Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Guys, do you have dry scalp (skin) the next day after dermarolling and the hair overall seems thinner and it's easier to see through a scalp?


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@itsjustsimon - Yup. I find the hair itself is a little lifeless afterwards until about Day 5 or so as well. Feels 'thinner' after a session for sure for me. Definitely peeling/flaking skin for me from Day 3/4 all the way to Day 10'ish or so.

Not too get too far off topic - but knowing that this isn't 'dry' skin, but shedding... dead skin... what shampoos/conditioners would be best to help rid the scalp of the flakes? It isn't dandruff of course.

  • Are there some exfoliating, moisturizing shampoos/conditioners we should be using to help rid the scalp of the peeling skin?


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Those of you who are dermarolling with NW2/NW3, do you dermaroll only on your temples, or over the rest of your susceptible area too?


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The whole head - the idea is to improve blood flow over you whole head

ComeBackTemples, what is your derma rolling regime?

My temples and hairline above temples are receding.

im derma-rolling once a week with 1mm derma roller (will switch up to 1.5mm soon). will apply minoxidil twice a day, although the exception of 24 hours AFTER derma rolling.


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Hey guys,

I'm not new to the posts as I've been reading for a couple of years. I'm someone who is VERY good at catching patterns and I feel we are all on to something. My hairloss is more on the stable side as of now, I haven't had a shed in a while, thank god, and I've done a very good job maintaining what I have. I totally understand we are all at different levels of hairloss, but we all have one end goal in common, get back, or close to the hair we once had. On a Norwood scale id fall into a Norwood 1.5 MAYBE a 2, but my hairloss is a little different. It was brought on as a start with Telogen Effluvium(Telogen Effluvium). I then noticed tons of dandruff, inflammation, and of course thinning hair. I've had bad acne through much of my adolescence as well as up until I was 23. Currently I take Turmeric, Pumpkin Seed Oil, and Stinging Nettle root. This may be long and I apologize but I've learned so much along the way and feel I have grasped a pretty good handle on what was happening within my body. I know the mixed reviews on Herbal DHT blockers, they don't work for everyone, but in my case I KNOW they are working as I have been acne free for 3 years, I shampoo once a week now (Very little sebum, rinse with water on non shampoo days), and my hair has darkened in color. Since my initial scare back in 2014 I've been on a mission to figure this out. My hair has filled into the point where I can easily hide any thinning with my style and this is the point I want to push past. Yes, I do realize EVERYONE/MOST people would LOVE the hair I have now, and I do love it myself, but DHT sensitivity is definitely in my genes and I'm doing what I can now in my earlier years to hopefully have hairier years ahead. I've noticed that there are a few things that need to happen before dermarolling can be effective.

1. Balance your hormones(DHT and Testosterone) Whether naturally(Lookup natural 5-AR inhibitors) or using finasteride,Duta and so on.
2. Remove the Sebum from your scalp til the shine doesn't exist. Until you remove the shine DHT will forever shrink the follicles.
3. Stimulate hair growth (What we are doing with the Dermaroller)

If the first 2 steps are done then dermarolling can be given a shot. A majority of the times I've been on here I notice not many people understand all that is happening here and are willing to try everything and anything. I feel that im on to something here because a few of my friends have gone bald while I was maintaining, and if I can maintain for 4 years still then 1. I was never balding, or 2. I have control of my situation and a good understanding. I know DHT was wrecking havoc on my system, therefore I know I was at the beginning stages of losing my hair. I am still not 100% happy, but I am well on my way.

Overall, Dermarolling is helping me stimulate new growth, I can see it in my left temple as this is the only place I am using this. My vertex has SLIGHT thinning but if my left temple thickens up, I will go ahead and start rolling on the back too. As of now, I'm following along with you guys on this journey and I wish us all the best of luck!


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ComeBackTemples, what is your derma rolling regime?

My temples and hairline above temples are receding.

im derma-rolling once a week with 1mm derma roller (will switch up to 1.5mm soon). will apply minoxidil twice a day, although the exception of 24 hours AFTER derma rolling.

Definitely wait a day. I wanted to just sooth the area so I have some essential oils I add to my shampoo and conditioner, rosemary oil being one of them. I applied this right after rolling and I had 24-30 hours of heart palpation's.. So if essential oils gave me palpitations, then I can only assume Min is going to be similar. For the people that apply Min right after, its more than likely they aren't going as deep with the dermaroller or pens so it would make sense as it doesn't go as systematic.


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Hey guys,

Overall, Dermarolling is helping me stimulate new growth, I can see it in my left temple as this is the only place I am using this. My vertex has SLIGHT thinning but if my left temple thickens up, I will go ahead and start rolling on the back too. As of now, I'm following along with you guys on this journey and I wish us all the best of luck!

Hi, what is your derma rolling and minoxidil regime?
what needle size do you use? do you wait 24 hours after derma rolling to apply minoxidil ?


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Hi, what is your derma rolling and minoxidil regime?
what needle size do you use? do you wait 24 hours after derma rolling to apply minoxidil ?

Currently I am using a .5mm roller, 540 needles. I do get some blood spots, but in the beginning, I did not. I've been doing this for 6 weeks now, about 4 sessions. I am a bit scared to switch over to Min so I've been using just a natural elixir I have made using Rosemary, Peppermint, Lavender, Ginseng, and Vitamin E. I 100% understand this is a Derma and MIN only group, but all of our methods induce the same mechanisms of repair, and I'm seeing results. I never got on min as my hair didn't seem bad enough to need it. My hair has gone through quite a few changes so I'm hoping this is the last step in my recovery process. If I use dermaroller Sat @ 8pm then I wont put the elixir on til atleast 4pm the next day. I mean I thought I was going to die the next day and it was just rosemary oil... One thing I do that I didnt mention and it probably helps a lot, I have a bottle of Vitamin E gel caps. After I dermaroll I will open a cap up and put the jelly on the area I rolled. Not sure if this makes a difference but it definitely aids in healing.


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Do you mind sharing why you choose to do it monthly? I was considering needling again but allowing more time between sessions this time. Thanks.

Based it on one study, I believe, was every 4-6 weeks. However, I've seen no gain at all so, I'm likely to be continuing at 2x/month going forward.


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First and foremost, hope everyone is doing well. I'm about 3 months in now myself and no growth to report. I sadly may be one of the non-responders. I think I'm going to keep going by scale back to twice a month or every ten days as every 7 seems like a lot. Also seems as though others have commented on this but I have a whole lot of flakes coming off at around days 4 through 7 after needling.

Last thing, still no consensus on if applying minoxidil right after is superior or not? Seems like it might be a little dangerous to do with a vasodilator but I'm not completely sure.

Me Vs DiffuseThinning

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I did my most intense session a few days ago. The lymph nodes are enlarged again. I can confirm that if the session is intense enough, for me, then the lymph nodes become swollen.


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ComeBackTemples, what is your derma rolling regime?

My temples and hairline above temples are receding.

Orange 86: then we are in the same boat. No problems with the crown but hairline is thinner and temples are growing slowly.

At the moment i dermapen once a week with 1.5mm and i use ket 2 a week. Thats is it but would like to add another item in order to make it my side effect big 3. Ideally, this is CB if I could only get hold of it.

I will continue the weekly dermapen sessions the next couple of months and then do it only every two weeks over the summer. I am a beginner, just had two sessions.


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Balance your hormones(DHT and Testosterone) Whether naturally(Lookup natural 5-AR inhibitors)

Qwerty7: any suggestions for concrete natural 5-AR inhibitors? I came accross the following suggestions:
- Reishi mushrooms
- Saw palmetto

Any futher suggestions would be appreciated.


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Currently I take Turmeric, Pumpkin Seed Oil, and Stinging Nettle root. This may be long and I apologize but I've learned so much along the way and feel I have grasped a pretty good handle on what was happening within my body. I know the mixed reviews on Herbal DHT blockers, they don't work for everyone, but in my case I KNOW they are working as I have been acne free for 3 years, I shampoo once a week now (Very little sebum, rinse with water on non shampoo days), and my hair has darkened in color. Since my initial scare back in 2014 I've been on a mission to figure this out. My hair has filled into the point where I can easily hide any thinning with my style and this is the point I want to push past. Yes, I do realize EVERYONE/MOST people would LOVE the hair I have now, and I do love it myself, but DHT sensitivity is definitely in my genes and I'm doing what I can now in my earlier years to hopefully have hairier years ahead. I've noticed that there are a few things that need to happen before dermarolling can be effective.

1. Balance your hormones(DHT and Testosterone) Whether naturally(Lookup natural 5-AR inhibitors) or using finasteride,Duta and so on.
2. Remove the Sebum from your scalp til the shine doesn't exist. Until you remove the shine DHT will forever shrink the follicles.
3. Stimulate hair growth (What we are doing with the Dermaroller)

I can relate to this. I generally eat an anti-inflammatory diet, eat a lot of pumpkin seeds and flax seeds every morning and frequently use turmeric and black pepper. I've been doing intense scalp massages for two years (albeit infrequently lately). My hair loss has halted and I haven't had any major shed or change for the worse in a long time.

How much pumpkin seed oil do you consume? I generally try to avoid oil in my diet, but I consider reintroducing this one. From what I've read, sulforaphane also inhibits 5-AR (found in broccoli sprouts).


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An update to my micro needling progress:

Last year I used a 1.5 dermaroller for about 3.5 months. I stopped using it in early January because it was getting worn-out. I also applied a mixture of rosemary oil and pumpkin seed oil, but not regularly. All in all, I had no visible progress.

Since then, I've been wanting to get a derminator but ultimately couldn't afford it. Now I bought two dermastamps, 1.5 and 2.0 mm. I also bought a roll-on applicator to make the application of rosemary and pumpkin seed oil less annoying.

Although I didn't see any real progress last time, I'm aware that this can take a long time, especially without the use of minoxidil. I'm committed to give this another try without any breaks for a year.