drunk, and that's also why I deleted it. :/


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I did buzz and eventually shave, while I was in a relationship. She dried up and we had sex extremely infrequently until I grew it back out again. At this time I also had several bad experiences with friends who drifted out of touch for no good reason after seeing me bald. My head shape is oval and I'm fair-skinned, which exarcebated the impact. It looked really really bad unfortunately. It was at this time I started the big three and started building my current combover style.

So yes, I'm pretty sure my appeal will not last If I go much beyond my current loss.

what the hell? so, women on HERE have called you a 7-8/10 and yet, when your head was buzzed, your girl friend completely "dried up"? and what kind of friends "drift out of touch" when you shave your head? f*ck those friends.


No I'm NW5, by the time I'd heard of the big three I was a diffuse NW4 so I didn't bother.

I honestly wouldn't want them anyway. The only thing in the world worse than hairloss is impotence or reduced sexual function. Watery semen? Less hard erections? No thanks.

Good call r.e. the treatments. Whilst I understand the incidence of these side effects to be pretty low, I suffered from them myself. After a rare reaction to Rogaine I lost around 2 inches in penis size as well as a slight reduction in girth and hardness, I can't even get an erection, only manually and even then with great difficulty. Its soul-destroying. Anyway, on a more positive note, have you considered trying a wig? I gave one ago a few months ago and whilst they're certainly not a miracle cure-all, they've got their merits :)


Well fear not, Zircon. That hair transplant will have you with all the wenches you desire.

How old are you?

I do feel this becomes somewhat easier the older we become.


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My overall look needs hair to work. I go from weirdly handsome to very, very ugly without it.

A drastic negative change in appearance will make the outside world lose interest, is all I can say. There are limits to what people will tolerate. Shaving your head is okay if it looks okay. Which it did not me

As far as my hair transplant, it was a great relief to book it and I imagine it will be an even greater relief to finally carry it out. I'm a few years older than you.

I am very happy you have found relief in booking your hair transplant. I am sure the outcome will be great. To go from a good looking man, to an unfamiliar, disappointing image of yourself is devastating. I am in for the same course and scared as hell.


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If you call yourself unattractive again, you're gonna get your first dislike, Leonard. :mad:

I know your warning comes from a good place.
It may be bitter, but I have to take my medicine
like other big boys who call it like they see it. :rolleyes:

I'll tell you what though my dear friend; we have a deal if you can promise us
that you'll try and accept with more certainty, what is the overwhelming consensus vocalized here,
that your own special beauty is unparalleled. You can think about it before you respond.
However if you'll ever compelled again to exercise your HairLossTalk.com member prerogatives and check dislike
I'll know it's from someone who loves me. :) .


My Regimen
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I know your warning comes from a good place.
It may be bitter, but I have to take my medicine
like other big boys who call it like they see it. :rolleyes:

I'll tell you what though my dear friend; we have a deal if you can promise us
that you'll try and accept with more certainty, what is the overwhelming consensus vocalized here,
that your own special beauty is unparalleled. You can think about it before you respond.
However if you'll ever compelled again to exercise your HairLossTalk.com member prerogatives and check dislike
I'll know it's from someone who loves me. :) .

I am telling you my nemesis. You need to write 50 poems and bound it in a book. I would spend $100 US dollars on it.