Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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I think the Minoxidil is making the micro needling look good! A good few posters have complained about a worsening situation.


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I'm here!

Nope. They swabbed local areas with alcohol wipes beforehand and then they used oral antibiotics afterwards.

Reading the abstract from the chinese study, it seems their theory is that microneedling enhances absorption which leads to growth whereas the indian study theorizes it is growth factors from wounding that leads to growth. Probably why in the chinese study they apply minoxidil right after wounding. But microneedling is only done once every two weeks so how much could absorption actually be a factor


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guys, who applies minoxidil straight after micro needling and anyone else apply it 20-30 mins after?
what option is the best?


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Reading the abstract from the chinese study, it seems their theory is that microneedling enhances absorption which leads to growth whereas the indian study theorizes it is growth factors from wounding that leads to growth. Probably why in the chinese study they apply minoxidil right after wounding. But microneedling is only done once every two weeks so how much could absorption actually be a factor

You can copy a study and tell us your own theory afterwards :)


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I don't hear nobody in this thread talking about iodine. In the indian study they put betadine(a iodine form) on the scalp. I think this is a underrated point. If u remember 2young2retire also use betadine.
But there is more. In a 2005 case study they investigate about topical iodine(lugol) on wound regeneration and they discover the possibility of hair rigeneration.

". Not all, but most important results are presented. Topical iodine induces hair growth in and around scars."

Also Cotsarelis in one of the follica's patent talk about apply some topical on induced wound. In the list of this topical he includes iodine ond others similar element like lithium.

Resuming : i think we must consider iodine and his derivates (betadine, lugol) not only like disinfectant, but also for their active role in hair regrowth.
I have some iodine that I purchased from Amazon. I’ll start adding directly after needling. Anyone know if I can use it right from the bottle or do I need to dilute. Picture is what I have


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Norwood Recovery

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Does anyone else sweat like a hog while needling? Seems the more intense needle session I do the more I swear. I just finished my 4th session and my hair is pretty damp with sweat.


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I have some iodine that I purchased from Amazon. I’ll start adding directly after needling. Anyone know if I can use it right from the bottle or do I need to dilute. Picture is what I have

here is a thread about idoine made in 2016 on an other forum, its only 4 pages. theres a guy that said it can harm the thyroid

but they got gains from it i think.

( i dont know anything about iodine but im just letting you know in case that helps)


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Nice man, keep on documenting your progress with pictures, not many are only microneedling.
Sure. I've documented everything detailedly and all pictures are very clear. I started to see new vellus on my temple about 1.5 months in and they are getting longer as time goes by. In fact, I'm writing a tool for documenting the progress. When it's done, I will share with you. As a programmer, hope I can contribute something in this battle.


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I have a mole on my head as well and its becoming less and less visible. Another indicator thar my hair is getting thicker
Good for you, man. My English is not very good though, I'd like to confirm your meaning. You mean your hair is getting thicker to cover the mole, or the mole itself is fading by needling? I'm not sure if it's safe to stimulate the mole regularly. Anyone has comment about this? Thanks!


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Good for you, man. My English is not very good though, I'd like to confirm your meaning. You mean your hair is getting thicker to cover the mole, or the mole itself is fading by needling? I'm not sure if it's safe to stimulate the mole regularly. Anyone has comment about this? Thanks!

Yea im not sure if its safe or not to needle a mole but what i meant was the hair is getting thicker to cover the mole


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Im doing both approaches, so unfortunately, i dont know which approach to give credit to for the hair growth thus far

Use one approach on eg the left part on your scalp and the other approach on your right part. After a few months you have perhaps an answer


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Sup guys,

while I still don't have any results to report (after 4 months of electric dermaneedling + minoxidil), I noticed one change the last two sessions: I now don't get blood remotely as easily as before and I can easily tolerate higher needle length. Also though the needles now get stuck in my skin much more easily.
The last two sessions (this weekend and the one before) I could easily go all the way in with 2.0 mm and the level of pain would be the same as 1.5 mm towards the beggining of this regimen 4 months ago.

Things I changed within the last month: added intense scalp massages, added vitamins K2 + D3 two weeks ago. I don't know if either of these two additions has anything to do at all with me being more pain resistant there now (or the skin being thicker). Might also just be the effect of doing this for four months. Maybe nothing changed physiologically but only my pain tolerance increased, because my body is getting used to it? Don't think so though, cause the needles also didn't get stuck as much before. So either my body did something as a response to 4 months of weekly electric needling or the scalp massages for the last month did something. Gotta say that my scalp is definitely less tight and more flexible, so maybe that's what's going on? Didn't do anything for hair growth either so far though.

Or, maybe, this is the first step to regrowth? Recovery of the subcutaneous brown fat and revascularization/neo angiogenesis? I don't know. Maybe it's not. Either way, still no regrowth whatsoever after 4 months (weekly electric needling @ 1.75 mm + daily minoxidil), but these changes in my skin.

Anyone else experienced these?