they still want nw1
imagine subhuman kid of nw7 father and bald mother...
but probably woman with wig and man with hairsystem looksmatched
You might be right about even women with hair loss wanting NW1. I don't know or care.
If women who are losing their hair want to be alone or risk being treated bad by guys with
hair that is their decision.
I totally disagree with your posit that the baby of a balding couple will also be a balding adult.
If two people get together today hair loss will definitely be cured by the time their child is in the teens.
Anyone with any sense can see that unlimited donor hair will be here within 10 years. The Japanese
(Dr. Tsuji) team is getting close. Unlimited donor will be discovered within 5 years and then another 3 or so
years to get through trials. Children don't start losing hair before they're 10 years old.
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