Actual Tens In Real Life...women Only


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The self-parody is the only part I agree with, guess it's a result of my depression getting worse, I did not believe it was even possible. Nevermind, I'm here to vent, since it la the only thing I can do, so even if I appear even more ridiculous and pathetic it's fine, as long as I retain what little sanity I have left. Venting on an anonymous forum is all I can do.

Your state of mind has really worsened over the past two months. Back in March/April you were cracking jokes. In the past two months you've become very dark. Does the UK trip have anything to do with this? When are you going back to Milan?

You really need to go see a psychiatrist - it is time for some drugs (temporarily so that you can go back to your *usual* gloomy self). Earlier this year when I was in a very bad place with work related anxiety and difficulty sleeping, Wolfpack and Hairblues (?) recommended getting some herbs to help cope. As a result, I got some anti-anxiety herbs which really helped. I didn't use them a lot, but just their presence in my apartment was helpful, as a psychological backup. Really helped me avoid a mental breakdown.

You need a brief respite to recuperate - drugs can give you that.


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Weinstein cracks me up, and so do his accusers.

He groped both male and females. It sounds to me, maybe he was trying to get them to be more extroverted for a movie

Did he rape all of these people. Who knows?

If a guy that looks like him, with a high Norwood can get some action, it gives a Norwood 4 like me hope.


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It inspires me to get money, using easier methods.

I think I'm going to dress as a female, and hope Weinstein gropes my man boobs. At least that way I can
some good free money off him.

Better yet, I'll be a homeless person, and hang around set. He beat me and raped me! Anything less than
a million dollars won't settle it. LOL. :D:eek:o_O:rolleyes:


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It's like winning the lottery, you're like "great!", you quit your job, and go sip cocktail and f*** high-end escorts day in day out on some paradise island. That will get old after a few weeks, and you'll start longing the days when your life had some challenges built into it.

I also think that you never get a virtue without a corresponding vice. If you're very good-looking, how do you know if people truly appreciate you or if they're just being sycophants who will tell you everything you want to hear so they can keep you around? This has more downsides than people like to think.

My ex-girlfriend would always do everything I told her to do because she didn't want to upset me. You'd think "great, my personal slave!", but people actually hate to do things they know they don't want do, and deep down, they'll become resentful about it, even if it's unconscious, and their frustration accumulates over time.

I've gotten the old "world's smallest violin" treatment for writing about this in the past (and that's not a dig at anyone, it's completely understandable really).

The happiest people in life aren't happy at all, they're humbly content, because they don't constantly have their mind on this pursuit of eternal happiness. They know that Utopia isn't ever going to be out there, and life has to be set up with some form of balance between excitement of success, and the difficulties of failure.

Only when forced out of your comfort zone are you really going to gain any sort of self-realization as to the extent of what you can achieve, or even just feel. If everything is eternal bliss and you gorge yourself on all of the superficial things that you've been brainwashed into believing are happiness, you'll quickly be unchallenged, and empty.

There's a huge amount of terribly depressing stories of lottery winners, to go with your example. Most people are completely out of touch with themselves and don't understand their own psychology, and this couldn't be explored more than a person with an unimaginable amount of money just falling on their lap (especially if they're relatively young, but definitely not exclusively).

Challenges, achievements, disappointments are also now unimaginable, once that money hits the bank account what is expected is never ending blissful gluttony. That's just impossible to attain forever.

Even the thrills get dull inevitably, and seeking more just ends in catastrophe.

A woman I know in her mid-30s, very attractive and a wild previous life of drug use and probably Chad's, put this simply and brilliantly when this topic of a 25 year old local winning big in the lottery and how amazing that is to be so young and have the world as your oyster, imagine that?!

"Oh, no! God no! If I won the lottery 10 years ago I'd be dead."


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Overseas in Asia I asked for some sleeping pills for the long plane trips, they gave me over the counter vallium (diazepam). Best sh*t ever. mellows you right out. Had some left over when I got back took one every so often when I was feeling stressed

Asked my Doctor if I could get a prescription to take them casually. Got denied. bullshittttttt


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probably for the best. they say benzos are more addictive than heroin even.
Sleeping pills are for short-term only. The dangers are that your body quickly becomes adjusted to the pills and then you just need more and more to keep their effect. What helped me is a non-addictive anti-anxiety medication, it calms me down enough to get to sleep real fast and sleep soundly until the morning.


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Sleep is undoubtedly important. However, I read a study somewhat recently that said people who sleep a lot are more prone to neurological diseases later in life or something.

As with everything, moderation is key.


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Sleep is undoubtedly important. However, I read a study somewhat recently that said people who sleep a lot are more prone to neurological diseases later in life or something.

As with everything, moderation is key.
How many times have I heard the "I read a study" line.

The way I see it is; every individual is different.
What works for one, may not work for the other.
One individual may develop symptoms (of whatever disease) later on in life, another individual won't.

It's a lottery. Genetics!


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Anything is better than my current condition. Living in constant physical, emotional and psychological pain has turned me into a raving, paranoid depressed recluse, almost a lunatic.
And that's why you belong here.


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How many times have I heard the "I read a study" line.

The way I see it is; every individual is different.
What works for one, may not work for the other.
One individual may develop symptoms (of whatever disease) later on in life, another individual won't.

It's a lottery. Genetics!

I agree. All I'm saying is, usually overdoing anything, including sleep, does not necessarily produce the best results.


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Oversleeping is actually one symptom of depression.But lake of it is one too. He should sleep 6 hours/night ideally to function.
6 hours?! Are you crazy, girl? :eek::eek:
7-8 hours is the recommended amount for adults, teens and children need around 9 I've heard. Personally I feel like I've been hit by a truck if I sleep less than 7 hours, and function best at 8-9 hours.


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Drugs will help, but will make me more catatonic and probably worsen my finasteride-related brain fog. But my life is made of shitty compromises, so I'll get used to it.

Given your current condition, you could do with more brain fog, for a short period of time. Our bodies need breaks.

Sleep is essentially a deep brain fog.

Also, I am not sure all drugs necessarily make you catatonic. Conan O Brien is on antidepressants and he seems mentally as agile as ever. @EvilLocks also seems fine.


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Anything is better than my current condition. Living in constant physical, emotional and psychological pain has turned me into a raving, paranoid depressed recluse, almost a lunatic.

I'm quoting this just so that you can reread it again. Get help.



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