I hear you. My girlfriend contracted it despite being vaxxed, but had only mild symptoms. I don't have strong opinions on this either way. I got the vaccine earlier than 90% of the population, due to connections to medical staff. I never believed, that an experimental mrna vaccine was '100% proven to be without any side effects, me swear' but I willingly took a risk for my grandma of 85, who has a coronary heart disease.
Now it turned out, the deal was even much shittier than we were told back then: No complete immunity, only 6-9 months of effective vaccination after the second shot instead of the promised 12 months+ and worst of all I can still infect my grandma, now without even noticing due to the vaccine covering most of my symptoms.
The whole discussion is overblown and hysteric on both sides and people get evangelical about their respective beliefs, but I know that unconditional trust in the EU, the WHO or my embarrassing government is just as misguided as believing in some of the wilder conspiracy theories.