Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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I still cannot fathom why everytime someone gets results some posters feel the need to call them out. Why would people come to a hairloss forum to lie about results? It makes no sense.

It depends really. In a couple of studies they kept the new hair completely after stopping everything for months after. . Also 2young said he kept his gains for years. It remains to be seen though long term.

I think guys like chen and numberguy have been needling long term now. They are seeing consistent regrowth, albeit its a process. We really don't know at this point. Have to see down the road.

Because all pics were done at different locations..I find this odd...
He is also promoting a rather brutal talking about Hakandogan here.
All may be legit..but without real evidence I would not follow such an extreme regimen

All others success stories I feel comfortable with...sort of


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I don't know what you are talking about. Plenty of users in this thread who have reported clear progress.

Agreed. For christ sake there was a picture montage someone put together earlier in this thread. If people read through the entire thing you'd see alot of people are seeing at least something, and still way early. You have pics, anecdotes, studies, and a big company dealing with wounding. What more can people want?

Because all pics were done at different locations..I find this odd...
He is also promoting a rather brutal talking about Hakandogan here.
All may be legit..but without real evidence I would not follow such an extreme regimen

All others success stories I feel comfortable with...sort of

It isn't anything new. 2young did the same and got great results. I think it varies person to person. Still i don't know why Haka or anyone else would come here and lie. It makes no sense.


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I also think that microneedling is a good procedure. I started it as well.

Bill Russo has linked three studies into his great thread. That is my guidance.
Therefore, if people have success with a brutal approach I ask myself...because or despite of it.
In the end everybody is different. Nevertheless..if it works for some, then it works. There is no need for them to change things unless they want to find out if less is more. A purely personal decision.

Why are people doing this...because they get pleasure out of it by faking things.
But what is vicious, if their actions are causing harm to others regardless if it is psychological or physical damage.

To make it clear again..I am not insinuating Hakandogan has faked something. I am just saying that I find everything a bit strange.


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I don't know what you are talking about. Plenty of users in this thread who have reported clear progress.
Oh you silly, silly goose... It didn't work for him, therefore it's impossible for it to work on anyone else! Didn't you get the memo? Mine came with a Christmas postcard.


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4 months in zero progress. In fact ive not seen any credible progress in this entire thread apart from one guy who lost all his gains as mentioned earlier.
OP did the troll job of the century and we all fell for it.

There are scientific papers behind this.


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Scientific papers means nothing. Do You remeber PDO threads? One guy from this forum failed to this procedure and two others also from stopaga forum.


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So far we can say this is working for some and for others it is not working. Some are optimistic... others are butt-hurt that they needled their heads for no reason. Don't get me wrong... we'll all feel pretty stupid needling our heads for a year and seeing 0 results. That'd be up there at the top in terms of stupid things I've done, should that be my results. Yet... it feels good doing more than putting chemicals on my scalp and praying.

What I enjoy about this near 400 page thread is that when things lose steam and the trolls cry foul... someone like Ludachris walks in from the lurking shadows with amazing results, or Chen. Longway886 is re-growing hair from some slick spots for far more coverage. He's been in this thread from the earliest pages. I'm sure more will appear out of nowhere soon too.

If this treatment really does have as high a % of success as the Chinese/Indian studies had... more and more people will start having results in this thread. That doesn't mean some people won't be left behind as the non-responders though. I do feel bad for those people.

Here is my hair not responding to needling just like everyone else:


Last photo is from today. My hair is actually growing now on top and is responsible for a bit of a comb-over effect more than new hair providing coverage. It is time for a haircut. I didn't rock that look in Dec for Christmas photos because I wanted to either I can assure you of that!
Last edited:


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So far we can say this is working for some and for others it is not working. Some are optimistic... others are butt-hurt that they needled their heads for no reason. Don't get me wrong... we'll all feel pretty stupid needling our heads for a year and seeing 0 results. That'd be up there at the top in terms of stupid things I've done, should that be my results. Yet... it feels good doing more than putting chemicals on my scalp and praying.

What I enjoy about this near 400 page thread is that when things lose steam and the trolls cry foul... someone like Ludachris walks in from the lurking shadows with amazing results, or Chen. Longway886 is re-growing hair from some slick spots for far more coverage. He's been in this thread from the earliest pages. I'm sure more will appear out of nowhere soon too.

If this treatment really does have as high a % of success as the Chinese/Indian studies had... more and more people will start having results in this thread. That doesn't mean some people won't be left behind as the non-responders though. I do feel bad for those people.

Here is my hair not responding to needling just like everyone else:


Last photo is from today. My hair is actually growing now on top and is responsible for a bit of a comb-over effect more than new hair providing coverage. It is time for a haircut. I didn't rock that look in Dec for Christmas photos either I can assure you of that!
Great results man. Did you notice any sides from the min, like dark circles or wrinkles?


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I also think that microneedling is a good procedure. I started it as well.

Bill Russo has linked three studies into his great thread. That is my guidance.
Therefore, if people have success with a brutal approach I ask myself...because or despite of it.
In the end everybody is different. Nevertheless..if it works for some, then it works. There is no need for them to change things unless they want to find out if less is more. A purely personal decision.

Why are people doing this...because they get pleasure out of it by faking things.
But what is vicious, if their actions are causing harm to others regardless if it is psychological or physical damage.

To make it clear again..I am not insinuating Hakandogan has faked something. I am just saying that I find everything a bit strange.

Didn't mean to call you out specifically. I understand. At least you are needling. We've had people jump in this thread for no reason and claim BS based upon nothing, just to troll. I could understand if it was one or two people getting results, but its been way more than that.

So far we can say this is working for some and for others it is not working. Some are optimistic... others are butt-hurt that they needled their heads for no reason. Don't get me wrong... we'll all feel pretty stupid needling our heads for a year and seeing 0 results. That'd be up there at the top in terms of stupid things I've done, should that be my results. Yet... it feels good doing more than putting chemicals on my scalp and praying.

What I enjoy about this near 400 page thread is that when things lose steam and the trolls cry foul... someone like Ludachris walks in from the lurking shadows with amazing results, or Chen. Longway886 is re-growing hair from some slick spots for far more coverage. He's been in this thread from the earliest pages. I'm sure more will appear out of nowhere soon too.

If this treatment really does have as high a % of success as the Chinese/Indian studies had... more and more people will start having results in this thread. That doesn't mean some people won't be left behind as the non-responders though. I do feel bad for those people.

Here is my hair not responding to needling just like everyone else:


Last photo is from today. My hair is actually growing now on top and is responsible for a bit of a comb-over effect more than new hair providing coverage. It is time for a haircut. I didn't rock that look in Dec for Christmas photos either I can assure you of that!

Lol i'm assuming the "not responding" thing is sarcasm. But that pretty incredible. If that continues every two months for you you'd have a full head of hair by years end.

I think one of the positives chen showed us is that not only can you get results, but continued needling has the potential to keep increasing results long term. This to me is what separates needling from other treatments.

Pepe with hair

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Hey guys.
Third session today, at 1.7mm. I bleed a bit every time.
Do you guys ever get strong itching 30 minutes after needling ? The first 2 sessions had only led to mild tingling. The last one though, my head was burning. Good sign or bad sign ?

@overpourgoodfortune very encouraging ! How is the hairline doing ? Man, seeing this progress must be exicting.


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@Pepe with hair - I'd say my scalp is tender immediately after. Maybe a touch itchy. More on the burning side though as you describe. That's my sign to say I did actually wound. Sometimes I think I'm not doing that much... and then at the end I'm like... oh, my scalp is angry, I guess I did okay.

Hairline does have some action, although nothing all that aesthetic or super obvious yet. Random hairs popping up at the hairline though for sure.


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Sup guys,

while I still don't have any results to report (after 4 months of electric dermaneedling + minoxidil), I noticed one change the last two sessions: I now don't get blood remotely as easily as before and I can easily tolerate higher needle length. Also though the needles now get stuck in my skin much more easily.
The last two sessions (this weekend and the one before) I could easily go all the way in with 2.0 mm and the level of pain would be the same as 1.5 mm towards the beggining of this regimen 4 months ago.

Things I changed within the last month: added intense scalp massages, added vitamins K2 + D3 two weeks ago. I don't know if either of these two additions has anything to do at all with me being more pain resistant there now (or the skin being thicker). Might also just be the effect of doing this for four months. Maybe nothing changed physiologically but only my pain tolerance increased, because my body is getting used to it? Don't think so though, cause the needles also didn't get stuck as much before. So either my body did something as a response to 4 months of weekly electric needling or the scalp massages for the last month did something. Gotta say that my scalp is definitely less tight and more flexible, so maybe that's what's going on? Didn't do anything for hair growth either so far though.

Or, maybe, this is the first step to regrowth? Recovery of the subcutaneous brown fat and revascularization/neo angiogenesis? I don't know. Maybe it's not. Either way, still no regrowth whatsoever after 4 months (weekly electric needling @ 1.75 mm + daily minoxidil), but these changes in my skin.

Anyone else experienced these?
You’re on the road fo faster thinning.. buckle up!


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Does anyone know anything about the unsubstantiated allegations made above that someone lost his needling gains?


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So far we can say this is working for some and for others it is not working. Some are optimistic... others are butt-hurt that they needled their heads for no reason. Don't get me wrong... we'll all feel pretty stupid needling our heads for a year and seeing 0 results. That'd be up there at the top in terms of stupid things I've done, should that be my results. Yet... it feels good doing more than putting chemicals on my scalp and praying.

What I enjoy about this near 400 page thread is that when things lose steam and the trolls cry foul... someone like Ludachris walks in from the lurking shadows with amazing results, or Chen. Longway886 is re-growing hair from some slick spots for far more coverage. He's been in this thread from the earliest pages. I'm sure more will appear out of nowhere soon too.

If this treatment really does have as high a % of success as the Chinese/Indian studies had... more and more people will start having results in this thread. That doesn't mean some people won't be left behind as the non-responders though. I do feel bad for those people.

Here is my hair not responding to needling just like everyone else:


Last photo is from today. My hair is actually growing now on top and is responsible for a bit of a comb-over effect more than new hair providing coverage. It is time for a haircut. I didn't rock that look in Dec for Christmas photos either I can assure you of that!
Amazing results in only two months


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Welp. You heard it here first boys: the 4 or so studies backing this up mean complete and utter jack sh*t. Follica? Same. Zero. Nichts. Nada.
Time to close the thread and go cry in a corner until we're NW7.
I meant that replicating studies at home won't guarantee success. Im still needling despite no results after about 4 months.


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I meant that replicating studies at home won't guarantee success. Im still needling despite no results after about 4 months.
Ah! I absolutely agree with you then. Your wording made it sound like you were saying "studies mean nothing" (we got people calling them a scam here, so it wasn't too far-fetched, sadly)...
Sorry to hear it isn't working for you... At 4 months you still have a chance. Best of luck man.