Someone posted screenshots of people who were active in this forum in 2007 and it was so depressing to see old members talking about a cure coming in 2012. They were never seen again in this forum. I also wonder what they are doing right now. How must it feel to wait 10+ years hoping for a cure and nothing ever came!
They are probably all 10 years older, bald, hating life. I assume that's probably true for most of them.
To be honest, if I were among them ten years ago, I'd have shared in the pessimism.
I was really lucky, because when I started going bald a couple years ago. I was under the impression there was nothing, no medication or anything you could do about it. I can truly say I've never been so unhappy in my life and I had really bad child and teen years and I sh*t you not, the realization of hairloss was somehow just worse.
Honestly, stem cell technologies are the only technologies I am optimistic will not only be here soon (not counting bone marrow obviously), but that I actually think will be good for us.
I loathe a lot of other technological developments.
As a kid/teen in the 2000s, I used to find technology fascinating and great, and I daydreamed about the future being a sci-fi place. Unfortunately though, now that I'm an adult living more and more in that future, I'm finding it more to be like Blade Runner or Hunger Games than one of the more peaceful Star Wars prequel planets.
I think I was of this generation that got to reap the benefits of advancing tech without suffering the yet-to-be consequences. It used to be that it made for an improved version of old styles of entertainment, access to an entire library on a single device, computers were more like tools, and you could phone easily without a landline.
Now? Phones, social media and video games consume people's lives; wasting thousands of hours, AI is rapidly replacing all human creativity and ingenuity, automation threatens to destabilize all of society by removing jobs that give us meaning, purpose and a place within society; we've become more shallow and self-centered than I ever thought possible, relationships mean nothing and last for but an instant, friendships exist in name and facebook statuses only, racial and political tensions are at the highest they've been since decades before I was born, memes and lies that enter the public opinion through the net lead to real social ramifications, Islamic Jihadis threaten the world on a scale not seen since the Ottomans, looming possibilities of war, pollution getting even more out of control to the point we might not be able to undo the damage in time, privacy is but a distant memory with everything now requiring an online presence that demands your information at every turn, money is increasingly placed in untrustworthy sources like PayPal that is so often compromised, this list just goes on....
I have no confidence we'll colonize the solar system or that anyone will want to live off Earth even if we do. I don't think AI and automation can peacefully co-exist with us nor can we can we co-exist with each other in a world ruled by it. I don't think we'll cure a lot of old, life-threatening diseases in my lifetime.
Grow hair. f*** women. Die — It's not hard to see why so many here want that life plan before it's too late.