Thanks hairblues. What would you do if you got your hair back? Please tell me some ways that getting your hair back would change your life. If you don't mind.
the biggest thing for me honestly is that my hair loss will effect my work life in long run.
I don't want to say what i do but its very physical and its also in a very stylish industry that works very long hours
So if i had to wear a hair piece or even powders its not very practical.
I think my only recourse would be to do a weave...which is very high maintenance.
Also I freelance and i don't want to worry about being judged on my appearance as 'sick' or whatever.
I have to have a ton of confidence to sell myself to people who entrust me to do a job that is insane hours and skill.
One whiff of self doubt--forget it..Next.
The other thing can take full on i know the person but its not what i really want to do and its very very physical and again a wig is not practical.
Dating--i don't think its that big a deal BUT i was seeing someone this summer i liked and this obsessive worry kept me from really enjoying him and allowing myself to get to know him or him me...i found i really turned him down a lot and i can NOT be with someone right now with this burden on my mind...Its too much..Its not something I want to share but its also all i can think about for now. So its hard.
Im not even talking to many friends..
Im a little reclusive right now.