Same age as you, can confirm. Women are way way sluttier these days. I say what I see. If the truth offends anyone, don't attack the messenger. Anyway, it's kind of celebrated these days - we don't say she's a sl*t, she's just "empowered" and "exercising choice" and her "right to express herself sexually" (ad nauseum). Younger people think it's normal for women to act and dress like sl*ts, but it didn't always use to be this way. God knows what society will be like in 10 and 20 years' time - people will be acting like bonobos f*****g and wanking each other off in public.
for 10,000 years since 'farming' days we have put societal expectation on women and put 'value' on chastity etc.
this is not who we were naturally--this was never the female instinct biologically.
granted I do think 50 sex patterns in 20s is really excessive (I think for both genders personally)
but this idea that women are sl*ts and men are 'bros' is antiquated and not really part of our natural instincts.
Before 10,000 years ago women mated with several men over the course of her life (no where near 50 lol)
we were not puritanical instinctually.
this idea came from men who could not compete with their more virile counter they implemented a way to make sure their DNA went forward with this tight control of women.
You don't control us anymore---I don't think 50 partners by the time you are 20 is healthy either mentally or physically for either sex...i think it promotes detachment and your chances of an STD are skyrocketed. (depending where you live, 1 in 4 women have herpes, 1 in 6 men have herpes and you cant protect vis a condom--so do the math LOL) now there is a 'super' ghonarhea..I mean i feel like milenials are not concerned with STDS that much. Maybe I am a child of the 80s--i had way too many friends get HIV in 80s to f*** around that way.
But morally? who gives a sh*t.
Women and men the double standard is silly and the guys in their 20s have to get over it because they wont have partners. This is just he way the younger women cant shame them into being 'good girls' who settle down young again--that ship sailed.
And even if you could then you have the knowledge they are only picking you out of 'settling' not 'choosing' and men do not really want that 'reality' they want the illusion. "She chose me for desireablilty to get marred by 25" LOL okay.