What's the point if all you can attract is uglies or w****s?


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GeminiX said:
Your first point can be witnessed repeatedly in this very forum. Those who complain the loudest about society and other people are very often the exact same ones who will be using derogatory or insulting language when discussing others.
It's sad that, where as this is supposed to be a forum where people don't need to worry about being insulted or made fun of, when i'm sure many of them know very well what's it like to be the one with hurt feelings.


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Paolo said:
Perhaps we should start a pressure group to cast more Vin Diesel type characters in leading roles or literally start complaining to Hollywood about unfair typecasting.

Hollywood are just using characters people actually want to see in their movies. Its not Hollywood`s fault. If the market want to see perfect NW1 that is what is going to happen. And if people want bald guys Hollywood would show that. But that is not the case now and will never be a reality either. Well, maybe if you plan on brain-washing every single citizen into thinking bald is more beautiful than a NW1. Good luck with that. You`ll need it.


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You can say its a combination. Very interesting which are the ones to blame. Society or Hollywood? But perhaps we shouldnt blame anybody since us guys are equally judgemental over girls looks as society/Hollywood are over hair loss.


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Everyone who bashes on girls who are ugly or fat should simply die by their own sword and live lonely and miserable.

Sorry to break it to you, but not everyone in life ends up with a 10/10 supermodel. In fact, the mass majority of people on earth have major flaws. (this is why movie stars look so much better than average people, and do not simply look average themselves.

The sooner you go for a nice girl that is extremely fun to be around, and stop basing women on CCS scales, the better off you will be.


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Its all about attraction. Never lower your standards. Whatever you find attractive in a girl is what you should aim for. Common sense can be applied here.

You can never question what one person think its important/attractive in a girl. We cant control what we feel attraction for. And everyone is different. Simple as that.