Actual Tens In Real Life...women Only


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Being heavily depressed, experiencing panic attacks that makes you want to jump out the window, being fully bald at the age of 22, having a psychotic episode, growing boobs because of the medication given to you to treat those previous ailments, gaining 15 kg, having temper tantrums because you just can't take it anymore, punching your own body during fits of rage while your family starts thinking that your case is hopeless (my uncle told my dad that he would be better off if I just ended it)...

How's that for a point of no return?

Damn, that's some fighting spirit right there.



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That woman would be quite attractive had she lost weight and possibly gotten a neck lift.

I still think she's attractive, certainly above average for her age. I think the curvy female figure* is more attractive then very skinny girls. *Note I said "curvy" not fat.

Yeah, I know.
Anyway a few posts back you did bring up an interesting point about people being born with above average intelligence.

I have been around some bitter men (all intelligent yet of average looks) complaining how attractive girls generally go for "idiots."
Translation; good-looking men of average intelligence.

Endlessly complaining about how those guys are lucky to be blessed at birth with high aesthetics.

Yet never acknowledging their own privilege as far as working in a well paying job and living in a nice apartment.
Courtesy of their high IQ.

They are also the luck ones.

Not quite mate. I do genuinely think a lot of girls are attracted to "idiots". By idiots I mean they're attracted to arrogant alpha male types. There was a guy in my office; wasn't intelligent, not an especially nice person, wasn't even that good looking. All he had was muscles and a vain, cocky arrogance and girls swooned over him. Girls won't admit this though because it would make them look shallow but the truth is they're just as shallow as men.


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Lol, girls were still being kind to me at the time but dating wasn't even on my mind.

This was something that went far beyond being able to attract girls, you seem to think it's some kind of holy grail and once you have it, all your problems are solved.

I agree that my parents' money was a big help. Well, it was not exactly money, all my treatments were basically free because my mother works in a pharmaceutical company.

Without that, I might have ended up in one of those scary psych wards, the kind you don't come back from.

Instead I was treated in a clinic where famous Belgian actors and even Belgian royals were treated.

Yeah, a little privileged I admit it.

"A little" is an understatement. With your luck anybody could have had a happy life. "Fighting spirit" my arse.


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I still think she's attractive, certainly above average for her age. I think the curvy female figure* is more attractive then very skinny girls. *Note I said "curvy" not fat.

Not quite mate. I do genuinely think a lot of girls are attracted to "idiots". By idiots I mean they're attracted to arrogant alpha male types. There was a guy in my office; wasn't intelligent, not an especially nice person, wasn't even that good looking. All he had was muscles and a vain, cocky arrogance and girls swooned over him. Girls won't admit this though because it would make them look shallow but the truth is they're just as shallow as men.



Land whale:



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Not quite mate. I do genuinely think a lot of girls are attracted to "idiots". By idiots I mean they're attracted to arrogant alpha male types. There was a guy in my office; wasn't intelligent, not an especially nice person, wasn't even that good looking. All he had was muscles and a vain, cocky arrogance and girls swooned over him. Girls won't admit this though because it would make them look shallow but the truth is they're just as shallow as men.
Not quite. It's common knowledge that women pick on on things about men that other men obviously can't see.
It's clear this "idiot" (lazy description) guy at your work had qualities that you as a hetro male could not appreciate.

Maybe he was good with kids, good with animals, had a soft heart that he only displayed to certain females.
Maybe he was good with his hands?

But most importantly- he was probably a great lover. Something most men struggle with.

This guy is hardly an idiot. In fact he was probably the smartest dude in the workplace.
You just couldn't pick up on it.


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I still think she's attractive, certainly above average for her age. I think the curvy female figure* is more attractive then very skinny girls. *Note I said "curvy" not fat.

Not quite mate. I do genuinely think a lot of girls are attracted to "idiots". By idiots I mean they're attracted to arrogant alpha male types. There was a guy in my office; wasn't intelligent, not an especially nice person, wasn't even that good looking. All he had was muscles and a vain, cocky arrogance and girls swooned over him. Girls won't admit this though because it would make them look shallow but the truth is they're just as shallow as men.

Yes, easiest way to explain it is that women are just like men when it comes to sex/relationships, just with all the cards. How much do women factor in personality? As much as men. (Obviously varies from person to person). How much do women care about intelligence? About as much as men.


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Not quite. It's common knowledge that women pick on on things about men that other men obviously can't see.
It's clear this "idiot" (lazy description) guy at your work had qualities that you as a hetro male could not appreciate.

Maybe he was good with kids, good with animals, had a soft heart that he only displayed to certain females.
Maybe he was good with his hands?

But most importantly- he was probably a great lover. Something most men struggle with.

This guy is hardly an idiot. In fact he was probably the smartest dude in the workplace.
You just couldn't pick up on it.

Well, "idiot" may be a "lazy description" but I was only quoting your previous post. It's clear this guy had other qualities? You knew him did you? Look, it's possible he did have other qualities that I may have missed but I don't think so. Just trust me - I knew him pretty well and I'm a good judge of character.
I can go into a bit more detail about about what this guy was like. His main topic of conversation was about himself or should I say how great he thought he was, he used to strut around the office shouting "BOOM" all the time for some reason and his behaviour towards women bordered on the creepy - he would ask them to feel his biceps and chest for example. He was also a manipulative sneak who would cause trouble between co workers. I could go on but you get the idea; even if you're right and this guy did have some other qualities he was still an intensely irritating, vain, arrogant, creepy, boring pain.
I'll say it again - girls are attracted to arrogant, cocky men. They won't admit it, they may say they like "nice" guys but if you can't see this then you don't understand women as much as you say you do.


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Well, "idiot" may be a "lazy description" but I was only quoting your previous post. It's clear this guy had other qualities? You knew him did you? Look, it's possible he did have other qualities that I may have missed but I don't think so. Just trust me - I knew him pretty well and I'm a good judge of character.
I can go into a bit more detail about about what this guy was like. His main topic of conversation was about himself or should I say how great he thought he was, he used to strut around the office shouting "BOOM" all the time for some reason and his behaviour towards women bordered on the creepy - he would ask them to feel his biceps and chest for example. He was also a manipulative sneak who would cause trouble between co workers. I could go on but you get the idea; even if you're right and this guy did have some other qualities he was still an intensely irritating, vain, arrogant, creepy, boring pain.
I'll say it again - girls are attracted to arrogant, cocky men. They won't admit it, they may say they like "nice" guys but if you can't see this then you don't understand women as much as you say you do.
Haha.... You're a good judge of character. This arrogance is your downfall.
Anyway, I'll say it again..
You are not a woman!

Now I'm suspecting this guy had a strong personality and comparable looks to go with it.
Good luck to him. He is obviously doing something right.

Somehow this "idiot" in your workplace has outsmarted all of the entitled geniuses at work and scored with all the desirable women.

I hope he's banging one right now!


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People need more sleep when there bodies are healthier. Sad but true.

I can barely function on five.


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Haha.... You're a good judge of character. This arrogance is your downfall.
Anyway, I'll say it again..
You are not a woman!

Now I'm suspecting this guy had a strong personality and comparable looks to go with it.
Good luck to him. He is obviously doing something right.

Somehow this "idiot" in your workplace has outsmarted all of the entitled geniuses at work and scored with all the desirable women.

I hope he's banging one right now!

No need to get personal chum. I trust my instincts and judgement when it comes to people, there's nothing arrogant about that.
Do you really think the negative personality traits and vile behaviour of this guy equals a strong personality or is it just that you havn't got a decent counter argument? But that's your problem - all your arguments are based on what you think and assume you know about this guy without even meeting him. You're also being judgemental about myself and calling me names (probably because you're losing the argument). I'm beginning to see why other forum members are putting you on ignore.
Anyway, I'm not willing to get into a long drawn out argument with the likes of you. I've seen the way you behave in other threads and I'm not biting, sorry. Go and troll someone else please.
BTW my main point still stands weather you chose to ignore it or not - Girls are attracted to arrogant guys.
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No need to get personal chum. I trust my instincts and judgement when it comes to people, there's nothing arrogant about that.
Do you really think the negative personality traits and vile behaviour of this guy equals a strong personality or is it just that you havn't got a decent counter argument? But that's your problem - all your arguments are based on what you think and assume you know about this guy without even meeting him. You're also being judgemental about myself and calling me names (probably because you're losing the argument). I'm beginning to see why other forum members are putting you on ignore.
Anyway, I'm not willing to get into a long drawn out argument with the likes of you. I've seen the way you behave in other threads and I'm not biting, sorry. Go and troll someone else please.
BTW my main point still stands weather you chose to ignore it or not - Girls are attracted to arrogant guys.
Okay, you made some fine points and I can appreciate your approach.
Look, all I'm saying is; this guy may have been arrogant and self-aggrandizing around other men but is it possible he showed another side of his character around the women in your office?

One more thing, please.... This guy may not have been terribly good-looking in your eyes, but....(again) you are not female!

His looks obviously complimented his brash, cocky attitude.
I mean, there is a shitload of cocky arrogant men out there who fail miserably with the finer sex.

I admire this guy!

Have a nice day (whatever time it is in your area)


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"A little" is an understatement. With your luck anybody could have had a happy life. "Fighting spirit" my arse.
Dante, if someone like Jeff Bezos handed you a million dollars( let's just say he did even though I know you are thinking why bother when it would never happen), what would you do with it? Would you use it to change your looks? Would you retire? Would you invest it?


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Dante, if someone like Jeff Bezos handed you a million dollars( let's just say he did even though I know you are thinking why bother when it would never happen), what would you do with it? Would you use it to change your looks? Would you retire? Would you invest it?

You are right, why bother? Still, I would get as many hair transplants as necessary to be a fullhead again, then I would buy a house in a place far, far away, away from shitty people and this shitty society, to die alone and in peace. I had enough pain and misery for one life.


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You are right, why bother? Still, I would get as many hair transplants as necessary to be a fullhead again, then I would buy a house in a place far, far away, away from shitty people and this shitty society, to die alone and in peace. I had enough pain and misery for one life.

Please stop thinking like that. Just because people act like assholes in your job now, doesn't mean they will in your
future job.

I believe you are sincere, and think you are ugly. That is a thought. That doesn't make it true. Do you see what I mean?


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Okay, you made some fine points and I can appreciate your approach.
Look, all I'm saying is; this guy may have been arrogant and self-aggrandizing around other men but is it possible he showed another side of his character around the women in your office?

One more thing, please.... This guy may not have been terribly good-looking in your eyes, but....(again) you are not female!

His looks obviously complimented his brash, cocky attitude.
I mean, there is a shitload of cocky arrogant men out there who fail miserably with the finer sex.

I admire this guy!

Have a nice day (whatever time it is in your area)

Ok mate no problem. I'm perfectly happy to converse with you in the future as long as you can be civil and respect the fact that other people may have different opinions to yourself. Truce. :)


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I only see how hypocritical and full of sh*t you really are. You changed your mind on things real fast when you realized how attractive you are, didn't you? Looks like two different users were using your account.

that's why he changed his username

he transitioned from baldcel fred to bluepilled white tall bear