Would You Reject Someone Just Because Of Your Hair


My Regimen
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That's my cousin standing next to me. I put a piece of paper over her so as not to publicize her image. She has a right to her privacy. You can enlarge the pic by clicking on it once or twice. It's not a great pic of me but it gives an idea of what I looked like back in my womanizer days. I looked like a fun happy person and I was.

Definitely a little cutie for that time period this looks like late 70s to early 80s.

Skater-boy look.

Reminds me of that movie Foxes with Jodi Foster and girl from The Runaways.


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Definitely a little cutie for that time period this looks like late 70s to early 80s.

Skater-boy look.

Reminds me of that movie Foxes with Jodi Foster and girl from The Runaways.

I think that was like 1990 or thereabouts.
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sorry but the hair cut looks totally late 70s to me.

That's not how I wore my hair.

That's a pic of my hair partially grown out from a cut. I wore my hair longer. I grow it down on my shoulders, I keep it there for awhile, and then I get bored and cut it down to short/medium length and let it grow out again.This pic is how it looks only partially grown out from a cut. By the time this specific cut reaches the length that I typically wore it (down on my shoulders) it all looked like one length except the bangs were down around my eyebrows.

When I wore it all one length and just let it all grow out long it would get in my face and annoy me. I would tuck the frontal hair behind my ears but I didn't like how I looked with the frontal hair tucked behind my ears so I went for a look that would have it long all over except with shorter bangs. The sides and back are only partially grown out in the pic and they would look totally different when they reached the desired lengths.

I have naturally wavy/culry hair that goes off in different directions all over. Before I discovered blow dryers the way it waved and curled used to bother me a lot. I actually used to shift my sleeping positions during the night to try to flatten it out some. I even used women's straightening lotions on it. After I learnt to use blow dryers I could get enough of the wave and curl out with blow-drying and it looked really really good.
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Senior Member
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you look good man! wtf is with your THICK wavy hair, you f*****g NW1 bastard!!! :p you look like a guy I used to snowboard with. was one of the best snow boarders I've ever seen. You look like a trouble maker for sure! ;)
He looks like Duncan James.


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With that face... you must no be that bad without hair. That is not to underestimate your pain, and I know that it's not just about beauty, but the fact that you don't feel yourself anymore.

What do you think about me being in communication with the woman doing the telomerase therapy on humans for the treatment of the aging process? You and I apparently agree that it might be relevant to hair loss.


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I think I was really despear when I wrote that email :rolleyes: Don't know what to think about their research. Long shot. What dis she told you?

I'm convinced she will keep me updated. She left me the means to communicate with her.

She indicated she's going to start paying attention for hair improvement in her off-shore efforts. She said in her case she can't tell if the treatment improved her hair because her hair has always been the same since her youth. Pre-treatment she hadn't started any thinning yet.

I guess I must be desperate because I'm doing what you did when you were desperate.


My Regimen
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Because there are better treatments coming.

And since those better treatments are coming I don't want to tear up my scalp with a hair transplant.

transplants are IDEAL for a very, very small percentage of people. those of us with aggressive hair loss that DON'T respond to any treatments? not ideal at all. many people on here have recommended transplants. then I look at my father. seriously diffused thinning all over the top and halfway down the back.

If I lose like my father does, I would lose most of the FUE transplants that would be harvested from the donor zone by 50. hell, maybe even sooner the way I have been losing. I've noticed thinning on the sides now too. hair transplant's are risky as f*** imo.


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it's all so f*****g horrible.

these researchers need to move there asses.

We are going to make it. Dr. Tsuji will give us our hair back in 3 years.
I have enough American express air miles for some round trips to Japan.
We'll have to go to Japan twice - once to get the cells extracted from our donor area
and once to get the newly multiplied cells injected into the recipient area.
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transplants are IDEAL for a very, very small percentage of people. those of us with aggressive hair loss that DON'T respond to any treatments? not ideal at all. many people on here have recommended transplants. then I look at my father. seriously diffused thinning all over the top and halfway down the back.

If I lose like my father does, I would lose most of the FUE transplants that would be harvested from the donor zone by 50. hell, maybe even sooner the way I have been losing. I've noticed thinning on the sides now too. hair transplant's are risky as f*** imo.

You're right.

This is another concern I have about hair transplants. I have a lot more hair in my donor hair than elsewhere. It's kind of thick. But it has thinned some. What if it keeps thinning? The transplanted hairs could be lost over time and then I would be left with scar tissue over my head and then even new revolutionary treatments might not work because it might be impossible to grow hair in scar tissue. If I got a transplant and a lot of that hair was lost over time and I had a bunch of scar tissue all over my head I could become suicidal. I have to think about what's best for my mental health down the road. I can't just think about my hair.
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Definitely a little cutie.

Thank you for the kind compliment.

And that pic of me really does not do me justice. With hair, I'm much better looking than that picture suggests, especially when my hair is down to my shoulders. But the generalities in the pic are right in that I did, and still do, have brown hair (what's left of it), brown eyes, brown skin and soft features.

And the more I look at that pic I think I was about 17 because the room we were in reminds me of the kitchen in a place my cousin's family and my family rented (for a joint 2-week vacation) in a beach town in southern Texas when I was about 17.
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Established Member
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You're right.

This is another concern I have about hair transplants. I have a lot more hair in my donor hair than elsewhere. It's kind of thick. But it has thinned some. What if it keeps thinning? The transplanted hairs could be lost over time and then I would be left with scar tissue over my head and then even new revolutionary treatments might not work because it might be impossible to grow hair in scar tissue. If I got a transplant and a lot of that hair was lost over time and I had a bunch of scar tissue all over my head I could become suicidal. I have to think about what's best for my mental health down the road. I can't just think about my hair.

I have this concern about hair transplant's as well, and like you, I need to think about what's best for my mental health as well.