Went To A Wedding Surrounded By Family And Old Friends - My Feelings.


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Wasn't fred the Dutchman a troll?

I remember him really laying into some people
He was more then just a troll, but he did have some crazy eruptions

Even if that bald head on his avatar wasn't his, he definitely had experienced the pain of balding, he'd just well and truly broken


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No he never did that LOL I went out with him for a few months. He was a nice guy just a little too old for me at that time.
Sex was great though.

Not all wealthy people are narcissistic. I know a lot of them over my life both men and women, friends.

I was not like some poor gutter rat he was playing sugar daddy too..I am just saying they have the opportunity to do some impressive things. We bond with mates over our experiences.

I have a friend who I was trying to hook up with a male friend of mine..she was not really into it because she broke up with someone and was not in the head not really attracted to him..he offered to take her to Paris and pay for her own room she went and by the time they came back they were couple dating--she married him they are together for 20 years.

It's not to suggesting that men on here can or should do this--I just don't think its always the 'money' its that they are able to do 'more' at times. They can offer more romantic and fun situations.

money = privilege to do exciting things. in our society, adventures require resources. that's nothing new or groundbreaking. those with capital get to lead more exciting lives while the poor people don't really leave their borders.


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Definitely to a extent but a true maverick is a rare breed. Most people here nothing they say is truly surprising. DBW and Fred the Dutchman were kings at toping themselves. Some beautiful manic rants

Manic indeed.


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money = privilege to do exciting things. in our society, adventures require resources. that's nothing new or groundbreaking. those with capital get to lead more exciting lives while the poor people don't really leave their borders.

It's not just the opportunity to do things, it's the relative freedom from stress.

Money can still be a stressor at high incomes but it's not the same, you have the opportunity to make mistakes and it leads to a reduction in psychosocial stress.

I remember once, when I was 22. I had some bad judgment that evening and spent $32 on dinner. That's not a huge amount of money, but it felt irresponsible and so I beat myself up over it for weeks.

Those who grew up middle class or upper-middle class will have no conception of what I write.


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The important question is: is there scientific evidence that it makes a difference?

Probably not. Building muscle is frustratingly slow and many people don't want to accept it.

So they train 4 times, 5 times a week, eat too much, take a crapload of supplements, sink all their time reading lifting broscience.

2 times is fine, you're still going to grow as it's inevitable, just at a slightly slower rate.

Optimal, that word is way too present on bodybuilding forums.

Optimal = dedicating your life to it, I can't do that. I have other hobbies, a job, a social life, a girlfriend, f*** the optimal way of getting mad gainz brah!

I'm lifting 2-3 times a week and eating more protein-rich foods than before, which means I'm already doing better than like 99% of men in my country.

PS: I ain't even doing compounds, never gone near the free weights. Try saying that on a bodybuilding forum :p.

Even if you get results (which again is inevitable), they'll tell you that they're fake since you did it with sissy-machines, "what about functional strength brah?!".

You are not going to get better/faster results by lifting 4 hours a day.

It's always going to take time and recovery is important.

Three sessions of 45 minutes a week is more than enough.

2-3x week is fine for beginners and casual lifters. You can easily be in the top 5-10% physique with that as long as you also eat moderately healthy

For the volume required for top 1% though, you'll need way more than that.


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Definitely to a extent but a true maverick is a rare breed. Most people here nothing they say is truly surprising. DBW and Fred the Dutchman were kings at toping themselves. Some beautiful manic rants

I'll agree here. Personally I don't mind going against the grain and I don't mind being unconventional (but not just for the sake of it) but I'm always somewhat aware of how my point is being expressed and received etc. Even if overall I don't cares naturally I just am inclined to care as I write.

And there's plenty more who are unconventional and overall don't give a sh*t, but still cling to that human nature of caring in the moment how they appeal and come across. You can tell they're not afraid to be different but also within their style of writing they don't want to drift into another planet completely

So for the standards of this forum, a true "maverick" is an absolute raging ball of nutcase.


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money = privilege to do exciting things. in our society, adventures require resources. that's nothing new or groundbreaking. those with capital get to lead more exciting lives while the poor people don't really leave their borders.


I think there is a value to money how people feel about it...that to me is most important thing when picking a mate more so than if you make same amount (within reason of course)--you have to have similar 'value' for it.

Meaning if you are a spend-thrift don't get involved with someone who is a spender.

even if you both make same cash its going to be a problem in a marriage.

where a guy who makes $100 grand but is cheap married a cashier who is also cheap--they would be happier because how they 'value' money is the same.

where if the guy who makes $100 grand marries someone salary matched SHE may be a spender and this will effect the relationship.


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Zac Efron looks good on screen but in real life, he wouldn't make the cut with many girls because of his height: 1m73.

With my ex-girlfriend, we tried to introduce one of her friends to my best friend. Her reaction? He's cute... but he's short.

He's 1m72. My ex-girlfriend's friend was around 1m60, but hey, hypergamy!

I remember one of my exes fawning over Eden Hazard.

I was like "you know you're 1m80 and he's short, right?"

"I don't care, it doesn't matter! He's so hot!"

*Goes to an event to get his autograph*

"Ah OK, you were right, it shattered the image I had of him."

Reminds me of this: http://imgur.com/DxJ0VmR

On screen, even Tom Cruise is 1m85.

Explains why I can't get hot chicks despite being constantly applauded for being handsome and aesthetic

If it's not one thing it's another it seems


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2-3x week is fine for beginners and casual lifters. You can easily be in the top 5-10% physique with that as long as you also eat moderately healthy

For the volume required for top 1% though, you'll need way more than that.

We need to make a fitness forum thread about weight training as there seems to be a lot of people with knowledge posting on here but the advice is all scattered in different threads.

Plus it probably gets tiring for anti-gymcel to read 30 posts about people's f*****g reps and their lats.


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We need to make a fitness forum thread about weight training as there seems to be a lot of people with knowledge posting on here but the advice is all scattered in different threads.

I strongly agree.


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2-3x week is fine for beginners and casual lifters. You can easily be in the top 5-10% physique with that as long as you also eat moderately healthy

For the volume required for top 1% though, you'll need way more than that.

Martin Berkhan and Greg O'Gallagher both do and recommend 3x/week.


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Martin Berkhan and Greg O'Gallagher both do and recommend 3x/week.

I know a lot of guys with incredible physiques do and I touched on this when talking to Fred, I'm not convinced they started off like that. I know someone who is ripped as hell (does fitness modelling here and there) but he admits hes resting off the 3-4 hard years he had and now goes a few times a week.

I dunno, I wrote a post back there about how monsters of guys only do 2 days heavy lifting a week and get better results than ever, but for me it's because they have a wider range of lifting options to work with. If I tried to go to the gym and do 4 sets of progressive weights, the first 2 would be too easy, 3rd fine, 4th too hard. The workout would be a mess throughout.

I'm not basing the idea off hard science but it makes sense to me.


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I know a lot of guys with incredible physiques do and I touched on this when talking to Fred, I'm not convinced they started off like that. I know someone who is ripped as hell (does fitness modelling here and there) but he admits hes resting off the 3-4 hard years he had and now goes a few times a week.

I dunno, I wrote a post back there about how monsters of guys only do 2 days heavy lifting a week and get better results than ever, but for me it's because they have a wider range of lifting options to work with. If I tried to go to the gym and do 4 sets of progressive weights, the first 2 would be too easy, 3rd fine, 4th too hard. The workout would be a mess throughout.

I'm not basing the idea off hard science but it makes sense to me.

I don't know how those guys started, but the fact is they both have many clients and followers who follow their similar programmes and do very well.

Both advocate lifting 3x/week, with intermittent fasting, and I think they both advocate pyramid sets as well.

One difference is that GOG recommends ~120 grams/day of protein, whereas Berkhan's recommendations sometimes go to ~250 grams/day, I think he also has people drink BCAAs during their "fast".

I like GOG's philosophy personally. He is focused on building a great body and the tools to build a great body *without* dedicating one's entire life to it. That runs counter to the advice to lift six days a week, and to eat six meals a day each with at least 30 grams of protein. At that point muscle building is a full-time job.


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Martin Berkhan and Greg O'Gallagher both do and recommend 3x/week.

Maybe, I don't know much about any of these instagram model people. I'd be curious to see exactly what they're doing and whether or not they're using gear.

I can only speak from personal experience. I know some on here have seen my physique. I should probably post more pics to establish my credibility, but it's kind of a pain because I have to cover all my tattoos to protect my identity. Generally people are in shock in situations where I whip my shirt off. Just last week I was at a pool party and told that I was what all males aspire to be

I built my base of muscle mass by lifting 3-4 days a week, but the ground I cover and isolation I put on certain areas now, I just don't see how it could be done apart from my current situation of 5-6 days, 1-2 hour sessions....unless I started using gear of course, that would make everything way easier

I don't see how someone could possibly be hitting all angles of their quads, chest, calves, etc with just 3x week, hour long sessions. As I said, good for building a base if you're starting out, or if you have limited time and other priorities, but physical, proportional perfection? Nah


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Maybe, I don't know much about any of these instagram model people. I'd be curious to see exactly what they're doing and whether or not they're using gear.

I can only speak from personal experience. I know some on here have seen my physique. I should probably post more pics to establish my credibility, but it's kind of a pain because I have to cover all my tattoos to protect my identity. Generally people are in shock in situations where I whip my shirt off. Just last week I was at a pool party and told that I was what all males aspire to be

I built my base of muscle mass by lifting 3-4 days a week, but the ground I cover and isolation I put on certain areas now, I just don't see how it could be done apart from my current situation of 5-6 days, 1-2 hour sessions....unless I started using gear of course, that would make everything way easier

I don't see how someone could possibly be hitting all angles of their quads, chest, calves, etc with just 3x week, hour long sessions. As I said, good for building a base if you're starting out, or if you have limited time and other priorities, but physical, proportional perfection? Nah

I've never looked them up on instagram. Martin Berkhan has a very informative blog which is very influential, GOG has a lot of instructional youtube videos.

You can look up their workout programmes and let me know if they're missing key muscle groups. Berkhan has actually made fun of the concept of "ab day", he says that if you're working out properly you will automatically work out your abs in the other exercises. He has tremendous abs himself as a proof of concept.

Here's Berkhan's article "fuckarounditis", it's widely considered one of the best articles on bodybuilding ever written: