You Guys May Like This - Women On Ageing


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I love how we have like three billion threads stating the most obvious sh*t. Women don't take aging well? WHAT?!?! ;)


My Regimen
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So... you think women don't take ageing well... ;) lol

yeah, I don't know what you guys think... but, I am starting to feel that beautiful women who turn into saggy bags of fat are not happy with it. weird.


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dudes, the key to happiness is to learn to care a little less about your looks as you grow in age. You can still maintain a good physique and take pride in eating well and having nice skin, etc... but if you're AS obsessed with your looks at 40 as you were at 20, then you're going to f*** yourself mentally. I am 34 and still care way too much. I need to care less about hair loss. somehow. because I am losing my f*****g hair.


dudes, the key to happiness is to learn to care a little less about your looks as you grow in age. You can still maintain a good physique and take pride in eating well and having nice skin, etc... but if you're AS obsessed with your looks at 40 as you were at 20, then you're going to f*** yourself mentally. I am 34 and still care way too much. I need to care less about hair loss. somehow. because I am losing my f*****g hair.
Couldn't agree more.

Our vanity is undermining our wellbeing


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You should give me advices then.

1. Always wear sunscreen at least spf 30 every day all year round. Avoid the sun when you can, wear fake tan instead.
2. Sleep on your back to avoid sleep wrinkles.
3. Eat healthy, don't smoke, drink lots of water, sleep a lot, work out if you have the energy, don't do drugs… You know the drill ;)
4. Don't be depressed, if you can. This is easier said than done I know. Depression will age you in the long run.
5. Try not to crease your forehead.

That's all I've got at the top of my head lol


My Regimen
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1. Always wear sunscreen at least spf 30 every day all year round. Avoid the sun when you can, wear fake tan instead.
2. Sleep on your back to avoid sleep wrinkles.
3. Eat healthy, don't smoke, drink lots of water, sleep a lot, work out if you have the energy, don't do drugs… You know the drill ;)
4. Don't be depressed, if you can. This is easier said than done I know. Depression will age you in the long run.
5. Try not to crease your forehead.

That's all I've got at the top of my head lol

never smile to avoid crows feet: check


My Regimen
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I've often though that one of the most challenging aspects of hair loss is the loss you have in looks. As others have said, you can take a man and judge him a 6 or 7, but if you were to take away his hair then he would become a 4 or a 5. Obviously this is devastating. The man could have dated easily in the past, but now he has lost most of his seductive power and he must now be either celibate or settle for less than desirable females.

This is, of course, quite brutal.

But it had me thinking - perhaps everyone goes through this. After all, we all age at some point. And so I had a quite search across the internet and found that women have the exact same issues. In fact, many of them found it just as devastating losing their looks with age as you men do with your hair.

They bemoan no longer getting hit on; no more flirting; no more privilege; less sex; feeling ugly etc.

So here is the thread that showed me that we go through it and that ageing (or becoming uglier) is something we all go through on a long enough time scale:

On the one hand I think what you're getting across is a pretty harmless "human connectivity" exercise, on the other hand I sympathise with those in this thread who are saying "are you seriously comparing this?".

I mean what next, a reddit thread about 80 year olds who no longer feel attractive? We may as well just get completely nihilistic and existential about it all, time passes, it hurts, time hurts us in ways, and we all get to a stage where we're ignored and die. We may as well go as far as to sympathise with the majority of people, as most people were never attractive to begin with. And I mean truly attractive, on instant appearance, 8/10+, anything lower requires some thought and a feeling out process, probably more so for women as even handsome men will f*** anything with a slim body, everyone knows it's basically still good, but women don't have the same thought process with an "average" male body.

So the majority of people never really got to experience being truly desirable, and not having to worry about seeing pictures or even looking at themselves in the mirror. The difference is with balding, men are among that majority, most are not attractive, then they get that early kick in the teeth, that before they get the chance to settle down and live out a normal life with a partner, they lose something that plunges them in both looks and status, significantly down the ladder.

OK everyone will have to deal with ageing, even death, it's all relative in the context you're putting across, but the women in those threads often mention reasons why they're truly struggling with ageing, it's because they let their best years pass for some reason like career or whatever. Well not to be completely unsympathetic but f***, 15 or 20 years of an adult life and now your looks are diminishing, you want even more time? If women were still just as attractive into their 50's, these same women would still be "struggling" with how they're ageing at age 58, still focusing on their career and money, wondering if any guy wants them still.

I mean, c'mon.

Some days I become aware within myself that while personality has a basis in how I see other people, looks are really all I care about when it comes to myself. Nothing else I will do even matters unless I feel attractive, I don't know how I'll struggle if I hit baldness or old age, and I'll be complaining just like the women in that reddit thread. If I get more money next year, it won't matter if I'm not attractive, if I manage to build up my intelligence, that won't matter if I'm not good looking with brains as well.


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I've often though that one of the most challenging aspects of hair loss is the loss you have in looks. As others have said, you can take a man and judge him a 6 or 7, but if you were to take away his hair then he would become a 4 or a 5. Obviously this is devastating. The man could have dated easily in the past, but now he has lost most of his seductive power and he must now be either celibate or settle for less than desirable females.

This is, of course, quite brutal.

But it had me thinking - perhaps everyone goes through this. After all, we all age at some point. And so I had a quite search across the internet and found that women have the exact same issues. In fact, many of them found it just as devastating losing their looks with age as you men do with your hair.

They bemoan no longer getting hit on; no more flirting; no more privilege; less sex; feeling ugly etc.

So here is the thread that showed me that we go through it and that ageing (or becoming uglier) is something we all go through on a long enough time scale:

A young man looking 40 at 21 because of a not-so-nice Norwood 3 can't be compared to the average woman, who loses her looks at worst at 40.

In fact, you brought up an interesting topic. Women are very attached to every aspect of their looks and their body. We men care only about not being fat, not being bald and dressing good.

I think the lack of women in executive positions is related to them relying on their looks too much, then losing ALL confidence at the first signs of (legit) aging. It takes a whole lot of confidence and years of hard work to make it in upper management or high political positions. Baldcels lose their confidence in their 20s and women do just before 'Executive age', which roughly begins at 40. This is probably linked to the lack of women and baldcels in executive positions.

(Daily reminder the Western world stopped electing bald presidents/PMs in the 80s-90s)


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My Regimen
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I found lot of women with wrinkles attractive.
They're all attractive, tellersquill (Ellen Barkin's arms--wow!), but I agree with EL that they're "not so hot" as men (who don't have the benefit of makeup) aging at the same pace. I absolutely hate aging, and I have looked after myself for my entire life and still do. Regardless of making the best efforts to maintain a youthful appearance, without good genes, there comes a point where only cosmetic surgeries/treatments will help.


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They're all attractive, tellersquill (Ellen Barkin's arms--wow!), but I agree with EL that they're "not so hot" as men (who don't have the benefit of makeup) aging at the same pace. I absolutely hate aging, and I have looked after myself for my entire life and still do. Regardless of making the best efforts to maintain a youthful appearance, without good genes, there comes a point where only cosmetic surgeries/treatments will help.

Good to see you posting again Joan.


My Regimen
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Im not seeing a lot of great looking older men unless they are wealthy and taking care of themselves

Men get surgeries too and botox and

its just funny that people dont know this

Dolph Lundgren--looks he's been seeing Slys Plastic Surgeon over the years just like most of Hollywood men.

I dont see many average working class men aging well.

Is there a rare unicorn that looks good? sure. not often

Its more that wealthy men age well.

men are getting face lifts, eye jobs, fillers, botox and lipo.

they also get muscle implants to replace what they lost with aging.


My Regimen
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Im not seeing a lot of great looking older men unless they are wealthy and taking care of themselves

Men get surgeries too and botox and

its just funny that people dont know this

Dolph Lundgren--looks he's been seeing Slys Plastic Surgeon over the years just like most of Hollywood men.

I dont see many average working class men aging well.

Is there a rare unicorn that looks good? sure. not often

Its more that wealthy men age well.

men are getting face lifts, eye jobs, fillers, botox and lipo.

they also get muscle implants to replace what they lost with aging.

It's a great point.

Initially I agreed that ageing wrinkly men don't lose a lot of sex appeal, and some actually gain it, but this thought conjures up the rare few in our minds, Sean Connery, Dolph, Mads Mikkelsen, etc.

But these are rare cases, let's look at what I consider the 3 big heart throbs of my generation (since the 90's) and Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, they are all holding on to how they looked in their 30's. The wrinkles are not helping.

For an average guy? Without a team of people and possibly millions of dollars of ideas being pumped into how they keep their sex appeal? Getting old is not easy. Wrinkles are not helping.

Still easier than youthful baldness though.


My Regimen
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I just want to add

If the women of the age group are 18-25 now are more picky about mens looks then when i was 18-25 which it sounds like.

These women are not going to be as open on average to older men who are average looking or average pay check.

They dont sound like they are going to be 'okay' with aging men since it sounds like they are not even okay with men their age group who are average...Im going by what men here post for this..other than what is posted here i have no idea.

Lookism--is going to affect men who are aging more so in the coming years then it has in past or present.