Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!
I'm against capitalism. It encourages people to be greedy. If you're not a greedy minded person, i.e. if you're a good kind hearted person, then you're already at a disadvantage. You've all heard the terms, "dog eat dog world", "cut throat business", "ruthless in business", etc. In the world in which we (i.e. The West, and almost the entire new world order) live in, there is no escape from capitalism. The people who are right at the top only got there one way. They are ruthless, greedy, selfish, and power hungry. They don't want to lose their riches, and power. They're not happy with what they've got, they need more and more and more. They may give a tiny fraction away but they are always only thinking about themselves. In their minds they are thinking that if the whole world is developed then they will get even richer and more powerful because the market becomes even bigger, and they are already at a major advantage in that they already hold most of the 'wealth'. They buy everything of any value and take 'control' over it. Sure there are some good people who donate a lot to charities out of kindness and none selfish acts, but this just makes the greedy ones even more powerful, because they keep most of their money. Take e.g. the gaming industry, where all the best game developers are brought by 'big business' and make billions from them (e.g. ... mpany.html). The music industry buy up all the most popular artists, and then the only way people can listen to their music is by paying THEM, who really have no rights other than that they are greedy rich. If you buy music you're not supporting the artist, supporting the artist has nothing to do with money, IT IS
MUSIC, you are supporting CAPITALIST GREED. The West (big business, government, etc.) want the world to be one big marketplace, where they can buy anything and anyone's services they want. These people at the top are not needed, there is just nothing anyone can do about it. They have all the money and power. And they aren't letting go of it anytime soon.
I'm also strongly against violence. No explaining why needed here, other than again, just because someone is stronger physically, does not mean that they are stronger mentally. In fact ultimately the strongest mind does not need to show any kind of 'physical' strength whatsoever. Beings who have to prove themselves by showing their physical strength, including violent actions, are the most weak minded.
Unless the world in which we live is changes rapidly, all of these horrible and weak human traits such as greed and violence, are not going to change and will likely just get worse. Killing innocent people, and revenge killing is not going to make anything better. Attacking a religion, Islam, which billions of people worldwide believe is not going help.
I've seen a couple of Osama Bin Laden video tapes and he seems to be talking about the USA's economic power and how they are the major influence on global policies. He mentions God (or Allah), but then I also hear the president of the US say, "God bless the United States of America". Both sides have killed innocent people, whether they intended to or not, or who they think is innocent or an enemy.
I really don't see anything to be celebrating, from my perspective.
I do not want to encourage violence, but also do not want people to accept that some greedy people have so much power over us.