What century do you wish you were born in?


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Idk man I see the top tier dudes in their 30's and 40's doing amazing with women. They have the looks and also assets. But anyway with mental illnesses and an unhealthy brain it's already over no matter what reality brings. Imagine posting pics of girls from real life on an obscure hair loss forum.
yeah but if you are not genetic chad, the level of frauding to be able to do this is brutal. to attract young women in her early twenties you'd literally have to wear a system, transplants are not gonna cut it. you need thick hair as an oldcel to date young women. how often have you seen a late 30-40 year old with actual visible baldness date a woman in her twenties?


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yeah but if you are not genetic chad, the level of frauding to be able to do this is brutal. to attract young women in her early twenties you'd literally have to wear a system, transplants are not gonna cut it. you need thick hair as an oldcel to date young women. how often have you seen a late 30-40 year old with actual visible baldness date a woman in her twenties?
Very often tbh. Women don't care that much as long as the man just looks good.


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Very often tbh. Women don't care that much as long as the man just looks good.
young women care immensely about hair, even if you look good without. statham wouldn't be able to date a girl under like 28, without status for example. even a younger version of him


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yeah but women get wan't non-chad men don't get, that's the difference

if it's boring don't participate in the threads
Supply-demand isn't it. Everything follows logic. We don't need to date for sex anymore. Dating is now an excuse to have a consistent f***-buddy. Money is less relevant. Makes it harder for less attractive men to have casual sex. Therefore, if you equate the lack of sex to loneliness. That's on you. If you want sex and have money, there are solutions. If you want companionship, then friends and family. If you want to find a LIFE-LONG partner/ child-bearer, expand your social circles, don't expect a 20-year-old to be your soulmate (I don't believe in sexual monogamy but that's for a different discussion).
At the end, its your ego and validation that makes you think young pussy will fill that void in your life. Johnny Depp learned this the hard way.

p.s. Im writing this without an offensive tone. Please dont take it like im trying to diss you or something. Its fun to discuss. We just have different philosophies. I want to share you mine, but I like listening to yours too. Mixing wisdom is good anyways.
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Yeah maybe not if he was the janitor, but if he was some sort of a successful businessman man he would get hot women easily regardless, even without fame
if you have hair you can have a regular job and live that life
without you need EVERYTHING else. any other failo and you are done. you need height, masculinity, face, money/status. take away one of these things and you are completely done with dating attractive women who are not just looking to settle


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Supply-demand isn't it. Everything follows logic. We don't need to date for sex anymore. Dating is now an excuse to have a consistent f***-buddy. Money is less relevant. Makes it harder for less attractive men to have casual sex. Therefore, if you equate the lack of sex to loneliness. That's on you. If you want sex and have money, there are solutions. If you want companionship, friends, and family. If you want to find a LIFE-LONG partner/ child-bearer, expand your social circles, don't expect a 20-year-old to be your soulmate (I don't believe in sexual monogamy but that's for a different discussion).
At the end, its your ego and validation that makes you think young pussy will fill that void in your life.

p.s. Im writing this without an offensive tone. Please dont take it like im trying to diss you or something. Its fun to discuss. We just have different philosophies. I want to share you mine, but I like listening to yours too. Mixing wisdom is good anyways.
that logic is influenced by the culture the dating market is embedded in. in other words complaining about it, discussing it etc. can change that culture (long term anyways)
and the soulmate you are going to marry was 20 once, and maybe for some reason the fact she was on the c*** carousel with genetically superior men than yourself will influence your relationship in some way or another (potentially through both ends)


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if you have hair you can have a regular job and live that life
without you need EVERYTHING else. any other failo and you are done. you need height, masculinity, face, money/status. take away one of these things and you are completely done with dating attractive women who are not just looking to settle
As a grown man you need to have your whole life together regardless - job, salary, independence and so on. Even if that Brad Pitt dude lived with his parents in his 30's he'd be giving off weird vibes.

Btw I don't know many adult men who have a great head of hair and a balanced, proportional, harmonious and masculine face. Sure such a person would have a huge advantage in life but most men have glaring flaws. I know this guy who has flawless hair and beard but droopy eyes and chubby cheeks bring him down to balding dudes' level.


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As a grown man you need to have your whole life together regardless - job, salary, independence and so on. Even if that Brad Pitt dude lived with his parents in his 30's he'd be giving off weird vibes.

Btw I don't know many adult men who have a great head of hair and a balanced, proportional, harmonious and masculine face. Sure such a person would have a huge advantage in life but most men have glaring flaws. I know this guy who has flawless hair and beard but droopy eyes and chubby cheeks bring him down to balding dudes' level.
I know a no life borderline gigachad in his mid 30s who serves in his parents restaurant. he fucks girls in their early twenties. because all they care about is looks. if you want to date old women, sure, have your sh*t together, so you can provide for them


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I know a no life borderline gigachad in his mid 30s who serves in his parents restaurant. he fucks girls in their early twenties. because all they care about is looks. if you want to date old women, sure, have your sh*t together, so you can provide for them
He can serve as a human dildo for a night, but no high quality girl will get into a serious relationship with him. It's not just providing but also most women have social anxiety and want to make sure the guy they're with isn't a psychopath or a weirdo, unless they're mentally ill themselves which is another story.


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I can tell you 100%, OP won't stand a chance with a high quality girl who isn't mentally ill. After a little while he will unintentionally give clues that he's "a little off" one way or another and the girl will cut him off.


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I can tell you 100%, OP won't stand a chance with a high quality girl who isn't mentally ill. After a little while he will unintentionally give clues that he's "a little off" one way or another and the girl will cut him off.
I'm quite neurotypical in real life, actually.


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He can serve as a human dildo for a night, but no high quality girl will get into a serious relationship with him. It's not just providing but also most women have social anxiety and want to make sure the guy they're with isn't a psychopath or a weirdo, unless they're mentally ill themselves which is another story.
relationships are not necessary if you get constant dopamin highs like that. he can always settle with an older chick later for the DNA he brings to the table without ever having to improve his life. women are now making more than their husbands to make them settle.


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I'm quite neurotypical in real life, actually.
You might think you're putting on an act around people and pretending to be normal, but people aren't dumb. If you get closer to them your real thoughts (which you show on this forum) which are a direct byproduct of your incel and Lookist mentality will pop up one way or another and people will be creeped out and distance themselves from you. It is what it is.


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relationships are not necessary if you get constant dopamin highs like that. he can always settle with an older chick later for the DNA he brings to the table without ever having to improve his life. women are now making more than their husbands to make them settle.
I don't know man, most people long for deep human connection far beyond casual sex.