Who Is Hair Loss Worse For? Ugly Or Handsome


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Tellersquil can feel free to post here all he wants. It's a bit childish the way some of you posters are attacking him. I'll say it again.
At least he is not a bitter, finger waging, judgemental person like some of the more "pure" hair loss cases on here.

Tellisquil has some class and that goes a long way.


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Tellersquil can feel free to post here all he wants. It's a bit childish the way some of you posters are attacking him. I'll say it again.
At least he is not a bitter, finger waging, judgemental person like some of the more "pure" hair loss cases on here.

Tellisquil has some class and that goes a long way.

i have a feeling he won't be back after today.


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F-ck, I can't understand a word of this French. Maybe me and that Norwegian guy on the forum (can't remember his name) should start talking in our native? That'd be fun :D


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David! It's good to see you still browse the forum. I'm sure I speak for a few of the regulars on here, and: we miss ya!

My time sink lately has been reading post election analysis.

And thank you !


I think it just becomes tiresome because a lot of the threads in this section, over the last few weeks especially, are basically tellersquilltalk.com where you talk about yourself, how intelligent and cultured you are, how many women you slay, how big your dick is etc. Its fine blowing your own trumpet now and again but at a point I think its quite insensitive to guys in this section who are dealing with advanced hairloss, at a young age, that has a huge impact and their looks and quality of life - some of whom are genuine incels. And then calling them "bitter virgins" is hardly "offering hope to younger posters" is it? You say its "sharing positive experiences and giving people hope" but I think its more just making you feel good about yourself in a place where others don't. You're NW3 at 30 (?) with slow loss, with a shaved head and probably a 6 face so you will not have any problem slamming Tinderellas if you put the effort in. That's a much more unlikely scenario for younger guys with heavy diffuse NW4+ who are 3-4s facially so your stories are meaningless to them. At least when Fred talks about his conquests he's actually experienced extreme baldness and knows both sides of the coin, so it has value in a hairloss forum. If talking about yourself so much is your "therapy" as Fred calls it then fine - but don't pretend you're doing it to help young baldites with the Impact of Hair Loss.
I take on board what you are saying - and if I have offended some people who are in a worse position than me then I apologise for hurting peoples feelings. That was never my intention.


Excellent analysis.

I know he's a 6/10 facially from his success on Tinder, as he has pretty much the same 'results' as me.

But he likes to think that it's his culture and his witty personality that are swiping the Tinderellas off their feet.

I'm not as delusional, I know it's my looks and height.

@tellersquill Shave your head in a NW5 pattern, put make up to mask the 5 o' clock shadow, try to live your life, and then come back to tell the newbies how great you're doing, how these girls are still all over you thanks to your great personality. Give them hope!
I get the picture.

I know some of you doubt me but I was only trying to help by talking about my positive stories.

I didn't realise this offended people :/


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I can tell when tellersquill will finish his prominent composition and publish book in 2017 and will still have a success with women he'll come here to tell how his "writing skills" helps him to seduce HQNP girls and how they "dig into" guys publishing "novels".


I can tell when tellersquill will finish his prominent composition and publish book in 2017 and will still have a success with women he'll come here to tell how his "writing skills" helps him to seduce HQNP girls and how they "dig into" guys publishing "novels".
Nah, not really.

I only mentioned my book because people were talking about life goals. I think releasing a book is my biggest goal.

What is yours?

michel sapin

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lol , wtf i am reading in this section of the forum ^^
this is quite insane , remind me to never come on this part of the forum to avoid depression and sadness .


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I can tell when tellersquill will finish his prominent composition and publish book in 2017 and will still have a success with women he'll come here to tell how his "writing skills" helps him to seduce HQNP girls and how they "dig into" guys publishing "novels".
And the problem is where?


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Then you wouldn't mind if I fall in love with @EvilLocks . I don't know what she looks like but I admire her critical thinking skills. :)
you can trust me, she is HOTTTTTTTTTTT!!! :D